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Kain Pendragon
11-29-2012, 06:47 AM
For whatever reason, whether it be Duchy with a capital D or duchy without it, your site has disliked my answer to the random guild question and refused to consider me for membership. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending upon how this plays out, after numerous attempts and multiple spellings, Kain Pendragon is now registered.

So I will state my case for acceptance here, since I have managed to preserve my original request in a separate window:

Where did you hear about the Duchy of Wessex and what attracted you into joining us?:

Darkfall forums. I was born with an unusual birthmark. It is in the shape of a star on the top of my right hand with the point located directly between my second and third knuckle. Whether this is coincidence or divine blessing, I have become a master wielder of all weapons with this hand. I have fought for bandits, curs, usurpers, and the lord of chaos. But as youth (and arrogance) gives way to wisdom (and guilt), my sword went into retirement and was hung on a wall (of shame). Until now. A friend spoke to me about a man who he described as Lux Divina. A man who could peel back the darkness of Agon and bring peace through strength. Thus, here am I.

What skills, talents or experience do you possess that you feel would make you a useful or interesting member of the Duchy?:

<ooc> I have a BA in English from the University of Florida. As a dungeon master from the mid-80s, I love the evolution this clan represents from pen and paper to mouse and keyboard. So, beyond my appreciation for what Manus has created here, my usefulness comes in the form of my PVP ability. While I am not as skilled in DF1 as Umberto, Try Hard or Cattboy, I am better than Sir Balin, Jedi Mind, and Typed Force. In DF2 you will not have the luxury of doing good damage from range and then closing to melee range and being able to fall back on maxed melee skills to kill. As a result, a VET from DF1 will be weak in DF2 if he is unable to close distance (as melee) or maintain it (as range), I expect to be a dominant PVPer where intellect overcomes MAX SKILLZ.

If accepted, what are you hoping to get out of your time with the Duchy of Wessex?:

Honestly? A Kingdom in Agon. Under my Emperor Manus, of course.

Oath of Fealty:

My sword is yours.

My apologies for my method. But when there is no clear path or it is hindered, I will carve my own.

Kain Pendragon

Manus Dei
11-29-2012, 06:57 AM
I'll tell you something, Kain, I am glad you perservered through all that. Who knows how many others were not able to get through it? What was the question it kept refusing to accept from you? That's a very frustrating thing to hear because I have not been able to make hide nor hare of what was done to this forum and I am still trying to fix it. Thankfully, when I accept your application, I do believe you will still be able to see these forums and participate (which has not been the case this week for the others who have come before you.)

At any rate, welcome, and thanks for blazing a trail!

Kain Pendragon
11-29-2012, 07:05 AM
My lord,

Complete the guild name: xxxxx of Wessex

Duchy, duchy, I tried 4+ times, but at some point, it accepted me with all fields blank. Not sure exactly how Kain Pendragon was accepted.

Manus Dei
11-29-2012, 07:17 AM
I think that's the new screen that Lord Brando put in this week because spam bots were circumventing the capcha. Thank you for catching that.