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View Full Version : The Duchy Treasury

Azzerhoden Razeri
12-27-2012, 05:18 PM
It is still up in the air about how valuable gold will be (since it appears a lot of the skills you purchase require prowess), but I wanted to share something that my old corporation/alliance did in EvE. I am not opposed to taxes either, but this is an alternative method for earning gold or resources for the Duchy. The feesibility would have to be tested as well.

Because our 0.0 was far from high sec, and because no one in EvE likes paying taxes either, my corp had a rule that all resources gathered in 0.0 space had to be sold to the corp at a price that was around 75% of the current market value. It would then use those raw materials to produce ships that it sold to the players at prices below the market value.

I was thinking that something similar might work in DF. As an example, the Duchy might purchase stead grass from players, and in return, sell the mounts to our players. The benefit to the players is that they have a ready source of mounts.

Mounts might not be a great example, but the concept could be applied to armor, weapons, and more. We may still need to tax our members, but this may provide a way to reduce those taxes.

All of which may be moot, as at the moment it does not appear that gold has much value, other than purchasing components and newb armor and weapons.

Proximo Coriolanus
12-30-2012, 11:43 PM
Things break and people die, crafting costs resources and gold and you can buy resources for gold. There will always be a need for resupply and a active market, and I do support having everyone in the duchy partake within a market system where everyone buys or trades. At the begining though to powerlevel crafters the best way is just to pool everything to have the edge of reaching better swords before the enemy and alot of them.