View Full Version : PvP in Darkfall Unholy Wars.

Proximo Coriolanus
12-25-2012, 06:57 AM
From what we have learned thus far and what we will learn in the future, possible systems will be made and discussed.

Starting off with highly specialized players/roles, example; Warrior/Battle-Brand primary role/1 handed maces/train defensive skills/parry and shields; Warrior/Baresark primary role/2 handed hammers/train AoE offensive skills; Skirmisher/Archery first melee second no matter what role you have first/2 handed swords.

Mages are all technically nukers so I have no input on what they should do besides blow the enemy up from range. The reason for maces on warriors is because magic is the only thing that heavily damages armoured people, we don't want our mages running forever. We have not tested the effectiveness of maces but there's a good chance depending on the armour that they do more damage to heavy armour.

If we have specialists who accel in 1 aspect over becoming competent at single combat for all aspects we will as a group have the upper hand. This is for the start and middle of the game, obviously it will even out over time and every individual will be able to deal with more circumstances.

Supporting one another's roles will be an efficient way to capitalize on everyone's strengths and cover everyone's weakness. having a strong battle line of defenders and heavy strikers will give us the unmoving and devastating anvil. Skirmishers will be the far reaching arm, screening the heavies and peppering the enemies and choice targets (Mages most likely top priority). Wizards will serve as artillery (Scorpions,Crossbows,Catapults) the hard hitting ranged bursters who will take refuge within/behind/around the battleline.

Skirmishers make contact and keep on the enemy from range until they either chase or flee, kiting seems there main specialty. Elementalists let loose a punishing volley until we close with. Battlebrand is the shield, smashing any warriors who wish to get stuck in and absorbing all ranged dmg. Baresark fly into the fray punishing all within reach. Cavalry would come into play if we had enough warriors to assure a strong anvil or if there is a route after battle and all the warriors mount to ride down few survivors. If an enemy retreats with full strength never pursue with haste they will turn and you will be out of position, only if we kill many in battle would we follow the route.

Even in a 3 man group this is what we should see, as we grow stronger and as a full group I wish to bring back the formations we drilled to service crisp organization in what could be one of the most chaotic large pvp games ever. There are no tabards, banners, colour schemes on armour to easily distinguish friend from foe so far as we know. Our best bet is a tidy formation where everyone knows where they are and where everyone else is and what there job is and how there going to go about doing it. Preparation makes victory and we will be drilling in the near future within Darkfall Unholy Wars.

Azzerhoden Razeri
12-25-2012, 07:04 PM
I rolled a warrior after the last wipe because it seemed the fastest way to earn gold with the goblins. The first go around with a mage, I only gathered half as the others who were on that night. :)

My plan though is to go the mage route. I was thinking that a mage and archers would work best in a keep defense by saturating a wall or gate breech with a "Plow the Road" style of attack. The mages would cast their knock backs in the gap, while the skirmishers would saturate the ground with damage for those not knocked back. As enemies closed the distance the warriors would then finish off the enemy.

Of course, the mages and skirmishers would not be able to adjust their target area so that they would avoid damaging the warriors. Healers (if in game), would focus on our warriors, depending on what spell format exists.

Proximo Coriolanus
12-25-2012, 07:25 PM
Also since one of the best thing's warriors are good for is taking hits so far, friendly fire may be over looked to keep the damage up on any targets near them. Naturally the entire advantage of defending a castle is the fact it has choke points, few places to breach and enter where the enemy has to gather in force giving us clustered targets.

I wouldn't go so far as saying ranged weapon's working best in keep defense alone, they will always be an important part of fighting anywhere. Warriors should also have training in archery or mana missile simply because you will not always be able to sticky back people, alot of the game is running away. Skirmishers and mages have skills that make it easier to kite melee, knock backs/ups, blinding shots, speed boosts etc.

I've heard mages are terrible at farming, equip a 2 hander and level that on your mage you'll surprise anyone your fighting.

Azzerhoden Razeri
12-25-2012, 09:50 PM
Warriors should also have training in archery or mana missile simply because you will not always be able to sticky back people, alot of the game is running away. Skirmishers and mages have skills that make it easier to kite melee, knock backs/ups, blinding shots, speed boosts etc.

I've heard mages are terrible at farming, equip a 2 hander and level that on your mage you'll surprise anyone your fighting.

LOL, I didn't even think of those points. Too caught up in the roles I was. Yes. Hmmmm. (Ok, wrong genre again).

Audin Cardew
01-30-2013, 03:40 PM

They have added clan/alliance tags over a players head that will help some in regards to chaotic PVP skirmishes.

Spirit Hawk
04-24-2013, 02:19 PM
I would say just like DF everyone tray staff bolt because that is your free damage range dealer for any Role. First thing I did still have not settled into a role but I am not like everyone else and going for boosters yet. They are meant for end game when you have large diminishing returns not in the beginning. Playing a Warrior now sword and board but might try out this mace thing to see if it is true. I also have Primalist trained pretty high. They are a pretty good class.

Azzerhoden Razeri
04-24-2013, 03:46 PM
The boosters give you the most bang for the buck in the beginning. For 300 prowess you get +10 in that stat plus bonus hit points, mana, or stamina.

I am an Elementalist, but I went with 3 strength boosters to begin with for the hit points. I have yet to get my fourth because I will eventually go with Int boosters and I did not want to spend the 3K prowess for something I would not use. However, having those STR boosters allows me to switch roles to a warrior and grind mob prowess more effectively.

I believe Sir Audin has all 4 STR boosters as it makes his primalist more effective in combat.

Apoca Ailen
04-25-2013, 02:56 AM
Ah, I made the mistake of investing in Wisdom booster first :( Perhaps I should have gone with strength.