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02-08-2007, 11:57 PM
"Let it be under grave circumstances that I make this formal announcement for all to be heard," Mister Destinova, the Chamberlain of Wessex, shouted from atop his steed as he pulled the reins to a halt stopping short of the pillory set up in the town square. Behind him trailed a Sheriff dragging what looked to be a reluctant Dafur Hammertoe in manacles.

"By the decree of this writ of chancery I hold before me, signed by the most venerable Duke of Wessex," Mister Destinova continued on while dismounting. "Dafur Hammertoe, Clerk of the Ducal Court, is to be punished for his transgressions towards the Ducal laws which state 'Let no one molest or harass his fellow subject', by means of being placed in the pillory for the duration of an entire day."

Mister Destinova stepped back and let the Sheriff fasten the clasps around Dafur's neck and hands.

"Let this lesson not go unnoticed that future acts of rudeness or disrespect towards citizens of Wessex will be punished accordingly."


Chrono Veincrusher
02-09-2007, 12:43 AM
A tomate fly through the air and hit him in the stomach, breaks and leav a stinky mark on hes shirt.

Dafur Gewissae
02-09-2007, 01:05 AM
Why'd you use a picture of yourself Destinova.. I could have just sent you one.

Grim Dvalin
02-09-2007, 01:07 AM
"Aye," me shouts. Laughs at the fool in his bonds.

02-09-2007, 01:19 AM
You might just want to give Dafur a stool to stand on, not being racist Dafur, for your own safety buddy.

Beric Veincrusher
02-09-2007, 02:06 AM
Good fun :D

At least I hope...

Komako the Hawk
02-09-2007, 03:39 AM
Now we have something in common.

Dafur Gewissae
02-09-2007, 04:34 AM
Basically, its referring to this post: http://www.duchyofwessex.org/forum/showpost.php?p=16274&postcount=28

I was ignoring him and stated I was ignoring..

Apparently, thats bothering him.

Oakk Haddock
02-09-2007, 05:20 AM
It obviously doesn't affect your posting privs...

Dwarves unite...lets craft him a stool!!!!

Manus Dei
02-09-2007, 06:08 AM
We gotta do something about that bald spot, Dafur.

Chrono Veincrusher
02-09-2007, 12:14 PM
Perhaps shave it all off?

Dafur Gewissae
02-09-2007, 12:45 PM
We gotta do something about that bald spot, Dafur.

Sorry, Your Grace, but I already beat you to the joke about the picture in Post 3. <3:cool:

Aiden Morild
02-09-2007, 07:38 PM
Shave it off and wax it

Make it shineeee

Oakk Haddock
02-09-2007, 07:51 PM
*GASP* He talked back to the Duke!


Chrono Veincrusher
02-09-2007, 08:04 PM
Or cover him with tar and toss feathers on him!

Sayton Reinhardt
02-09-2007, 08:08 PM
Watch out Dafur, you don't want to be another head shorter. :o

Oakk Haddock
02-09-2007, 08:33 PM
Hehe. Lets toss him in a dwarf sized crows nest.

Dreign Swift
02-09-2007, 09:23 PM
Basically, its referring to this post: http://www.duchyofwessex.org/forum/showpost.php?p=16274&postcount=28

I was ignoring him and stated I was ignoring..

Apparently, thats bothering him.

If you're suggesting that I complained to leadership because you were ignoring me for no reason, don't kid yourself. I don't know why you've taken such a disliking to me, but I can confirm that there has been nothing on my part to warrant such absolute division between clan members. I am a team player.

Who you choose to ignore and for what reason is your business. I guess all I could say is I would expect a greater level of maturity from someone holding position in Wessex.

On another note (being careful not to overstep my bounds) I would have to say I feel that this thread has been regarded as somewhat of a joke, and that's to our discredit as a clan. In my opinion, justice in the Duchy seems to not be as final as it should be (mostly referring to the Proto/Fenris case, though this brings it back to mind).

That's all the opinions I'll share here. I apologize if this was not the place to bring that up.

Manus Dei
02-09-2007, 11:56 PM
Proto and Fenris left the clan... There's nothing more final than that. We can't go out and really kill them.

Dreign Swift
02-10-2007, 01:09 AM
Understood, Your Grace.

I will not bring that topic up again.

Thirlan Tyrandor
02-10-2007, 03:34 AM
In my opinion, justice in the Duchy seems to not be as final as it should be (mostly referring to the Proto/Fenris case, though this brings it back to mind).

Sooo... what exactly do you expect us to do? There aren't many e-punishments we can give out as the Duke has pointed out.

Dafur Gewissae
02-10-2007, 04:50 AM
If you're suggesting that I complained to leadership because you were ignoring me for no reason, don't kid yourself. I don't know why you've taken such a disliking to me, but I can confirm that there has been nothing on my part to warrant such absolute division between clan members. I am a team player.

Who you choose to ignore and for what reason is your business. I guess all I could say is I would expect a greater level of maturity from someone holding position in Wessex.

This is a position? I haven't had anything to do.

If you're curious, PM me.

Surly von Fishbarrel
02-10-2007, 05:03 AM
This is a position? I haven't had anything to do..Wow, that's certainly a lot of respect you show for it...

It'd be a very sad day indeed when yeomen were denouncing their own positions as useless while thumbing their nose at people who appreciated them enough to give it to them. I didn't know you thought so little of it, and I feel a little betrayed. But you're right Dafur, you don't have a position.

Oakk Haddock
02-10-2007, 07:00 AM
Proto and Fenris left the clan... There's nothing more final than that. We can't go out and really kill them.

I know where Proto lives man.

Chrono Veincrusher
02-10-2007, 12:02 PM
It's not worth it, Avarice Isles! It never is!

Dafur Gewissae
02-10-2007, 03:17 PM
Wow, that's certainly a lot of respect you show for it...

It'd be a very sad day indeed when yeomen were denouncing their own positions as useless while thumbing their nose at people who appreciated them enough to give it to them. I didn't know you thought so little of it, and I feel a little betrayed. But you're right Dafur, you don't have a position.

Take no offense Fishbarrel, that was targetted towards the Chamberlain.

It is only the truth though.. there is nothing to do at the moment to warrant having a position. Until Darkfall comes out they're just meaningless titles.

Jord Hunter
02-10-2007, 07:19 PM
Take no offense Fishbarrel, that was targetted towards the Chamberlain.

It is only the truth though.. there is nothing to do at the moment to warrant having a position. Until Darkfall comes out they're just meaningless titles.

I disagree. You think people such as the Duke, Fishbarrel, Thirlan etc should be respected less than they would be if we had Darkfall to play?

Dafur Gewissae
02-10-2007, 07:38 PM
Dafur, I'd describe your position as precarious. Theres better, less offensive ways to say what your saying. Your going to make people angry with your current course, including me.
It's true, the Duke has not been as active as we all became accustomed to back in the day. He's got a lot on his plate, starting a business is rough work, and demands demanding hours, it's unfortunate. However, he is still an excellent leader, and a lot of us talk to him on a daily basis. He is still around. - Sheriff Avarice Isle

I didn't see the Duke championing alongside us in GTA.. The only time I see the Duke is in rare moments in mIRC. Why should I respect him more than Jord, who has actually led us in GTA? Its just a title.

Respect comes from actions not titles. Thirlan does alot with his Zurich Project and is involved with Eve and Tribal Wars.

Oakk Haddock
02-10-2007, 08:02 PM
And on another note. Your Lords, some of whom you mentioned, were put there, by the Duke, for a reason, because they possess strong leadership skills. Thus, we cannot doubt his wisdom, we should not doubt his dedication.

Thirlan Tyrandor
02-10-2007, 10:12 PM
Respect comes from actions not titles. Thirlan does alot with his Zurich Project and is involved with Eve and Tribal Wars.

A lot of the officers have to work for a living Dafur, which differs greatly from being in the education system where time is often abundant. I can see how you could say such things since you're not entirely aware of the situation. The Duke is currently working his ass off so that when Darkfall comes out he has the luxury of playing a game. Games don't put food on your table and you, being the one who can't afford all the games you want, should be aware of this. In time I too will not be on as much and chances are a new person will come a long and say the very same thing regarding my position and activity.

Aiden Morild
02-10-2007, 10:59 PM
Education, a job, and a girlfriend

Time is a rarity

Grim Dvalin
02-11-2007, 12:18 AM
Yay, controversy. o.O

Komako the Hawk
02-11-2007, 03:33 AM
You're beginning to sound a lot like Fenris with your "Duke is never around" rhetorics, Dafur.

Beric Veincrusher
02-11-2007, 04:11 AM
what the fuck is this shit? These forums, and miniscule adminstrative tasks shouldn't be taking up anyones time. If you don't have anything to do, then you should probably know that Darkfall still isn't released.

Everyone is here for Darkfall so if people aern't playing GTA, EvE, Planetside, IRC, w/e is happening it's because they joined for Darkfall. I realize this is brown nosing shit, but when it comes game time the leaders will have to show us why their leaders or they won't last long to say the least.

Surly von Fishbarrel
02-11-2007, 05:37 AM
I didn't see the Duke championing alongside us in GTA.. The only time I see the Duke is in rare moments in mIRC. Why should I respect him more than Jord, who has actually led us in GTA? Its just a title.

Respect comes from actions not titles. Thirlan does alot with his Zurich Project and is involved with Eve and Tribal Wars.Yes, it IS men who honor titles and not the other way around. I'm glad you at least understand that much.

Now all we have to do is get you to take a step back, look at this guild, and understand that it is better, larger, more organized, and more well prepared for a fun gaming experience than any other one you could waltz into today. All of us who founded Wessex understand that because we've been involved with many guilds, we know how bad it can be, and we all used our combined experiences and understanding to bring people together here.

I used to be available more than I am now, so did his grace. Thirlan used to be around less... but you see, Dafur, we all recognize and understand what our responsibilities are. I don't think anyone here has devoted more effort or effectiveness to this organization than his grace. He's an amazing man who can facilitate amazing, fun results. How he manages to pull in an overtone of education and historical re-enactment into the process is a mystery to me, but he does it. I wouldn't be here if that weren't the case, and neither would Thirlan, Nira, Aeneas, Destinova or any long time member.

I understand that you haven't seen it in action yet, so I can forgive you for being a little apathetic demoralized. We set our sights on Darkfall, and when it is released you will see what I'm talking about... all I can do in the mean time is ask that you have patience and understanding for the big picture. But don't think my understanding will forgive you for acting like a traitor and nay-saying the establishment that years of work have gone into, and that even more years of experience have been laid as foundation for. It's insulting to me personally, and it betrays every shred of trust we put in you by making you a freeman.

Freemanship, of course, being something we cannot take away from you no matter what position you have. So when you reflect the respect we've shown you with this kind of spitting in our faces, I get a little bit bent out of shape.

Anyway, I hate this kind of drama... I knew it would be an inevitability once Darkfall was pushed back, because without an active example of our progress it becomes difficult to sustain your respect for people who are taking every step necessary to secure their real world situations so that they can give even more effort to our project here for Darkfall. So I don't necessarily blame anyone, outside of us for estimating Darkfall's release a bit early, but it still doesn't excuse harboring feelings of malcontent without any basis for them.

And I can guarantee you that we all understand this. Why else would it have taken so many months to finally give Protonix and Fenris an ultimatum? We tried everything we could, even giving Protonix a guaranteed cabinet position if he would just go through the process of esquireship. It was all for nothing though, and his hedonistic self-patronization finally showed its true colors when he started taking screenshots from the duke's private cabinet discussions and giving them to our friends and enemies alike. I hope I'm not seeing the same thing developing in you, Dafur, because unlike Protonix we gave you your position out of respect, rather than out of placation... which was a mistake we'll likely not make again.

Aiden Morild
02-11-2007, 11:52 AM
Who says the Duke is inactive? He probably does alot more behind the scenes then we know about... He doesnt have to be a forum spammer to be a good duke

Erwin Carius
02-11-2007, 04:31 PM
I'm sure his Grace will be alot more active in Darkfall, and if he still can't he will delegate so it won't be noticed anyway. That's exactly the reason we need all these ranks and titles, because in Darkfall they will really mean something.

Shilohen McCroix
02-13-2007, 10:20 PM
Lots of good points have been made in this thread. I for one am extremely excited for the day I get Darkfall installed and get to play with this amazing group of people. I love the concept behind this guild and in my eyes it leads to an extraordinary role-play experience, perhaps even better than my experiences in RP in Ultima Online--and that is hard to beat! I trust the leadership here will have no problems keeping things running smoothly come time for Darkfall. I know I for one will be much more active within the guild once the game actually comes out. Right now I am pretty much lurking in the shadows and trying to pwn in Tribal Wars :P

That's just the newb's opinion. I don't post much or join IRC regularly, I know, but don't think I have lost love for the guild! If anything, it grows day by day with every ounce of anticipation and every second of daydreaming of the fun times we will have together in The Duchy of Wessex! :)