View Full Version : A new body has joined the fight.

Exin Sharr
01-05-2013, 05:22 AM
A lone man in gleaming armor stand with his Sword and Shield against an army of the Undead. He slashes and hacks, always blocking at the precise moment as he begins to mow down the army single-handed. In midst of the fight he notices a figure clad in raggish looking armor standing at his side with a dagger in one hand.
"Hail Sir Rhodri, Shall we finish this up?"
The man darts around the undead killing anything foolish enough to get to close to him. While Sir Rhodri kills anything that the man does not. The fight subsides as the undead die and the man starts to collecting heads off the Undead and any spare coins they had.
Sir Rhodri looks at the man, "Not very suited for the graveyard just yet are you?"
"No, not really but I do what I can to get by." He dusts his armor off, "Last name's Sharr, Nice to meet you."
"I see, well you should be more careful out here. Murderers are plenty out here." Rhodri sheathes his sword and shield.
"Are you in a guild?" Exin looked at Rhodri and sat down to rest.
"I am and am not at the same time, I look to rebuild Wessex." Rhodri quickly dispatched another undead before returning.
"I see, very well. I shall join you in doing so!" Exin smiled and together they left the graveyard before they were overwhelmed again.
Actual Story though the ending is rushed because I can't quote Rhodri correctly...
I am a simple footman, I prefer to stay in the shadows and strike when possible. I use whatever tactics I can to make sure I am alive when it all ends. Some of my tactics may not be savory but I must do what I can to live.