View Full Version : We need bank access in Hyperion Beta clan
Audin Cardew
12-29-2012, 05:15 PM
They are requesting Manus to be on to verify we should have bank access.... Right now we can only deposit.
Manus, Could you send a tell to Drogan or Draxyn to get us Wessex members
12-29-2012, 11:19 PM
That would be nice. I'm on deposit only also. I understand they're gunshy from the last time though, so I don't blame them.
Azzerhoden Razeri
12-30-2012, 12:10 AM
But it's beta, and there is going to be a wipe. All this does is make those of us not in the Imperium suffer. When I crashed yesterday and lost everything, I had everything I needed to sit down and do a bunch of crafting.
I also noticed that in the 'Clan Charter' in game, there is a listing for Imperium's web site, but not SSR or the Duchy. I am starting to get the feeling that the Hyperion Kingdom is not as team oriented as it should be.
Valens Bellator
12-30-2012, 05:39 AM
Try not to let it bother you too much. It's a bit early for internal strife, wouldn't you say? :p
Azzerhoden Razeri
12-30-2012, 06:24 AM
I was rather miffed that I lost 100 iron ingots and over 400 gold. Which put a serious crimp on my ability to crank out the dominion.
However, there is a thread in the darkfall forums on how to get back the stuff you have lost, and sometimes it dupes as well.
Plus with the resource chests, it is all rather moot at this point. :)
Manus Dei
12-30-2012, 10:07 AM
But it's beta, and there is going to be a wipe. All this does is make those of us not in the Imperium suffer. When I crashed yesterday and lost everything, I had everything I needed to sit down and do a bunch of crafting.
I also noticed that in the 'Clan Charter' in game, there is a listing for Imperium's web site, but not SSR or the Duchy. I am starting to get the feeling that the Hyperion Kingdom is not as team oriented as it should be.
That kind of thing is so obvious a faux pas that one would have to be blind. My better judgement tells me that the person who made the clan must not have known our websites. Whether true or not, the "democratic" aspect of Imperium has caused some hurdles in the otherwise straightforward organization of Hyperion, which shall have to be addressed.
At any rate, I have posted in that bank access be granted.
12-30-2012, 11:37 PM
Thank you Manus. I hope that sorts it out. It makes it much more difficult to enjoy when no one is in the area to remove my bag. I don't play DF to be made to feel like a child or not trustworthy. I know they were hit a bit hard before the last wipe, but there needs to be a little more cohesion, in my humble and villeinous opinion.
Valens Bellator
12-30-2012, 11:58 PM
Well this should cease to be a problem once the persistence bug is fixed and we can safely use our own personal banks. Until then, it's not unreasonable to be wary of giving every new member access to all of the guild's possessions.
Try not to take it personally... they're equally wary of all newcomers.
12-31-2012, 01:23 AM
Well this should cease to be a problem once the persistence bug is fixed and we can safely use our own personal banks. Until then, it's not unreasonable to be wary of giving every new member access to all of the guild's possessions.
Try not to take it personally... they're equally wary of all newcomers.
I don't, I just don't like being not trusted. It will work itself out. I'm trying to party with as many different members of other groups as I can to show them I'm trustworthy. I may be new to this clan, but I'm one of the oldest members of the game, sans beta. It's tough, though, having been solo much of my time, makes me not well known to the clans.
Valens Bellator
12-31-2012, 02:55 AM
I don't, I just don't like being not trusted. It will work itself out. I'm trying to party with as many different members of other groups as I can to show them I'm trustworthy. I may be new to this clan, but I'm one of the oldest members of the game, sans beta. It's tough, though, having been solo much of my time, makes me not well known to the clans.
I know the feeling; I've followed Darkfall for ages and was originally something of a refugee here in Wessex (my original clan disbanded long ago). I can assure you that you'll have everyone's trust in no time if you persist in participating with the rest of Hyperion in-game and on Teamspeak, though! :)
Proximo Coriolanus
12-31-2012, 07:16 AM
The thing about trust is you have to earn it. Accepting recruits while a game launches will get you a little bit of everything including spies and cheats. Plenty of people in df 1 got there banks stolen by "trusted" members, they do this for fun.
Limiting access is a necessity in darkfall and we should not keep everything in the clan bank, but spread it between most members.
Manus Dei
12-31-2012, 07:57 AM
The clan bank ought to be understood as the clan's very treasury, it's coffers and stores. As such, general clanwide vault access is certainly not something that will persist past this beta. It is merely a symptom of this very peculiar time of bugged necessity.
Altus Whyte
12-31-2012, 01:18 PM
Both Hyperion sheriffs of WSX and SSR have been given manager access, and can now assign access to and verify members of their clan.
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