View Full Version : Plans?
Sayton Reinhardt
10-23-2012, 01:28 PM
Some matters that I think we should discuss before launch:
Server choice?
Personally I think it would be best to stay on EU. That's where we have our roots, and also some potential allies and old enemies and various in-betweens to pay a visit.
Immediate goals
What can we do with our numbers? I'm thinking it might be wise to settle in a chaos city and build strength and pvp experience from there, until we are ready to retake our seat in Long March, or some other city.
The Garrison
It would be great if we could start organizing our military. Maybe it's because I'm not in the garrison user-group. But I haven't seen or heard anything.
Bernardo dei Medici
10-24-2012, 02:16 AM
Some matters that I think we should discuss before launch:
Server choice?
Personally I think it would be best to stay on EU. That's where we have our roots, and also some potential allies and old enemies and various in-betweens to pay a visit.
Immediate goals
What can we do with our numbers? I'm thinking it might be wise to settle in a chaos city and build strength and pvp experience from there, until we are ready to retake our seat in Long March, or some other city.
The Garrison
It would be great if we could start organizing our military. Maybe it's because I'm not in the garrison user-group. But I haven't seen or heard anything.
I hope they go back to one server, I really do otherwise this is going to be a headache since I know I won't be able to convince MilitaryGamers which hosts 95% US military members to roll on an EU server.
I agree with your chaos city push. It would serve us well to hang around starter cities and go for a more guerrilla warfare style of combat at first. Be the raiders and the plunderers for once. The cities and the map in general is supposed to have received an overhaul so we'll have to weigh our options once we know more. It might actually be worth it to hold a city from day one this go around even if it is just one for the whole of the kingdom.
Not sure what Wessex is doing about a garrison. I'm not sure who your Constable even is at this point. If I had to make my best guess I would think it would fall to Otto.
I plan to start putting something together here in the next week or so for us to start training together in War of the Roses or something free if people don't have that game. We don't have the numbers to support formations this go around, but we really need a common foundation of command and control.
Manus Dei
10-24-2012, 06:23 AM
Thanks for fielding this one for me, but actually we don't have any one active until that email bomb goes out. So we can't yet say how we're organized or who we've got to be organized. You might as well just do 'er at this point. November's right around the corner and we need the activity for the sake of recruitment.
Erwin Carius
10-24-2012, 02:27 PM
We should start recruiting from forumfall as well, there's probably a few who would join if they knew we were getting back in the game.
Manus Dei
10-24-2012, 07:36 PM
Definitely - but we can't post there without an active account. Or has that changed? I think there are alternate places frequented by former forumfallers, though.
Erwin Carius
10-24-2012, 07:44 PM
All previous accounts are activated until they close servers, so I think you can post now.
Manus Dei
10-24-2012, 07:59 PM
Oh, very good news. Thank you. That will coincide with our mass email bomb then.
Sayton Reinhardt
10-24-2012, 08:33 PM
I'm pretty sure they're not going back to just 1 server. So in all likeliness, Wessex is going NA?
Manus Dei
10-24-2012, 11:42 PM
Oh, we really haven't decided one way or another.
Bernardo dei Medici
10-25-2012, 12:34 AM
Thanks for fielding this one for me, but actually we don't have any one active until that email bomb goes out. So we can't yet say how we're organized or who we've got to be organized. You might as well just do 'er at this point. November's right around the corner and we need the activity for the sake of recruitment.
Apologies, didn't want to speak for you or jump in on things as they are. Was that 'might as well just do 'er' comment for me? Just want to be clear so I don't come in swinging and wreck up the place :P
Manus Dei
10-25-2012, 08:04 AM
lol Yeah, meaning, the email know, "her".
I will enjoy making a post on the DF forums when all's ready to go.
Tsk, tsk, we have people like Elagost saying we'll never be what we were on the DF Forums. Shameful, that is. And grossly inaccurate.
Bernardo dei Medici
10-25-2012, 08:16 AM
Lol, got it. Yeah and just a heads up from the podcast ... I don't have nearly as much time as I once had :p
I think people are hesitant to make bold claims and statements, but hell, that's how we put together Hyperion in the first place. We had to believe we could pull in thousands of people otherwise we never would have reached that place. It's 'Aim High,' not 'Aim Low!'
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