View Full Version : Wessex Darkfall 2?
Royko Sothenic
01-05-2012, 08:50 PM
Darkfall 2 is due for release in Q2 this year, is anyone going to try it?.....
Apoca Ailen
01-05-2012, 08:58 PM
I'll probably give it a go. Especially if they give a few days of free time or something with it.
Philip Southwold
01-05-2012, 10:29 PM
I probably will as well. Hopefully they make melee a little more viable. Not big on magic...
Royko Sothenic
01-05-2012, 10:47 PM
Melee is viable, i use destroyer spec and do very well. :)
Tarscanian Sothenic
01-05-2012, 10:50 PM
I will be there of course :)
Bastor Sharpeye
01-05-2012, 10:57 PM
I might join you guys for a trial :)
Otto Osterwind
01-05-2012, 11:01 PM
You can probably count me in for a go.
Amethys Aurelius
01-06-2012, 01:44 AM
i could try too. had bad experience from first one with duffo.
Alexander TheDutch
01-06-2012, 04:04 AM
ill be there for sure
Royko Sothenic
01-06-2012, 07:39 AM
Good to see some interest, Amethy, what bad experiences did you have with the first Darkfall? Id love to hear.
I personally loved Darkfall 1, it had everything i needed in a game, but then i am a heavy pvper mainly, and i see that the game lacks content, but it still has come a long long way from release.
But as Aventurine says (wether they speak the truth or not) that Darkfall 2 is a completely new game, so looks to me its going to be a new server = new characters, so we will all be on a level playing field. Fingers crossed.
Zyconnic Wolfe
01-06-2012, 07:53 AM
I'm waiting for it too.. To be honest I don't think they will manage to pull out a new "darkfall 2".. It's just like the expansion which wasnt really expansions but more like a big patch..
These changes will get me back:
- Much faster skill gain
- Much less magic spam(When I played at launch everyone was a mage with very little melee/archery)
- Maybe a skill cap?
Imo they have everything they need to make this game a huge success but it's like they are completely blind and only focus on the pvp part.. I hate AV and their decisions.. When they launches Darkfall they completely lost their vision and followed the pvp road making "funhulks" and sea towers.. Such a big shame :/ wasted too much time hoping for nothing (yes, I am a little bit angry still)
Tarscanian Sothenic
01-06-2012, 08:23 AM
I appreciate what you are saying and concur with most, but all that said Darkfall was awesome.
The begin was some of the best times I personally have had in any mmo.
I have played from release and the game as given me more fun than any other.
The last return of Wessex, was amazing, we had a good few months of how it should be!
But then yes the lack of content that indulges all tastes was to shallow to hold up the diversity we need to keep Wessex afloat.
Fingers crossed that Darkfall 2 will tick all boxes. Because there is nothing out there that can touch it IMO.
I would love to be apart of a resurgence of Wessex within Agon, and if we can gather the correct people to help with handling
the infinite duties of Wessex then I truly believe this will be what we are all waiting for.
Can`t wait for this TBH, It would be great to see Wessex soar to a fraction of what it was, it truly will be a sight to see.
Royko Sothenic
01-06-2012, 08:38 AM
These changes will get me back:
- Much faster skill gain
- Much less magic spam(When I played at launch everyone was a mage with very little melee/archery)
- Maybe a skill cap?
1:Skill gains are 10x faster than they was at launch, i made a viable char in a month, but that was playing 8 hours a day, so i theory 4 hours a day at 2 months isnt bad at all if you ask me.
2: At launch no one was spamming magic because no one had magic, but yes 3 months into launch magic changed everything, but hey they re-balanced magic now, if you are not convinved check my pvp vids i manage just fine with melee/archery. Some tweaks are needed still imo, but not to magic, just to enhance melee/archery.
3: Theres not going to be a skillcap, but in DF2 armour will decide what you can and cannot use, so a heavy armoured knight guy will have little to no magic, there is also different types or mages like, offensive and defensive mages and also buffing mages, all mage school have been revamped. read the blog here on some of the changes, DF2 is still under NDA so there is alot we havnt been shown.
armour system: taken from blog
The armor system is a fundamental change between Darkfall and Darkfall 2.0. Implementation has recently been concluded. On our local server, what a player wears dictates what they can use in terms of melee, archery and magic skills. There are quite a few changes especially regarding magic. Magic schools have changed both in name and in spells. Minor and major incantations, are the only 2 schools a character with heavy armor can use spells from. Characters with medium armor will in addition to those two schools can use spells from witchcraft and spell chanting schools. Magic users, while not limited if they wear light armor, still need to choose their specific role- as opposing schools and attributes will affect their choices. Intelligence based casters will have Fire, Water, Air and Earth to choose from, with fire blocking water, air blocking earth and vice versa. Wisdom based casters will need to make similar choices. From our early testing we are very excited about the improvements this feature brings to gameplay. We will present the magic system in more detail in subsequent updates.
Apoca Ailen
01-06-2012, 09:00 AM
The only problems I had with Darkfall were that I couldn't find a decent group of people to stick with (I was in a small rp-themed guild that just seemed to float around and accomplish nothing, and was part of the Ruff Neck Alliance or something. Not quite sure, only played for 2 months with them and it wasn't very eventful :P Other than that, I only played in the beta of the game.
Other than that, the only problem I have with the game is its reliance on grinding, even with the reduced grind and introduction of meditation (which was introduced a month before I quite), it just felt like it was taking to long for me to have fun.
I can appreciate putting effort in to a game to get fun. But to me, 2 or so months of 4-5 hours a day play-time just to reach a (barely) "combat-ready" state just ruined it for me. The only time I got to have fun was in sieges when everyone who could accomplish something was busy trying to kill everyone else that could accomplish something, and my spell was just another in the spam of AoE's slamming in to our enemies defenses/faces.
Part of the reason I'm so attracted to Mortal Online is how it only takes you maybe 5 days to get a completely combat-ready character made, if you know what you're doing (so you can re-roll an infinite amount of times). Plus the PvP is more fun/reflex reliant than Darkfalls was (but I still loved Darkfalls combat). The reason I enjoyed it the most, tho, was because of joining up with Wessex and having an awesome group of people to play with.
Altus Whyte
01-06-2012, 10:04 AM
But as Aventurine says (wether they speak the truth or not) that Darkfall 2 is a completely new game, so looks to me its going to be a new server = new characters, so we will all be on a level playing field. Fingers crossed.
That sounds interesting, I guess I should be around for at least a trial then. They just have to make sure the new launch won't be full of exploiting like the original launch, with acid bathing and all kinds of weird shit.
Oh, and hopefully there will be less magic spam than there was when I played during the Hyperion days. I remember all the colorful magic spamming would get so bad sometimes so that it felt as if you were on LSD whenever you went to PVP.
Royko Sothenic
01-06-2012, 10:09 AM
Yes exactly, almost like we have been playing beta for 2 years, although the acid pools made no difference in the end because they changed the way rigor and ignore pain worked, so in theory those that used that exloit wasted their time.
Zyconnic Wolfe
01-06-2012, 10:14 AM
1:Skill gains are 10x faster than they was at launch, i made a viable char in a month, but that was playing 8 hours a day, so i theory 4 hours a day at 2 months isnt bad at all if you ask me.
2: At launch no one was spamming magic because no one had magic, but yes 3 months into launch magic changed everything, but hey they re-balanced magic now, if you are not convinved check my pvp vids i manage just fine with melee/archery. Some tweaks are needed still imo, but not to magic, just to enhance melee/archery.
3: Theres not going to be a skillcap, but in DF2 armour will decide what you can and cannot use, so a heavy armoured knight guy will have little to no magic, there is also different types or mages like, offensive and defensive mages and also buffing mages, all mage school have been revamped. read the blog here on some of the changes, DF2 is still under NDA so there is alot we havnt been shown.
Hmm sounds good tbh.. but even 4 hours a day is much for me.. but I'm all in for a new Wessex comeback..
Jaidyn Sothenic
01-06-2012, 10:20 AM
I will never say never, but for me I just can't see me having the time.
Darkfall 1 was good at the begining, but for me that was because of Wessex. The old saying here is a game within a game and I have played the Wessex game for so long its no longer an excitment for me which is why I stepped down before.
But if it is a true sandbox like they claim to be yet again, then I will give it a go myself.
Sorry for the negativity, just being honest, and although my brother and best mate will be playing it I still miss others that make Wessex tick. Our king, Rhygar, Malachi and Raven etc
If Wessex went back in full then I would be very happy and be playing it for a long time.
Malathion Valus
01-06-2012, 10:39 AM
I may give it a try. Have to see how things go.
Zyconnic Wolfe
01-06-2012, 12:15 PM
Yes exactly, almost like we have been playing beta for 2 years, although the acid pools made no difference in the end because they changed the way rigor and ignore pain worked, so in theory those that used that exloit wasted their time.
Well, there was a reason why the guild MERC was so feared in combat.. They used this exploit :p
I would love to see WSX in DF2 building an empire.. and I wanna finally try to sail on a ship :p my computer back then was so bad that I would dc on a small boat >.<
Bastor Sharpeye
01-06-2012, 12:38 PM
If we choose to give this a chance, we should start preparing soon. As in who will lead, who will take what job and what we need to retake or where we want to be placed.
But lets see how many we can get first.
Royko Sothenic
01-06-2012, 12:46 PM
Well, there was a reason why the guild MERC was so feared in combat.. They used this exploit :p
I would love to see WSX in DF2 building an empire.. and I wanna finally try to sail on a ship :p my computer back then was so bad that I would dc on a small boat >.<
Mercs were feared because they exploited every single game mechanic, they wasnt feared because of there 100 rigor beleive me.
Royko Sothenic
01-06-2012, 12:49 PM
If we choose to give this a chance, we should start preparing soon. As in who will lead, who will take what job and what we need to retake or where we want to be placed.
But lets see how many we can get first.
I agree, this should be planned early, because if it looks like we mean business then we will attract more people, also hard to say where we should be placed as they have totally re-done the map and holdings.
Zyconnic Wolfe
01-06-2012, 12:53 PM
Mercs were feared because they exploited every single game mechanic, they wasnt feared because of there 100 rigor beleive me.
Well, I just got the impression that they were very hard to kill and very good in combat.. and I heard something about they were some of the first to exploit with macroing all day in the acidpools.. but hey, different guild, different rumours :p
Tarscanian Sothenic
01-06-2012, 01:04 PM
Yes I agree Bastor, maybe we should schedule a preliminary metting to discuss?
Harkonen Thorodan
01-06-2012, 01:42 PM
I go were WSX goes. So I will also give it a spin
Alexander TheDutch
01-06-2012, 01:44 PM
if whe can start wessex the way it whas at launch thenn it would be awesome.and i bet allot of people will join us only because they know that whenn wessex starts something its gonna be done with good leadership and a bunch dedicated people.
i will help wherever i can. if RL will let me ofcourse.
Royko Sothenic
01-06-2012, 02:36 PM
Well, I just got the impression that they were very hard to kill and very good in combat.. and I heard something about they were some of the first to exploit with macroing all day in the acidpools.. but hey, different guild, different rumours :p
Yes they more than likely was the first to macro in the acid pools, what im saying is, Rigor wasnt as special as what people thought, mercs were good in combat because they exploited high end mobs which gave them fullplate armour and rank50/60 weps.
Anyways thats all in the past, Darkfall is a fixed game, it just lacks content and players, DF2 will bring the players back for sure, for how long? who knows.
Either way, the changes they have mentioned so far has me really excited, I cant wait.
Garadin Alwhindale
01-06-2012, 04:58 PM
Well, like Harkonen said, if there's a lot of Wessex playing it, I'll give it a second chance as well.
I am skeptical, but who knows...
Amethys Aurelius
01-06-2012, 05:28 PM
If we choose to give this a chance, we should start preparing soon. As in who will lead, who will take what job and what we need to retake or where we want to be placed.
But lets see how many we can get first.
AS i heard there is totally new world. old one is gone. new start for everybody.
my bad experience was that we played couple hours with duffo and we died couple times because all surrounding was too hard for new player. goblins was only easy thing and couple hours didnt give anything to get away from that place. as soon we tried little bear took us both down almost one shot.
Sir Levald Aurelius
01-06-2012, 05:37 PM
I know wessex recruited for quite awhile before the original darkfall launched. Perhaps its wise to figure out the core membership and then begin recruiting in advance for darkfall 2, bolster the numbers etc. Sadly I need to get a new job before I can commit to any new MMO's.
Royko Sothenic
01-06-2012, 06:24 PM
AS i heard there is totally new world. old one is gone. new start for everybody.
my bad experience was that we played couple hours with duffo and we died couple times because all surrounding was too hard for new player. goblins was only easy thing and couple hours didnt give anything to get away from that place. as soon we tried little bear took us both down almost one shot.
There is tons of stuff you can kill as a newbie, just gotta know how and where, and i agree darkfall 1 isnt very newbie friendly but they have already stating that it will be more friendly to new players this time around. but hey this time around you will have the advice of seasoned vets like myself who has played since beta, 3 years ago this month. :)
Malachi Drake
01-06-2012, 07:01 PM
Could be a fun oppertunity.
Orsini Renatta
01-06-2012, 08:15 PM
Shit, if we can gin up this kind of response to a forum, count me in. If it stinks, we can just hang around and bang our heads against a wall for a few years...... Oh wait, that's called mortal. Lol
Bastor Sharpeye
01-06-2012, 08:39 PM
10 members looking! Stop looking and chime in folks. Lets keep this thing going :)
Jake Dane
01-06-2012, 08:59 PM
I'll believe when I see it tbh.
The ship has sailed for Aventurine when it comes to anymore money out of my pocket going to them as a company.
If all else fails and I find myself bored to bits I *may* give it a whirl but I seriously doubt it.
Tarscanian Sothenic
01-06-2012, 09:23 PM
Guys we have to remain positive :)
Now for some who are following this thread including myself AV and Darkfall have given joy and also disappointment, more than likely in equal amounts, but without a doubt for me anyway it is the closest I have been to being in the real McCoy!
I and many others here have tried nearly every MMO going to try and gain.......I don`t know what but that ....... feeling.
Darkfall nearly had it and could have it in Darkfall 2, if it doesn't then we have lost nothing.
So lets keep hoping. I say that we approach this with a clear and open mind because we can all gripe about dev companies not providing what they promised.
I hope we see this thing take off, and hopefully we can see the true rebuilding of Wessex from this shell that we now are.
If nothing else it will give us a common goal to approach and organise as a Wessex!
I really would like to organise a informal chat to go through some fears and establish the foundation of this new adventure.
Sir Tarscanian Sothenic
Falesh Helithian
01-06-2012, 09:37 PM
I will definitely be in DF 2.0 as I am convinced it will be what Darkfall was meant to be like. Work on DF 2.0 has been going on for a long time now. They have had a great opportunity to take everything they have learned from Darkfall and have the freedom to change everything.
While this has slowed updates to the current version it is, in my opinion, a very good move as there is only so much you can do with incremental changes. You can only change x so much as it still needs to be balanced with y, which in turn has to be balanced with z. However they are now changing the whole alphabet which is very exciting indeed! (upon re-reading this I fear being a Clerk has sadly warped my sense of humour...)
The first incarnation of Wessex shook the whole server, the last incarnation didn't have anywhere near the same number of people but we showed we were the match of anyone with our discipline, tactics and teamwork.
We also have highly skilled individuals like Sir Tarscanian Sothenic who, when combined with said tactics and discipline, can let those who were not focused on the martial arts and those who had not yet acquired a reasonable proficiency in said arts, like Roy Koh, have the glorious feeling you get when gazing at the fallen bodies of numerous mortal foes laying still upon a suddenly quiet battlefield!
To succeed though we will need leaders, people willing to do the leg work that is involved with running such a unique guild. For myself I cannot guarantee being able to help. This is due to my illness, Chronic Fatigue, which means that I may or may not have the energy to play at any given time, and if I do I may not be able to do much work. I hate to see thing that need to be done not being done though and very much like to assist the guild in a general manner and will do such, however the guild cannot rely upon that help.
Zyconnic Wolfe
01-06-2012, 09:45 PM
Every man count and it's only nice to see so many people showing up and supporting this
Jaidyn Sothenic
01-06-2012, 09:54 PM
If its a complete wipe and a new world I will be interested.
Falesh Helithian
01-06-2012, 10:00 PM
Whether it is a complete wipe or not is somewhat unresolved. However they have repeatedly said things like the latest comment:
We explained that whether we wipe or don't wipe, the game is so different that it's of little significance.
So whether it is a full wipe or not the result should be the same, i.e. a fresh start.
Giumar Sturmzinne
01-06-2012, 10:06 PM
From what I've read so far it sounds interesting so I'll probably give it a go. Chance for that increases with a higher number of our members subscribing beforehand... ;)
Bastor Sharpeye
01-06-2012, 10:08 PM
If its a complete wipe and a new world I will be interested.
I'm not sure I want you there... You have more important work to do! ;)
But this interest is a good sign.
As Sir Tarscanian suggests, we should have a meeting of sorts, and talk about this. I'd also like to know if we can get His Majesty here again. He does have a way with words, and would bolster the ranks when we get closer to actually make landing in this world again.
Quinton Emeka
01-06-2012, 10:29 PM
I'll give it ago, but hopefully no 24/7 pvp like in the first darkfall defending Longmarch. I don't mind pvp but I want to enjoy the game with my clansmate adventuring to.
Casilda Tametomo
01-07-2012, 12:11 AM
It couldn't be worse than the first time, could it?
Raize Sothenic
01-07-2012, 08:25 AM
I'm going to be there for Darkfall 2.
Can't wait.
If there's no wipe i might start a new character just for the new experience.
Malachi Drake
01-07-2012, 08:48 AM
The initial days of Dark Fall were the best experience I have ever had in an MMO and it only lost my interest due to the exploiting, the forced macroing and grinding caused by the slow experience system and the huge impact it had on success in combat. They have already fixed that problem so I see huge potential for the future of DF2 and I will be on board.
Alexander TheDutch
01-07-2012, 09:09 AM
looks like whe gonna have a nice group of people
Zyconnic Wolfe
01-07-2012, 09:38 AM
16 would like to join our new campain
6 would maybe like to join
(based on this thread)
That's what I call a small army :p
Royko Sothenic
01-07-2012, 10:04 AM
Well, there is also, Kellshar, Cenris, Mono, Sayton, Erwin, Kasdeya and more who will be there for DF2, all of these have been part of Wessex at some point, some still are - They just havnt seen this thread yet :)
Raize Sothenic
01-07-2012, 10:44 AM
It seems there is very little communication out of Adventurine :shock: a consolidated "what we know" thread would go a long way most likely.
Falesh Helithian
01-07-2012, 10:58 AM
It seems there is very little communication out of Adventurine :shock: a consolidated "what we know" thread would go a long way most likely.
If you search my Dev Tracker for "2.0" (*p*0/) you will get all the blog and forum posts that at least mention the re-release. I would scroll down to the "Update and Q&A" post from 5 months ago and then read up from there.
Tarscanian Sothenic
01-07-2012, 11:26 AM
Also Me and Roy and Kells have been playing with a great group of people for a while now, so hopefully we can persuade them to join the mighty Wessex.
Great to see some people emerging.
Hi Falesh, Raven and Mal ;)
Otto Osterwind
01-07-2012, 02:56 PM
There are also many people still on holiday from the Mortal Online part of Wessex. It could easily be another ten on board if they come back.
Alexander TheDutch
01-07-2012, 03:23 PM
awesome :D
Quinton Emeka
01-07-2012, 04:32 PM
Yeah Armage, Daliyah, Drakony, Jacen, Kora, Morkelb, Phineas, Silvio, Teroh, Vampirik, and Zehtuka may also play.
Linthalor Keeran
01-07-2012, 06:03 PM
Yeah Armage, Daliyah, Drakony, Jacen, Kora, Morkelb, Phineas, Silvio, Teroh, Vampirik, and Zehtuka may also play.
Thanks for forgetting about me :P
That aside, I'll give it it a spin too since we have this much interest.
Garadin Alwhindale
01-07-2012, 06:04 PM
No one cares about you Linth.
Alexander TheDutch
01-07-2012, 06:41 PM
i found a goat fo you garadin :p
Jaidyn Sothenic
01-07-2012, 08:04 PM
So when we looking? Knowing AV if they say a month we are looking at half a year.
Royko Sothenic
01-07-2012, 08:10 PM
"Open beta" is schedueled for April/May/June time i beleive.
So yes we could well be waiting 6-8 months for release.
But this time they have better knowledge, and better investment, so im sure they will market the game properly this time around, Darkfall has only ever sold in stores in greece apparently lol.
Falesh Helithian
01-07-2012, 08:31 PM
Aye, the business side of things is another aspect of the re-launch that I am very excited about. They are getting more staff and are getting more resources thanks in part to partners in Asia where they will be launching servers. This is good for us as it lets AV throw more people at fixing bugs, adding new content and actually marketing the game. :p
Sir Levald Aurelius
01-07-2012, 10:14 PM
Hmm so its basically just a relaunch with major game play changes not really a whole new game engine with better tools for what they wanted Darkfall to be originally?
Royko Sothenic
01-07-2012, 10:24 PM
Hmm so its basically just a relaunch with major game play changes not really a whole new game engine with better tools for what they wanted Darkfall to be originally?
Its a relaunch with major game changes, not a new engine.
Read the blog, they say nothing is being left untouched.
Quinton Emeka
01-08-2012, 03:24 AM
Thanks for forgetting about me :P
That aside, I'll give it it a spin too since we have this much interest.
I thought you were pretty active on the forums and in mumble thats why I didn't put you down Master Fisherman :)
Malathion Valus
01-08-2012, 05:23 AM
Also Me and Roy and Kells have been playing with a great group of people for a while now, so hopefully we can persuade them to join the mighty Wessex.
Great to see some people emerging.
Hi Falesh, Raven and Mal ;)
Rhygar apGwynn
01-08-2012, 10:02 AM
For anyone thinking of trying DF2 and worrying about not enjoying it for the long term... don't. Whatever you pay up front is similar to any single player game (correction if I am wrong on that :)) and you will get at least a few weeks-months of fun - also similar to any single player game. If you are looking for something fresh you can't go wrong trying it.
And as Orisini said, from the forum reaction it seems you will have plenty of good company.
Phocian Night
01-08-2012, 10:23 AM
Iam very interested.
Never played the original game, so I'm all bright eyed and bushy tailed to start a new mmo.
As long as it's not a wow clone I shall give it a go.
Zyconnic Wolfe
01-08-2012, 11:12 AM
Iam very interested.
Never played the original game, so I'm all bright eyed and bushy tailed to start a new mmo.
As long as it's not a wow clone I shall give it a go.
Don't worry. This is not a wow clone :p
Falesh Helithian
01-08-2012, 12:01 PM
Hmm so its basically just a relaunch with major game play changes not really a whole new game engine with better tools for what they wanted Darkfall to be originally?
I think the key is that as well as changing almost everything they are changing fundamental things. In a similar way to WoW removing all character classes and then making a new system that doesn't use classes. That is why it is a re-launch/new game rather then just an epic expansion.
Royko Sothenic
01-08-2012, 12:25 PM
Iam very interested.
Never played the original game, so I'm all bright eyed and bushy tailed to start a new mmo.
As long as it's not a wow clone I shall give it a go.
Yeah, this is not wow, the absolute opposite lol.
This is full loot, open world, anything goes, lets just say this isnt a game for the light hearted.
Great to see so many people interested and well met :)
Elagost Thego
01-09-2012, 01:09 PM
I'll be there. Kept the game installed for such an occasion. I usually stick around for the community anyway. Maybe this time (if there is new servers) I'll be able to get good :P
Royko Sothenic
01-09-2012, 01:11 PM
Yay Elagoos!
Tarscanian Sothenic
01-09-2012, 01:14 PM
Kell Shar
01-09-2012, 02:13 PM
ill be playing cant wait :)
Apoca Ailen
01-09-2012, 03:46 PM
How many will be playing so far? Seems like quite a number from the response of this thread.
Garadin Alwhindale
01-09-2012, 04:29 PM
The goose is still around? I'll be damned...
Zyconnic Wolfe
01-09-2012, 04:35 PM
How many will be playing so far? Seems like quite a number from the response of this thread.
atleast 20-25 +
Royko Sothenic
01-09-2012, 04:40 PM
Theres 25 at my count so far, thats without the ones i know will be back but have not yet seen the forums. I'll be bringing another 10-15 new faces along to, just waiting for replies from forum pms and emails :)
Dansai Gedden
01-09-2012, 05:50 PM
I;ll be there for sure.
I'll bring my slave as well :cool:
Royko Sothenic
01-09-2012, 05:56 PM
Hey Mad Dog! :)
Get Undertaker, Zaffa and all the boys on here too.
Rhodri Taliesin
01-09-2012, 06:13 PM
I might consider joining.....but I'm not entirely familiar with the world of Darkfall, but if MO goes South I'll definitely keep this in mind.
Lodmund Brebourne
01-09-2012, 06:43 PM
i'll be there for sure :D
Alexander TheDutch
01-09-2012, 10:27 PM
THE GOOSE i back!!!
Alexander TheDutch
01-09-2012, 10:28 PM
hey lonlan, long time no see :D.
hwo you doin m8?
Giumar Sturmzinne
01-09-2012, 11:44 PM
those numbers look promising indeed. I actually can't wait to play with a decent sized Wessex-community again - that's what makes a game experience extraordinal. :)
Garadin Alwhindale
01-10-2012, 12:56 AM
Even if the game fails to deliver, at least the first weeks will be amusing if these many Wessexians join in.
Amethys Aurelius
01-10-2012, 01:07 AM
This will be something very good for wsx.
Royko Sothenic
01-10-2012, 07:41 AM
I am very confident we can grow to 100 people before release.
Anyone who ever played Darkfall1 and liked it, will be back for Darkfall2 to have a look, i am pretty sure of that.
Ether Rael
01-10-2012, 12:45 PM
If AV show signs of growing up as a company, you have my sword :)
Lodmund Brebourne
01-10-2012, 04:07 PM
I'm fine thanks :D how are you doing?
Alexander TheDutch
01-10-2012, 04:12 PM
im good thanks. kinda busy atm so im not gaming much.
What games are you playing lately?
Lodmund Brebourne
01-10-2012, 04:22 PM
haven't been gaming much either, Played Skyrim for a large amount of time tho. It's been a month ago that I had some time for gaming so I started darkfall like 3-4 days ago but the game is dead that's for sure or at least the EU server.
Royko Sothenic
01-10-2012, 04:25 PM
Atleast 200 people from EU transfered to NA just for a laugh, Darkfall1 is finished as the developers have stopped any patches now and are purely working on Darkfall2.
Alexander TheDutch
01-10-2012, 05:04 PM
haven't been gaming much either, Played Skyrim for a large amount of time tho. It's been a month ago that I had some time for gaming so I started darkfall like 3-4 days ago but the game is dead that's for sure or at least the EU server.
yep EU server is kinda dead. people basicly playing it since there isnt a single game on the market that can compete whith darkfall. like roy sayed allot of people including me and roy transfered to NA, to enjoy the game with a better population.
But thenn whe found out the ping whas a big issue for us, i had 120 ping stable but couldnt play my playstyle wich is destroyer cause of the serverdelay and ping.
Building up a bank again isnt the most fun ofcourse.
For darkfall 2.0 whe will have a nice group together wich looks verry promissing. hope you will be part of this again :D.
Apoca Ailen
01-10-2012, 10:43 PM
About that. Will we be playing on the NA server or the EU server?
Garadin Alwhindale
01-10-2012, 10:46 PM
I'm guessing it depends on the amount of NA/EU that are playing.
Royko Sothenic
01-10-2012, 11:18 PM
We will be on Eu guys, we have alot more euro's here.
Giumar Sturmzinne
01-10-2012, 11:39 PM
I hope the ping will not kill the fun for our NA gamers though I'm content that we'll play on EU servers. :)
Sarek Bane
01-11-2012, 05:33 AM
Well I am now slap bang in the middle of Europe with a godlike connection so i will certainly have a peek at it..
Royko Sothenic
01-11-2012, 07:22 AM
Awsome news Sarek, Long time no speak, how you doing mate? Hows your bro too, hope all is well with you both.
Royko Sothenic
01-11-2012, 07:30 AM
I hope the ping will not kill the fun for our NA gamers though I'm content that we'll play on EU servers. :)
That depends what part they are from, I can play on NA server with 105 ping, and im from England, definatly playable without a doubt.
Raize Sothenic
01-11-2012, 07:37 AM
That depends what part they are from, I can play on NA server with 105 ping, and im from England, definatly playable without a doubt.
Providing a user does not have a poor computer. Any ping under 150 should not really affect you too much. 250+ is when you get ghosting and delayed shots in computer games. I used to play Darkfall on an ISP that restricted gaming bandwidth and played nearly 2 years with 150ish ping and never knew.
Tarscanian Sothenic
01-11-2012, 08:24 AM
Hey Sarek good to see you once more.
Apoca Ailen
01-11-2012, 09:01 AM
Does Darkfall offer free transfers? Or cheap ones, at least?
Royko Sothenic
01-11-2012, 11:57 AM
Transfers are about 10 euro, but they could be a wipe or something yet, who knows.
Quinton Emeka
01-11-2012, 01:52 PM
Yeah I played on the EU server and my lag was terrible when there was a big fight could hardly move. Hopefully it won't be like that this time around.
Rhygar apGwynn
01-11-2012, 01:57 PM
Yeah I played on the EU server and my lag was terrible when there was a big fight could hardly move. Hopefully it won't be like that this time around.
That happened to me as well and I was in the EU. Those big fights were a balls-up for all.
Royko Sothenic
01-11-2012, 02:12 PM
Yeah I played on the EU server and my lag was terrible when there was a big fight could hardly move. Hopefully it won't be like that this time around.
They have moved the servers recently, so lag wont be as bad as before, and yes when did you play? at release or untill i got my new pc 8 months ago, i could not move in sieges. for large combat you need a decent pc.
Alexander TheDutch
01-11-2012, 02:36 PM
for large fights your processor needs to be over 4ghz.because darkfall is made for 1 core. but the rumors are that DF2.0 will be made for multi core but as far as i know it hasnt been confirmed yet
Quinton Emeka
01-11-2012, 03:09 PM
They have moved the servers recently, so lag wont be as bad as before, and yes when did you play? at release or untill i got my new pc 8 months ago, i could not move in sieges. for large combat you need a decent pc.
Release. My machine that I have now is way better than the one I had at release. My processor is a AMD Phenom II X4 3.2Ghz quad core.
Alexander TheDutch
01-11-2012, 05:35 PM
unfortunatly darkfall doesnt like amd that much. i have the same problem i got a AMD T1090 6 core at 3,2Ghz and still need to run darkfall on low setting to get 60 fps in big sieges.
Falesh Helithian
01-11-2012, 05:54 PM
I don't think it hates AMD, my previous 2 core 3.2GHz (I think) AMD porccessor did fine even in zergy sieges. What it really thrives on is a high single core clock speed so your 6 core CPU might handle about the same as my old 2 core one.
This should change to some degree in the re-launch but I think there will only be limited multi-core support as converting a large amount of code from single core to multi-core is exceptionally hard.
Enthilza Veni
01-11-2012, 09:15 PM
I wasn't there for the glorious fights led by Wessex for DF1 release but I shall be there for the DF2 release. Probably still sucking at pvp with my dwarf though :o
Royko Sothenic
01-11-2012, 09:26 PM
Great news Enthilza! :)
Enthilza Veni
01-11-2012, 09:38 PM
/Takes note that Roy changed name again :D
Royko Sothenic
01-11-2012, 09:39 PM
Indeed, Ive decided to be female human on darkfall, so now was a good time to change name. :)
Hope all is well Enthilza
Alexander TheDutch
01-11-2012, 09:43 PM
roy changes names more thenn i change socks :D
Enthilza Veni
01-11-2012, 09:47 PM
Indeed, Ive decided to be female human on darkfall, so now was a good time to change name. :)
Hope all is well Enthilza
Yeah I'm good. New work is more time consuming than the previous one so my game time is, and probably still will be, reduced.
Trying Eveonline at the moment and some Battleground Europe, life's good.
Raize Sothenic
01-12-2012, 07:29 AM
Enthilza, if you need a good corp in 0.0 in EVE, look me up under Gicer. Few other Wessex guys are with me.
Enthilza Veni
01-12-2012, 10:18 PM
Thanks for the offer. I only started a couple of weeks ago so I'm still discovering the game and hanging around in high sec. I'll keep your offer in mind though.
Royko Sothenic
01-12-2012, 10:26 PM
Guys can everyone whos taking part in Darkfall 2.0 reply in the roster thread above, thanks.
Royko Sothenic
01-13-2012, 07:34 AM
Also if you havnt yet read the Darkfall Introduction ( then please do so.
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