View Full Version : Take a look..
Royko Sothenic
01-09-2012, 09:54 AM
Here are some vids, from Darkfall 1.
For those that have not played Darkfall for a long time or for those that have never played it, these vids show what Darkfall is about.
This is an interesting vid, about the release of darkfall and its history.
If anyone has any questions about anything in these vids, if your confused about anything then just ask.
Tarscanian Sothenic
01-09-2012, 10:05 AM
Really good vids.
Well done Roy...............
PS I love U
Alexander TheDutch
01-09-2012, 12:19 PM
i love those ol videos. brings up some good memories :D
Royko Sothenic
01-09-2012, 12:30 PM
Theres also a guy who just started a new char on the NA sever, so if you are new to darkfall you can see what its like from this livestream.
Boring for vets like myself, but new players might find it interesting i guess.
Falesh Helithian
01-09-2012, 12:37 PM
I'd like to add that the community has been doing quite a lot of events in the latter stages of DF 1's life. These events have varied from hunting ( a wanted bandit ( to 1v1 tourmanents (, Battle Royales ( and much more.
In the last incarnation of Wessex in Darkfall we also had many events where we pitted ourselves against another clan, Lux Arcana, doing things like defending/attacking a Strongbox situated inside the city of Long March. Finally we also had many clan only events including a jousting tournament ( and a melee free for all (
In short there are many things to get involved in beyond the daily crafting, monster hunts, fighting enemies and sieging/defending holdings. The community takes these events seriously and if some people try to ruin them they often end up losing their holdings as punishment!
Zyconnic Wolfe
01-09-2012, 01:18 PM
I just wish they would merge the servers.. I don't think the population is enough to 2 servers (eu/us)
or am I wrong?
Royko Sothenic
01-09-2012, 01:21 PM
Currently no, Darkfall 2? Yes
Alexander TheDutch
01-09-2012, 10:30 PM
@ roy
the guy who made the new char is gorf ash :p
Giumar Sturmzinne
01-10-2012, 12:19 AM
Ahm... Please someone tell me what the real downside of DF is/was because if there is none I'm wondering why the hell are we playing MO and not DF? :P
Garadin Alwhindale
01-10-2012, 12:58 AM
There is a lot of downsizes to DF, the same applies to MO. This in my point of view obviously.
Royko Sothenic
01-10-2012, 07:37 AM
Darkfall lacks content and was very grindy as first, the grinding part is not so harsh now, i could build a viable char in pvp in 1-2 month, where as before it was 1 year+.
When Darkfall was released there was alot of exploiting also, this made half of the population quit, as there was a massive devide between the ones that exploited and the ones that didnt.
But Darkfall is not for everyone, its a very harsh game, you will die alot at first, its a full loot, free world, full of playerkillers, everyone wants a peice of you.
But in my opinion there is not one single game on the market that can touch darkfall, it just needs content and updating.
AV have made massive steps though but recently took their foot off the pedal on darkfall 1 because they were secretly making darkfall2, but the grindy part and exploiting has all gone now and will not be there for darkfall2.
Zyconnic Wolfe
01-10-2012, 09:12 AM
Played both games I can say that MO players wont have a hard time in DF2 beginning(learning curve compared to MO).
The only thing is that these little bastards(goblins) is very hard to kill the first time :p the AI in DF is brilliant and hard..
btw, has they implented Fast travel now? Other than bind recall thingy?
Falesh Helithian
01-10-2012, 09:17 AM
btw, has they implented Fast travel now? Other than bind recall thingy?
They added a faster mount which was nice and Runestones which you can bind and use to recall back to that bound location, these can be traded too. They also added Portal Chambers which player holdings could build and use to teleport to other holdings owned by the same clan. In DF 2.0 these will be removed from player holdings and "strategically placed to enhance PvP tactics".
Royko Sothenic
01-10-2012, 09:26 AM
Yes i beleive the portal chambers will be placed around the world, abit like moongates in Ultima online.
Altus Whyte
01-10-2012, 09:52 AM
Ahm... Please someone tell me what the real downside of DF is/was because if there is none I'm wondering why the hell are we playing MO and not DF? :P
The cheesy high-fantasy setting and lore of DF is one annoyance that matters for RPers, the arcade quake-like combat with bunny hopping and all kinds of wonky stuff is another. What they both contribute to is DF lacking in terms of immersion. I only played during launch/hyperion though.
Other than that it looks like DF2 might fix all the other major problems like grind and lack of content, hopefully.
Royko Sothenic
01-10-2012, 09:57 AM
Bunny hopping is being addressed too.
Altus Whyte
01-10-2012, 10:03 AM
that's very good to hear
Zyconnic Wolfe
01-10-2012, 10:45 AM
So are we planning to play on EU-server or US?
Falesh Helithian
01-10-2012, 10:55 AM
Royko Sothenic
01-10-2012, 12:08 PM
Ive found some more vids, showing you bits and peices from Darkfall2. Short visual test of darkfall2 graphics. this is the new dynamic sound system, also shows off the new studded armour for afew races. New chain-mail armour. Some before/after screenshots for improved lighting.
Malachi Drake
01-10-2012, 12:42 PM
The History movie plays to my love of Hyperion in DF and also LOTR . Now I am in the mood for some adventures.
Quinton Emeka
01-10-2012, 01:46 PM
Is the combat the same, run around in circles hopping and slashing? Hopefully EOC's combat is better than DF and MO.
Royko Sothenic
01-10-2012, 02:08 PM
Combat is about the same but they are adding momentum and crosshair wobble , so it will change slightly, I understand its not everyones cup of tea but i prefer darkfalls combat system to MO or games like mount and blade.
Features will be added like weapon trails when attacking that also serve to visualize damage arcs and also the blood spatter visuals have been reworked.
Some interesting info here for anyone who does not know
This is far from everything that’s going in to Darkfall 2.0, or what is changing. These are some of the points we’ll be giving more details on and discussing with you in the weeks to come.
Character skill set customization and role selection through the implementation of Darkfall’s new armor system and through attribute boost via achievements: What armor you wear greatly affects which skills you can use effectively and it makes others ineffective. You’re highly specialized in one role making your character extremely efficient and effective in that role. The major attribute boost works exponentially to give your character access to special items and weapons setting him further apart from the hybrids. New skills are going to be added, and redundant ones will be removed from the game.
Skill and attribute gains have changed considerably. If a new player focuses on a single role, he will excel at that role in a relatively short time frame through casual play. More options and more roles will become available to him. Players can use one specialization at a time however.
Crafting System Overhaul: More customization options, visual cues as to what players are wielding as equipment rank is visually distinguishable. Increased importance of rare ores through infusion of other materials and closer correlation of ore rank and equipment rank. Gems are also a lot more important since they’ll be used in enchanting.
There’s a great increase in player housing spots and a more meaningful connection between villages and player holdings.
The world map has been completely changed. This isn’t simply about moving locations around, it’s about changing the geography of the world. Monster spawns have been redistributed so they are more relevant, and all NPC and player holdings have been completely redesigned.
Combat dynamics are much more tactical now. Changes affect several skills like blocking and disabling blow, and introduce new mechanics such as momentum and crosshair wobble.
Complete redesign of the magic schools and their physics with clearly defined roles to spells, opposing magic schools, ability to assume different roles in combination with the attribute boost system (damage dealer, healer etc.). The magic system is built to promote cooperation among players.
Complete redesign of most dungeons. New dynamic elements such as traps, moving objects and one-way doors have been implemented.
Changes to the grid of teleportation chambers. No chambers exist in player holdings anymore and they are strategically placed to enhance PvP tactics.
More changes to the Alignment system: Lawful areas are limited to the immediate vicinity of racial capitals and surrounding NPC faction cities. There’s an increase in the lawful area protection with increased tower coverage.
The incapacitation system (gank/decapitation/revive rules) is revised in order to improve player PvP and PvE experience.
There have been adjustments to physics to achieve more realistic results.
All item properties, numeric values, calculation formulas and the like are completely redone.
We’ve introduced a new Graphical User Interface which includes both new visual elements and new functionality. It offers a streamlined experience to the players alleviating all shortcomings of the previous one.
A new map tool with a lot of information added including vendor locations and items for sale.
Serious improvements to the new player experience, including training quests on all basic aspects of the game.
More changes to the new siege system we’ve already described.
Redesigned monsters, monster families, monster abilities, and all loot tables redone from scratch.
A new lighting system and new visual effects.
New environmental audio system and many additions and replacements to existing sounds. New area based music.
Changes in models, textures, animations and most visual aspects of the game.
Giumar Sturmzinne
01-10-2012, 06:35 PM
Is there any date announced yet when DF2 shall be released? :) (Kinda excited about it after I watched some gameplay videos of DF1)
Falesh Helithian
01-10-2012, 06:38 PM
ETA wise "early access beta is planned for Q2 2012, right after closed beta." Take that with a pinch of salt though as dates can slip.
Giumar Sturmzinne
01-10-2012, 06:45 PM
Okay cool thanks! So I guess the open beta will take another quarter at least. Q3 or early Q4 for release would be perfect for me though as I'll start university in September and will have my own flat with good internet connection. :) (Second thought: Shit, have to go to university also xD )
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