View Full Version : Grant of Knighthood and Oath of Fealty - Dame Eva Zyn

Malachi Drake
01-11-2012, 09:40 PM
You are gathered within the great hall of the Cathedral amongst the other denizens of Winchester. All about you is a clamour as hushed voices gossip wildly, late arrivals try to mask their tardiness and people fidget nervously. Excitement and awe fill the hearts and minds of all. As the first noon light shines through the great solar stained-glass window in the roof silence washes over the room as Malachi, Patriarch of the Church and Knight of the Solar Legion, stepped forth from the rectory.

“Eva Zyn! Come forth and Kneel!”

Eva, kneels before the Patriarch and presents the lord with her sword. Malachi takes the sword in his hand.

“Do you swear upon all that is holy, under the radiant light of the Heavenly Father’s gaze to worship Him and maintain His Church; to serve your liege lord in valour and faith; to protect the weak and the defenceless; to give succour to widows and orphans; to refrain from the wanton giving of offence; to live by honour and glory; to despise pecuniary reward; to fight for the welfare of all; to obey those placed in authority; to guard the honour of your fellow knights; to eschew unfairness, meanness and deceit; to keep faith; to at all times speak the truth; to persevere to the end in any enterprise begun; to respect the honour of all; to never refuse a challenge from an equal and to never turn your back upon a foe?”

Royko Sothenic
01-11-2012, 09:44 PM
"I swear that it will be so, Let it be known that I, Eva Zyn, daughter of Keitho Zyn, do swear an oath of fealty and service to The Most Holy Father Malachi Drake. I pledge my body, mind and life spark in the defence and service of the Heavenly Father and His Church. In times of peace and war I shall remain faithful and vigilant in my Service to the Patriarch and shall value the well-being of his Diocese above all other realms and pursuits. I will protect the Patriarch with my life as long as there is breath in my chest, spirit in my heart or strength within my arm."

Malachi Drake
01-11-2012, 09:50 PM
The Bishop strikes down hard on each of Eva’s shoulders with the flat of the blade.

“Let it be known to all, future and present, that I accept this oath with open arms. In the name of the Radiant Lord, I grant you the power to bear arms and to mete justice. Take you these spurs as the noble badge of your office, and rise Dame Eva Zyn, Knight of the Church of Soldeus”

Casilda Tametomo
01-11-2012, 10:09 PM
By my hand and the Wyvern Seal of Wessex, the College of Arms find this Grant of Knighthood and the accompanying Oath of Fealty, and their Acceptance all together to be given in good order and witnesses them, hereby recording them.

May the Radiant Lord shine brightly upon His Grace the Patriarch of Wessex, Malachi Drake; upon the noble Lady, Dame Eva Zyn of the Church of Soldeus; upon His Holy Church; and, upon all these desmesnes and the good people therein.

Casilda Sothenic
of the College of Arms
of the Kingdom of Wessex