View Full Version : Oath of Fealty - Lord Rhygar apGwynn, Baron at Court

Rhygar apGwynn
01-14-2012, 09:31 PM
Your majesty, I become your vassal from this day forward, of life and limb, and of earthly worship, and unto you shall be true and faithful, and bear to you faith for the tenements that I one day might claim to hold of you.

By the Lord Auros before whom this sanctuary is holy, I will to King Malachi be true and faithful, and love all which he loves and shun all which he shuns, according to the laws of Auros and the order of the world. Nor will I ever with will or action, through word or deed, do anything which is unpleasing to his ideals, on condition that he will hold to me as I shall deserve it, and that he will perform everything as it was in our agreement when I submitted myself to him and chose his ideals."

I, Sir Rhygar apGwynn, be it known to all, present and future, that I have voluntarily sworn to my lord, Malachi, King of Wessex, to keep the agreements contained in this charter.

Therefore, let all present and to come know that I the said Sir Rhygar apGwynn, acknowledge verily to thee my lord Malachi, by the grace of God, king of Wessex, I swear that I will always be a faithful vassal to thee in all things in which a vassal is required to be faithful to his lord, and I will defend thee, my lord, and the subjects of Wessex present and to come and the castles and manors and all your men and their possessions against all malefactors and invaders, at my request and that of my successors at my own cost; and I will give to thee power over all the castles and manors above described, in peace and in war, whenever they shall be claimed by thee.

Moreover do I recognize that I, on being created as a peer to the Crown of Wessex under King Malachi, shall, according to the Carta Solis penned by King Manus, be entitled to a seat in the House of Lords of Wessex, wherefore do I give my oath to protect, uphold, and obey the Carta Solis and the Common Law of Wessex and all of its tenets, precepts, and rulings, whether they be decreed by His Majesty or by my peer lords, and I also shall require the same of all of my subjects, vassals, and liege men; that they swear to protect the King, the Carta Solis, the Common Law and Wessex as I have, and that they do so when they shall make their liege homage to me.

I will do liege homage to my lord, Malachi, King of Wessex, and I will keep faith with him against all creatures, living or dead.

Malachi Drake
01-14-2012, 10:39 PM
BY THE GRACE of Soldeus, I, Malachi, King of Wessex, receive homage and fealty, in accordance with the oath given, promise to thee and thy heirs and successors that We will be a fair and just King concerning all matters described above.

LET IT BE KNOWN that we anoint and sanctify Lord Raize as a Baron-at-court of the Kingdom of Wessex and confer to him state, degree, style, dignity, title and honour as a Baron and shall retain his station subject only to Royal good pleasure

IN TESTIMONY of the above we have affixed the seal of our Kingdom.


His Majesty Malachi I
King of Wessex
Duke of Wenstus-Castrum
Earl of Long March

Casilda Tametomo
01-14-2012, 10:51 PM
By my hand and the Wyvern Seal of Wessex, the College of Arms finds this Oath of Fealty to be given in good order and witnesses it along with its Acceptance, hereby recording them.

May the Radiant Lord shine brightly upon His Majesty Malachi Drake, King of Wessex; upon the noble Lord, Rhygar apGwynn; and, upon all these desmesnes and the good people therein.

Casilda Sothenic
of the Royal College of Arms of Wessex