View Full Version : Work in progress Soldiers Handbook

Falesh Helithian
01-19-2012, 02:25 PM
This is something I fancied making, it is a work in progress and doesn't need to be finalized until DF 2.0 hits but I thought I would stick it here anyway.


Service in the royal garrison comes with responsibilities as well as the rewards of higher rank.

You must where possible:

Defend Wessex people and holdings
Take part in garrison events and training
Strive to better your combat abilities and teamwork
Check all the Wessex Darkfall forums before logging in
Know your chain of command and respect orders given by your superiors
Wear at least basic equipment so you can defend against surprise attacks

If you are massively outnumbered or out classed you are not expected to suicide by attacking the enemy regardless. Instead you should seek help and be ready to attack when you have a chance of victory.


Serjeants and higher ranking members of the royal garrison are expected to take command when enemies are around and form up groups to defeat them. The higher your rank the more you are expected to rally soldiers and command in this way.

If you do not wish, or are unable to, take this sort of initiative that is fine, just ask to be re-assigned as a Footman or Man-at-Arms.


Everyone is expected to work together unless specifically given an individual mission. Working together means:

Supporting others who are in trouble
Do not charge in to a fight between an ally and an enemy if you will not be helping
Keeping an eye on everyone to make sure you stay together rather then get all spread out

Voice Comms

When in a combat situation you are expected to:

If someone says "Clear" you are to stop talking immediately
Report on important things like enemies spotted, if others are talking say "Clear" first
Stop talking about non-combat related things when someone is reporting or giving orders

Ready Bags

You are expected to have plenty of combat ready bags in your bank. A combat ready bag is a bag filled with all the armour, reagents, weapons and other equipment required for you to go into battle. The purpose of these bags is so that you can quickly grab what you need from your bank and be battle ready in the minimum amount of time possible without the chance of forgetting something important.