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View Full Version : The Succession of 1301

Malachi Drake
01-13-2012, 10:41 PM

I stood alone within the Abbey of St. Jude. My thoughts were lingering on the journey that had led me down this path. One thing was certain; that every decision I had made and every action I had taken had led to this moment. Lesser men may have suffered from doubt or uncertainty but I am a man of faith. I was ready to embrace my destiny.

By now I had been fasting for two days and prior to arriving at the abbey I had taken a cleansing bath at the Spring of St. Cecily the Pure. The Sisters of St. Cecily, angelic guardians of this shrine, had prepared the water with healing balms and rejuvenating oils as they prayed and watched over me during the ritual. With my body prepared it was time to address the needs of the soul.

Pushing aside the great doors I made my way to the inner sanctum of the abbey where I was greeted by the Archbishop Emeriti of Winchester Raven Naymore, an old friend and trusted advisor, to whom I made confession before commencing on an all night vigil.

My vigil broke with the rising of the sun and the Abbot of St. Jude invited me to break fast alongside the brothers of his order. They had prepared a meal in my honour - one that would help to balance my humor and prepare me for the day ahead; pork with a sweet and bitter sauce. It was a welcome meal and a generous gift.

It was not long after the morning prayers that a young and harried clerk ushered me towards the Royal Chancery where I was greeted by The Right Honourable Rhygar apGwynn, Raize Sothenic and all the peers of the realm before whom’s great company I was reminded of our predecessor.

He was a fine and noble leader to whom I will always be grateful for the opportunities and guidance that he and his line had created for the Kingdom of Wessex. It was grave news for all of us to learn that we had lost contact with him on his latest expedition and with no steward appointed or heir apparent the line of succession was broken and thus it fell to the lords to elect a successor.

I will not bore you by recounting the intricacies of the coronation that you have all just attended but on this day I witnessed something truly remarkable that I would like to share with you. As I climbed the stairs towards the throne I was deeply moved at the sight of several young maidens joyfully scattering petals at the entrance to this very room. They were full of nervous energy as they frolicked back and forth filled with complete awe and happiness. A symbol of hope and purity manifested in the next generation of our society. As we sit around this glorious hall, feasting in celebration, you may be wondering why, as your new King, I have chosen to recount this simple tale rather than make an elaborate speech.

My friends, the answer is quite simple. As I look upon you all I too am filled with energy and excitement as we stand together at the precipice of our future. No mortal man amongst us knows what lies in store for us or how history will record our names and deeds. But one thing is certain. For the first time in long years we can look towards the future with hope and a renewed passion to embrace the unknown. Let us stand together as we forge our destines as one people, united with purpose and clarity, as we call out in harmony that we are Wessex.


His Majesty Malachi, King of Wessex, Duke of Wentus-Castrum and Earl of Long March

Jaidyn Sothenic
01-14-2012, 03:29 PM
It is a righteous day that has been delivered upon us by thy glorious lord Soldeus, it is an honour and priviledge to see you take your place upon the throne and lead us to further glory.

With life and death I pledge the Sothenic name to do your will. My sword is yours to command my king!

Long live the king! Long live Wessex!

*Sir Kaylem lifts a glass of wine in Malachi's name*

To the King!

Alexander TheDutch
01-14-2012, 03:41 PM
With life and death I pledge myself to your will. My sword is yours to command my king!
Long live the king! Long live Wessex!

Raize Sothenic
01-14-2012, 04:39 PM
Long live the King!

As I assume my responsibilities as your humble vassal, I wish to assure you of my loyalty and devotions, as well of my determination to serve you and the people of Wessex to the utmost of my abilities.

So much of what is best in us is bound up in our love of family, that it remains the measure of our stability because it measures our sense of loyalty.

Your Majesty

Otto Osterwind
01-14-2012, 05:35 PM
Sir Otto lifts a glass of wine in tandem with Sir Kaylem*

Long live the King!

I decree that any and all who bear the Osterwind name shall be loyal to the Your throne, Your Majesty. May my sword be an extension of thy will.

Long live Wessex!

Rhodri Taliesin
01-14-2012, 05:58 PM
May your rule be long and just Your Majesty.

My blade is yours to strike down your enemies, my shield to protect you from them.

Garadin Alwhindale
01-14-2012, 06:03 PM
*Brother Garadin lifts a jug*
Long l-*hic*live Wessex!
Long live the King!

Tarscanian Sothenic
01-14-2012, 06:09 PM
Sir Tarscanian Sothenic raises his glass in tandem, wipes ruby droplets from his moustache with the back of his sleeve and proclaims.

"My King, I am your man"

Orsini Renatta
01-14-2012, 06:09 PM
Congrats. Long live the king!

Wooster Redwood
01-14-2012, 07:10 PM
All hail the king!

Casilda Tametomo
01-14-2012, 07:44 PM
*lifts her glass and touches it to her father's*

"Long live the King!"

*takes a sip and blinks, then giggles*

Giumar Sturmzinne
01-14-2012, 09:34 PM
Congratulations majesty! I'm to your command as your humble subject. May Wessex prosperate under your wise leadership and our borders stay save.

Robert Setles
01-14-2012, 09:34 PM
Long live the king!

Brothers in life, brothers in arms, I pledge my sword to you.

Apoca Ailen
01-14-2012, 09:51 PM
I am yours to command, your Majesty.

Long Live Wessex! Long Live the King!

Quinton Emeka
01-14-2012, 10:02 PM
Quinton Emeka lifts a glass of wine in tandem.*
My sword and shield are yours to command my King!
Long live Wessex! Long live the King!

Zyconnic Wolfe
01-14-2012, 11:18 PM
Long live the king!

Orov Senjak
01-15-2012, 02:50 AM
Long live the King!

Twyster Stronngust
01-15-2012, 11:02 AM
It is an honour seeing you stand before us as King.
May you lead all of Wessex under your wisdom and strength

Hail the King!

Falesh Helithian
01-15-2012, 12:12 PM
I am just a humble subject but as with the young maidens I too am filled with awe and happiness. I will strive to better myself in order to serve our new and great King.

Long live the King! Long live Wessex!

Mela Aurelius
01-15-2012, 01:06 PM
"Men...." she sighed and shifted her shoulders as yet another round of cheers echoed thru the streets. Turning from the doorway, she wiped her hands on her apron glaring dismally at the mess that had been left in her home from several long days of talks that her husband had been deeply involved in. She knew that having a new King
would require Levald to be in high demand, but dammit, she wished just ONCE that they would clean up a room after themselves. A soft snort could be heard as she reached for her broom.

"Aye.....Long live the King" taking a sip from her husband's mug.

Tewdric Veincrusher
01-15-2012, 04:40 PM
Long Live the King!

And what a great King I am sure he is going to be!

Enthilza Veni
01-15-2012, 09:16 PM
Uncomfortable in such a noble and worthy Assembly, Enthilza stood up, raised his glass then took a deep bow.


Still unable to say a word, he sat back hoping he hadn't broken any rules of Protocol.

Malathion Valus
01-16-2012, 02:27 AM
Congratulations your majesty. My sword is yours to command.

Long live the king!

Zehtuka Fireglore
01-17-2012, 01:13 PM
All hail the King!

I do hope your Majesty will host a reunion party to share stories of great adventures amongst the true sons and daughters of Wessex.

Bastor Sharpeye
01-17-2012, 03:52 PM
Long live the King!

It is an honour to serve. My sword is yours to command, Your Majesty!

Long live Wessex!

Malachi Drake
01-17-2012, 05:04 PM
Zehtuka! A true son of Wessex indeed, and he returns with a fantastic idea. Let us arrange a suitable time to host a gathering on mumble.

Philip Southwold
01-18-2012, 02:00 AM
I am your humble servant, your Majesty! Long live the King!

I have no doubt that we can expect many more great things from Wessex!

Casilda Tametomo
01-18-2012, 02:20 AM
Zehtuka! A true son of Wessex indeed, and he returns with a fantastic idea. Let us arrange a suitable time to host a gathering on mumble.(May we please put this off until after I have my new headset (mic and headphones) which arrive some time on Wednesday?)

Amethys Aurelius
01-18-2012, 04:46 AM
I am your "queen", your Majesty! Long live the King!

Manus Dei
01-21-2012, 06:01 AM
My heart is broken in two.

I honestly did not expect this from you, Malachi, Kaylem, and definitely not from you, Rhygar. I told Miles it was okay to transfer the site and these forums from his host to yours because I trusted you, after you assured me that you would always have the best of intentions and decorum.

Now I come back to find myself unable to log in because you've changed my forum name, you've altered my profile, you've removed my admin access (my id was even the default admin account for these forums) and you've closed my access to certain parts of these forums and certain parts of my history. I did not expect you to do this, because you gave me your assurance that you never would.

I know the reason will be "because you're never here" and "most don't even know you", and I acknowledge that. I don't, however, see how that is a reason that I deserve this treatment from you. I'm upset because you did all of this with no communication to me at all, when the last plan I was aware of, in July/August of last year, was that in the push to make Wessex a "multi-game clan", that there would be peers overseeing involvements of certain games, and I could wait, pursuing the things in my personal life that I am (medical school) until there's finally a game that is popular and well made enough to be worth the full passion and energy it takes to make something like the old Hyperion/Wessex. Now, not only have you done something radically different than what we've agreed on, but you did so in a way that hit me with a very disappointing shock - I had to do a password recovery and log in with an alt just to see what the new name you assigned me was, as well as to discover that I am completely locked out of the forums of the very clan I founded, built on my ideas, and my years of work and memories. You had to do this four days days before my birthday?

I am not gaming these days, and it's appararent that others have stepped in as defacto leader, as expected and as necessary. Again, this very painful shock is not about who's leader, it's about being a man of your word and being a man of ethics. It's about sticking to the plans you agree on, much less ones you never even hinted were in the works. My PM box is empty, and I received no emails from any of you in the leadership about this. It's bogus and disingenuous to claim I am unreachable, as it says in the beginning of this thread. My most recent visit to these forums was in December, and any pm will send me an email. Perhaps you just didn't have the nerve to confront "ol Manus" about this, and whether that was out of respect or disrespect, it doesn't speak well about you, nor for the future of this clan.

After all, why do we go through all the trouble of posting these "oaths of fealty" in the Cathedral? Are they seriously just to play RP dress up and go through the fun motions of "getting a position"? That's not what I intended when I implemented them. They were supposed to be bonds between friends, man to man. The whole clan is built on that.

Now that it's apparent it meant nothing when you made it, what does it mean now when everyone makes an "oath of fealty" to you? Nuthin? So it just becomes RP cheese. Not what I wanted for Wessex.

You ought to have been a man and told me straight out, "Manus, I know you started this and it's based on your ideas, but I think I should be king and not you"...not this fiddling with my forum access and user profile.

I think that "RP" or not, those old "oaths of fealty" you made to me at least warranted an email.