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View Full Version : Grant of Baronetcy and Arms - Sir Wooster Redwood

Malachi Drake
01-13-2012, 12:28 PM
My fellow Wessexians,

There is a man amongst you who stands as an inspiration to all; from the commoner to the Knight. He has demonstrated an unwavering loyalty and dedication to the Kingdom of Wessex and above all else he has stood as a bulwark of strength to those around him. His shoulders have helped many carry a heavy burden and yet he remains standing. Without his intelligence, his patience and his support, the Kingdom of Wessex would be a lesser place.

Know all men by these Presents that I, Malachi Drake, Patriarch, having elevated Wooster Redwood to the rank of Baronet, do therefore bestow upon him a patent of arms. The Heralds have been commanded to devise a unique and suitable blazon and grant unto him such ensigns armorial. Henceforth he shall have sole and exclusive right to bear these arms in the Kingdom of Wessex.


Malachi Drake