View Full Version : A Mahirim Approaches...

Longclaw Ferraal
12-27-2012, 08:02 PM
While roaming the wilderness, you come across a strange hut. It seems deserted, but, curious, you decide to enter. The hut, made of mud, straw, and sticks, seems to have been freshly vacated. You begin to look for any clue to its inhabitants, when you hear footsteps behind you...

Turning around, looking through the door you just entered through, you see a party of Kobolds, still about 100m away. They have yet to detect you. They appear to number around 5, and are headed directly towards the hut! Discovery emminent, you rush out of the hut, running in the opposite direction. Just as you leave the door you hear them cry in rage, that you have disturbed their home.

As you sprint away as fast as your legs can carry you, you hear arrows whizzing through the air. Glancing back you see a few of the creatures in pursuit. Boy, they can run fast! Unable to outrun them, you turn to fight.

Three are rushing towards you, not more than 30m away, while two stand back and fire arrows from afar. You pull out your bow, nock an arrow, aim at one of the archers, release, hit! Dropping your bow to the ground you confront the rushing attackers.

The first one reaches you just as you manage to draw your sword. Just as he thrusts his spear toward your midsection, you hack through the shaft of his weapon, leaving him defenseless. You hear the whistle of an arrow headed your way. Grabbing him by the torso, you lift your defenseless attacker as a shield. THUD. Success.

Letting the dying kobold slip from your arms, you set your sights upon the next attacker. He leaps at you with his shortsword, swinging for your throat. Jumping to the side, you evade his blows and stab his back while he falls to the ground. Two Kobolds remain.

The archer, seemingly out of arrows is rushing towards you with blade drawn, while his last remaining fellow waits for him, seemingly to attack together. Not to be outsmarted, you rush the close kobold before his help arrives. Stabbing him through the stomach, he falls, but you cannot withdraw your blade, it appears to be stuck! The last kobold almost upon you, weaponless, you prepare to defend yourself barehanded, however slim your chances might be. The kobold slowly, mockingly, walks toward you.

"You think you can defend yourself without a blade? This'll be fun." He taunts.
Just as he utters those final words, you hear the whizzing of an arrow, and the projectile buries itself in the creature's skull.

"Greetings friend, I thought you could use some assistance." You see a hooded Mahirim wielding a bow step out from behind a tree.


Greetings! I am Longclaw Ferraal and I come to join the ranks of the Duchy! I have been following Darkfall for quite some time now, and playing on and off. Now that Unholy Wars is approaching, I hope to find a place to stay. I am unsure of what kind of character I plan to create, but whatever it may be it will be in search of fame and glory for the Duchy. I hope to see all of you in game! Don't be shy, I'll be more than happy to go and do whatever with you, from PvP to Mob Farming to Village Capping (If its still in) to whatever. See you in Agon!

Azzerhoden Razeri
12-28-2012, 12:16 AM
Greetings Longclaw!

Welcome to the Duchy of Wessex!
You should have access to several sections in these forums now. Are you participating in the Darkfall Beta?

Longclaw Ferraal
12-28-2012, 01:31 AM
Yes, I am in the Beta, and thanks for the welcome!

Manus Dei
12-31-2012, 07:52 AM
Longclaw, as your story suggests, your arrival is not a moment too soon. Welcome to the duchy - we too have been playing Darkfall "off and on" and, like yourself have also finally settled in to make a serious go of it again. I'll look for you in the beta - don't forget we are operating as "Kingdom of Hyperion" at present when you look as up. And of course, we are all collectively sorry that now as a mahirim you look like nothing more than one of us with a Teen Wolf mask, but on the other hand, you'll fit in better!

Longclaw Ferraal
01-04-2013, 08:50 PM
Thanks for the welcome, and yes, haha the Mahirim look ridiculous now. I have been in the Beta under my forum name and in the in-game clan for about a week now, and I have taken to the Warrior role, which seems to suit me well so far.