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View Full Version : Torrax Redhilt here, looking to re-join WSX in DFUW.

Torrax Redhilt
12-31-2012, 01:10 AM
wasn't sure where to post it, so i just started my own thread. I played with WSX in MO, and would like to play again with you all in DF UW. I'll stop by the TS3 as soon as i'm given permission. cheers.

Manus Dei
12-31-2012, 06:47 AM
Well, looks like someone granted you villein status again, so it looks like you're in. Can you see the Commons and the Reception Chambers? The Teamspeak information should be in there. When you get into the DF beta, we'll be clanning as "Kingdom of Hyperion" of course - joint venture and all to raise the dominion score.

Amethys Aurelius
01-01-2013, 03:46 PM
Welcome back Torrax!