View Full Version : Darkfall UW - Wipe or no wipe?
Cyndane Vadin
10-05-2012, 09:01 PM
I won't spoil the surprise :D
Sayton Reinhardt
10-05-2012, 10:02 PM
I think they've made the right decision. I was anti when it was first hinted, but after all the loot increase events the economy seems really fucked up.
Besides, the grind isn't as bad as it used to be, so it's no big deal.
I'm pretty sad about losing my bag with multiple of every holiday item ever dropped though. I was going to wait a few years and sell it as collectables.
Altus Whyte
10-06-2012, 10:15 AM
"Finally, I believe we all need a fresh start." Some sense finally coming from AV?
Perhaps Manus will even be able to get his own name this time around before some goon blocks it.
Manus Dei
10-06-2012, 08:12 PM
lol I don't think it was a goon - I think it was the profanity filter. "anus".
Altus Whyte
10-06-2012, 08:14 PM
Wooster Redwood
10-07-2012, 11:24 AM
Nothing profane about anus. It's a perfectly legimate description of waste management facility located on a living creature. Silly filters.
For Example: Hadrianus.
Manus Dei
10-07-2012, 06:32 PM
Erwin Carius
10-07-2012, 08:45 PM
Hadrianus Cockburn McDickbutt
Manus Dei
10-07-2012, 11:30 PM
I remember that guy from BdW.
Cyndane Vadin
10-08-2012, 05:23 PM
Best yet, "Pong Lenis".
Celiah Ailey
10-10-2012, 04:05 AM
Yeah, I always wondered about that choice as I was used to think of his grace as Manus. For a while I thought maybe I had missed something somewhere in the lore texts of Wessex >.> or perhaps that he had the same problem that Haeso did during the launch. But it was the profanity filter. Aha. :O
Celiah Ailey
10-10-2012, 04:40 AM
Speaking of Haeso. Is he on the mailing list and is there a chance he'll return for Darkfall: Unholy Wars? I think it would be fun to play on the same team this time around.
Also, what about Sempiternam? ... Good 'ol times. I remember the one single time I came to Long March for a trade. I was trading with someone and Haeso and Sempiternam were near the bank and he asked her to go with him for an evening stroll. Lol, that was so epic.. And I must have been green of pure jealousy. Here they were standing in Long March at the center of civilization and having fun roleplaying, romantically even! Meanwhile, I was an outcast from the Duchy of Wessex having to live out chaos stones on Yssam in the far corner of the corner continent Yssam, even. Far away from the Duchy of Wessex and the reach of Hyperion's KOS list. ..And the only way to get to a bank for me was to sneak into an enemy holding because the entire continent was owned by one alliance and I couldn't establish any reasonable diplomacy without them asking me to stop PvPing on the entire island. And I couldn't get a holding either with my gang of tribesmen. Meanwhile Haeso could hit the royal grove in Long March and kiss the finest maiden of the kingdom!
Yeah... That truly sucked. :D
Well, at least I got to prove myself and redeem my honor later on and it made it a lot more bearable that I had a KDR of 34,0 around this time. Over 1000 kills and just below 30 deaths. And I didn't farm alignment or get any free kills at the chaos city. It was just a lot of concentrated playing the game in a harsh and desolate environment, where I was always at risk and had to be careful. I had to kill people to bank my PvE loot that I would need badly to buy steedgrass for the excessive amount of mounts I would use, kill people farming my spots when they would have help in the nearby settlement, sneak around the entire time, hit & run and have fun. .. So at least Yssam kept me busy. ^.^
By the way, I've edited my signature in anticipation for Hyperion's return to Darkfall and my participation in it! I like the way it turned out, hope you like it :)
Zyconnic Wolfe
10-10-2012, 05:27 AM
Why no coloured text? :(
Aikar Walmoor
10-10-2012, 07:15 PM
Glad there is a wipe tbh.
Heya celiah
Cyndane Vadin
10-10-2012, 08:16 PM
I'm with Zyconnic, you let me down Celiah.
Manus Dei
10-11-2012, 04:47 AM
Sempiternam and Haeso are definitely around...A little bit of colored text would have been nice though...
Celiah Ailey
10-14-2012, 12:10 PM
Lol :D
*Sigh*, coloured text... ^.^
:) Okay, maybe next time.
Ps: Hi Aikar, Zyconnic and Cyndane.
Zyconnic Wolfe
10-18-2012, 06:59 PM
Wasn't it you who beat Haeso in a 1v1 duel? Something with you spamming mounts all the time and being better "prepared".. What fun that thread was xD
oh yes.. I found it... with Celiah commentary
Here (
Manus Dei
10-18-2012, 08:00 PM
lol Yeah. And what do you bet that duel and its repercussions was taken account into the "re-dev" of DFUW?
Celiah Ailey
10-19-2012, 12:11 AM
Well, I don't know. It's been so long ago. I've always hoped there would be room for cavalry specializations in an expansion to Darkfall, but there has never been anything apart from adding new mounts, but that's not what I was hoping for. The devs only nerfed the playstyle and dumbed down mounts to a feeble situational role. I tried for a long time to stay on my horse, but it got increasingly harder to play like that when AoE spells and witches brew became standard. Perhaps Darkfall Unholy Wars will feature a cavalry specialization, but we have heard nothing about it. I suppose it's not going to happen. However, maybe the entire redesign of the combat system will somehow affect the effectiveness of mounted combat and it will be viable again. We'll have to wait and see. Why, did you have something particular in mind? :)
Altus Whyte
10-19-2012, 09:34 AM
Where is the video of this duel which has the funky PVP music and the FIRE-KICK?
Manus Dei
10-21-2012, 03:35 AM
I just had hoped that they would make mounts viable this time without nerfing them...
Valens Bellator
11-13-2012, 01:40 AM
Well, I don't know. It's been so long ago. I've always hoped there would be room for cavalry specializations in an expansion to Darkfall, but there has never been anything apart from adding new mounts, but that's not what I was hoping for. The devs only nerfed the playstyle and dumbed down mounts to a feeble situational role. I tried for a long time to stay on my horse, but it got increasingly harder to play like that when AoE spells and witches brew became standard. Perhaps Darkfall Unholy Wars will feature a cavalry specialization, but we have heard nothing about it. I suppose it's not going to happen. However, maybe the entire redesign of the combat system will somehow affect the effectiveness of mounted combat and it will be viable again. We'll have to wait and see. Why, did you have something particular in mind? :)
Hah, it was you that dueled Haeso wasn't it? I was there for that... I think I recall you using 6-10 mounts throughout the fight.
Celiah Ailey
11-13-2012, 02:09 AM
Hah, it was you that dueled Haeso wasn't it? I was there for that... I think I recall you using 6-10 mounts throughout the fight.
Yes, that was me! And now I will play together with Haeso Legaude1. ;D
You were there for the duel? That's really awesome. I remember it so vividly. The beautiful grassland and the hilltops. Lol. Early game Darkfall was so full immersive and so full of impressions. What a fantastic time. I want to relive some of that magic.
Valens Bellator
11-13-2012, 02:19 AM
Yeah I was there; it seemed like half the server turned out for that one. Those were indeed fun times.
Celiah Ailey
11-13-2012, 02:32 AM
Darkfall: Unholy Wars is going to be pretty memorable. You should call on everyone you know and invite them to Wessex. We're in for some epic times and I seriously think people are missing out if they don't play.
Valens Bellator
11-13-2012, 10:35 AM
To be honest, I can't even begin to understand how you ended up aligning yourself with Hyperion and Wessex. I recall you were about the most vocal opponent of both on the Darkfall forums back in the day lol.
Glad to see you've had a change of heart. :p
Anyway, I remember you quite well as I was a member of Kirdain and we lived in Yssam for a stretch there.
Kyrendis Varen
11-13-2012, 01:25 PM
Obviously he is a sneaky spy!
Valens Bellator
11-13-2012, 01:50 PM
Obviously he is a sneaky spy!
Yes, his signature mirrors the subtle, under-the-radar style that most spies favor! :)
Celiah Ailey
11-13-2012, 10:54 PM
Hahahahaha :D
Yes, indeed, my signature is super subtle! It's so subtle that it defines subtlety.
On a more serious note, Valens, I was against Hyperion for two reasons. I was forced out of the clan after being a member for 1 year and putting in a staggering amount of effort into it. Also, I was disappointed that Hyperion took such a warmongering approach to the game. I was hoping that there would be more social elements to it because Wessex is such an intricately structured clan. However, Darkfall was/is SERIOUSLY oriented around warfare. And I can't say I had much insight into that at the time. But I've come to understand that Darkfall is seriously limited on the sandbox part, so you almost have to focus heavily on conquest in order to have fun and be great.
Aethelric Brandt
11-14-2012, 03:36 AM
You've also got to remember that conquest was crucial because we were making big moves early in the server's lifespan. With nothing settled, we were fighting for our lives and glory from the moment we began to the moment our cities fell. There was precious little time to do much but fight or mine resources to fight again or build defenses. We also were forced to struggle against the explicitly anti-social, anti-RP of the Goons, a situation which forced the most RP-inclined among us to counter-troll more than socialize.
With any luck, the narrative will be a bit different this time. Conquest, and battle, will always be central. We might, however, have a bit more breathing room to enjoy other aspects of the guild structure and set-up.
Azzerhoden Razeri
11-18-2012, 02:49 PM
The way to counter-troll the goons is to be straight up with the facts and acknowledge those aspects of their posts that are true. Then you can publicly dismiss the BS as propaganda. That is the strategy they use, and you will see it with any set back they suffer in game. They acknowledge it, make fun of themselves for it, than strategically adjust. The goons are masters at propaganda in games.
I have always enjoyed fighting against them because I never take their attacks personally. Getting others to take it personally is how they *win*.
Aethelric Brandt
11-19-2012, 12:55 AM
Very good point -- I believe Cynewulf was responding to the Goons quite masterfully, and I did my best to forumwarrior alongside him. But, alas, my style was/is more "human battering-ram" than "self-deprecation with a side of biting wit".
I hope no one took it too seriously: it was a messy, enormous, and altogether enjoyable struggle. The only thing I ever took very seriously was when some of my guildmembers holding our guild bank hostage because they were unhappy I'd brought in some rambunctious PvPers as a semi-sub.
Celiah Ailey
11-19-2012, 08:05 AM
Who were those PvPers?
Proximo Coriolanus
11-19-2012, 07:42 PM
Don't underestimate the power of the Goon's, in c-rpg strategus useing propaganda they amassed almost every other clan against the northern empire which consisted of the few top NA clans. Northern Empire destroyed there zergs with superior fighting skill and tactics in strat 1 and 2 and slowly fell off to greater numbers and fewer allies. Many people lost interest in strat because whenever we accomplished something they would shut it down and it would come back months later.
I've never known a goon to be able to stand among the good fighters of games and it's usually a fight against supply/numbers. There ability to sway people to there cause is legendary. If a game is ever 90% skill based like mount and blade c-rpg then zergs are beatable with fewer numbers and good political and strategical maneuvering.
Late strategus was pritty much whoever could farm the most gold/troops/craft equipment so the big clans excelled at the start and the goons had multiple warband account just to farm shit on the map. So a 20 man clan would literally get zerged by naked club wielders that had thousands of troops against there 500 with base equipment. After the start you could have your best equipment and fight off any number if your tactica was good enough but people quit because of the beginning.
If Darkfall's not a flop from my point of view NA1 is going to be a uphill battle to restore Hyperion, I wouldn't have it any other way though.
Valens Bellator
11-19-2012, 10:01 PM
Zergs will be the way of the world until a game is released in which travel is slow and difficult enough to prevent the participation of every person on the server in every siege. Darkfall was close, but I used to routinely ride from Alberworth to the Mirdain lands to meet with Oromea, and it only took about 25 to 30 minutes.
Still, while the zerg would be smaller in such a game, numbers would continue to be important even among the regional powers... there's few ways of mitigating the advantage of numbers in a game such as this, provided it isn't a grindfest with only a few ever maxing out their skills and abilities.
Azzerhoden Razeri
11-19-2012, 10:12 PM
I have fought the goons in one form or another for years in Eve Online. Win or lose, it is always engaging and fun. I hope they do make an appearance in Darkfall, since I doubt I will ever return to Eve.
Aethelric Brandt
11-19-2012, 10:30 PM
As Bloodthorn mentions, the Goons are incredibly well-versed in MMO combat. One can accuse them of zerging, but there is a certain art to their style of zerging which can produce some remarkable results.
I imagine the numbers they'll field for UW depends on two things: whether anything interesting is happening in EVE, and whether they left DF with the idea that the game was good fun or that it was a piece of trash. If EVE is quiet when DF finally launches, we could easily see hundreds.
It won't be the same experience as before if they do show up, however. They don't particularly hold grudges, as near as I can tell. As it stands, Hyperion is going to be much less.. obvious a target at launch. We can use this to build our society and our strength more evenly.
Valens Bellator
11-19-2012, 10:38 PM
In my experience, having stuck around after the fall of Hyperion for about a year in which I participated in both "Freehold" and the second "Hyperion" under Honorious, no one missed us more than the Goons. Throughout that period they, despite dealing with a losing battle against TheMercs, frequently urged us to reform, many (including Gluttony) suggesting that the game was better when we were in it. They certainly enjoyed rousing a server to action to take us on, but Brandt is undoubtedly correct in surmising that they do not hold grudges.
Of course, that may not be true when it comes to BoB, but that's about it. I suspect they'll set about establishing themselves at first, and then begin working against whomsoever either poses the biggest threat, or would simply be the most fun to go after. It seems highly unlikely that we'll be either of those this time around; initially, at least.
Proximo Coriolanus
11-20-2012, 02:09 AM
Hyperion is a name that attracts enemies attention, some people want to shut down Hyperion just to say they did.
11-22-2012, 08:40 PM
Also, what about Sempiternam? ... Good 'ol times. I remember the one single time I came to Long March for a trade. I was trading with someone and Haeso and Sempiternam were near the bank and he asked her to go with him for an evening stroll. Lol, that was so epic.. And I must have been green of pure jealousy. Here they were standing in Long March at the center of civilization and having fun roleplaying, romantically even! Meanwhile, I was an outcast from the Duchy of Wessex having to live out chaos stones on Yssam in the far corner of the corner continent Yssam, even. Far away from the Duchy of Wessex and the reach of Hyperion's KOS list. ..And the only way to get to a bank for me was to sneak into an enemy holding because the entire continent was owned by one alliance and I couldn't establish any reasonable diplomacy without them asking me to stop PvPing on the entire island. And I couldn't get a holding either with my gang of tribesmen. Meanwhile Haeso could hit the royal grove in Long March and kiss the finest maiden of the kingdom!
Yeah... That truly sucked. :D
Awe, I didn't know you felt that way Ztyx, maybe in another lifetime (or RP life, who knows!).
I actually recall that interaction with Haeso but I wasn't aware you were there to witness it. I assure you there were no kisses exchanged between him and I, that would be most improper!
Cyndane Vadin
11-22-2012, 08:45 PM
You two have been gone a long time, good to see old faces.
Not talking about you Celiah, you've always been around hehe, I'll say hi to Empa and Exuras for you cause I think they still play the ninja song you made once in awhile.
Celiah Ailey
11-23-2012, 02:26 AM
Thanks, but I already talked to them not long ago to ask if they were interested in working together for Unholy Wars.
I think that was a nice and friendly gesture considering Exuras pleaded me for it for like a week and I did it for only 120K or whatever.
@ Sempi.
My men and I will have to build you a ship and get you across the Atlantic first. Untill then I'm afraid we're out of luck. Fate just doesn't have that in store for us yet.
Haeso LeGaude
11-23-2012, 05:06 AM
Speaking of Haeso. Is he on the mailing list and is there a chance he'll return for Darkfall: Unholy Wars? I think it would be fun to play on the same team this time around. I have been known to post on occasion, this shall be one of them.
Also, what about Sempiternam? ... Good 'ol times. I remember the one single time I came to Long March for a trade. I was trading with someone and Haeso and Sempiternam were near the bank and he asked her to go with him for an evening stroll. Lol, that was so epic.. Meanwhile Haeso could hit the royal grove in Long March and kiss the finest maiden of the kingdom!Well, that happened every day you know, can't be expected to worry about who might overhear all the time. Also, I believe you meant in all of Agon, surely you wouldn't insult the fair Lady Sempiternam so egregiously? A slip of the tongue, I'm sure.
But Sir I must object, the mere suggestion this fine lady would honor me with kisses or something so tawdry insults her honor. We would never think of doing anything inappropriate when no one could see us! Do you take me for some sort of Lancelot?
Yeah... That truly sucked. A fire kick right in the feelings one might say.
Awe, I didn't know you felt that way Ztyx, maybe in another lifetime (or RP life, who knows!).
I actually recall that interaction with Haeso but I wasn't aware you were there to witness it. I assure you there were no kisses exchanged between him and I, that would be most improper!
The indignity of it all, suggesting we might be kissing! Why that's just absurd! There are plenty of legitimate reasons for taking multiple hour walks where we don't talk to anyone else. I assure you any kissing or otherwise inappropriate noises were purely coincidental.
@ Sempi.
My men and I will have to build you a ship and get you across the Atlantic first. Untill then I'm afraid we're out of luck. Fate just doesn't have that in store for us yet.
Oh you needn't worry about Lady Sempiternam having her own ship, the Flying Dutchman is still in service, though it won't be taking her across the Atlantic.
Aethelric Brandt
11-24-2012, 07:56 AM
I can fully endorse for the purity of Miss Sempiternam in this matter. Not purely on the account of the young lass, of course, but also due to the merits of her alleged suitor.
As a proper bachelor and warrior, I can assure you that the only companionship young Mister Haeso received was that of the coercive and salacious rights exercised by the conquerer upon the conquered. He may have dreamed of the soft skin and gentle manner of a proper Mercian woman while atop many a weeping Alfar maid in a burning village or a whimpering Mahirim bitch among the bashed remains of her litter, but never would he have violated the honor and purity granted to him by Auros by sullying a Mercian maiden with even the lights of presumptuous pecks.
Haeso LeGaude
11-24-2012, 11:46 AM
I am honored by your vouching for my character Sir Brandt. Especially as a proper bachelor and warrior, alas unfortunately for me and fortunately for my honor no fair Mercian maidens have shared my bed.
(This nearly caused me to die laughing. It's good that you're back, I have to say there were few if any people I enjoyed playing with more than you.)
Haeso LeGaude
11-24-2012, 12:00 PM
Posted twice apparently, the server lagged and didn't send it the first time and I hit reload, so it actually sent it twice. What's up with the forum servers lately? This place is always having problems when I try to browse/post.
Bernardo dei Medici
11-24-2012, 12:34 PM
Ahem, I would be remiss if I didn't step in and comment that it would be quite improper for my own squire to engage in relations with the noble lady who broke many fasts within my company during that time. He was only doing his chivalric duty guarding her in my absence dealing with the duties of overseeing my own shire.
Aethelric Brandt
11-24-2012, 01:19 PM
I pray to Auros, that he might bring you again to join us in exercising the aforementioned rights, Haeso. You talk as though Auros has not granted you such spoils of war in too long a time, and no warrior of our flock ought to lack of the divine ecstasies of a Cleansing in the name of Our Father.
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