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View Full Version : How do i enter this great kingdom my lord?

Shadow Fairchild
01-03-2013, 09:17 PM
I have traveled far from the realm of britannia. I have searched far and wide for a good PVP game and a group of heros to share in my travels.
Tis this be my stop? May i enter your great lands and share an adventure with you?

Azzerhoden Razeri
01-03-2013, 10:05 PM
Greetings Shadow Fairchild,

Thank you for entering our fair city. Should you be interested in swearing fealty to His Grace, I would direct you to this door (http://duchyofwessex.org/forum/showthread.php?8582-Welcome-to-the-Duchy-of-Wessex-Important-Information), where the proper documentation can be completed.
