View Full Version : hey guys

Kintaros Gerbi
08-03-2011, 06:15 PM
hii..I was sent here by villie to tell my story about building a house on wessex territory without permission, and that One of the Clerks will contact me.
Well I'm relatively new player, i got butcher char, tame char and new warrior.
in order To get the money to buy the house plans I worked very hard.
When I got the money to build a house i was looking for an area with lots of animals
At first I thought to build the house at shore prowers area but i didnt find any free spot so on my way back to meduli I went through your territory And I saw there was lots of animals and few houses so i start build there.
after like 2 days few player from your guild came and says that i need premission to build there and killd me..
I wanted to say again that I was a new player and I did not know the area owned by your guild.
Despite the mistake I did want to join your guild and be a significant part of the team and contribute my help. ty

Sir Levald Aurelius
08-04-2011, 12:58 AM
could you indicate where exactly you built? what animals its near ect.

Kintaros Gerbi
08-04-2011, 10:08 PM
hii Levald Aurelius.. i built south east meduli next to spiders bears and horses there is also Tower and buildings surrounded by a wall.

Mela Aurelius
08-04-2011, 11:25 PM
That sounds closer to Vadda. http://www.mortalpolitics.com/index.php

Try looking there for who is land owner. I've talked to our people and no one knows anything about your building. Do you remember the names of the players who killed you?

Wooster Redwood
08-05-2011, 01:37 AM
Odd enough. Wessex does not claim those lands, nor does it regulate any non-hostile building in that area. If it would've been Moh-ki region or the Brood isles, Wessex might have a standing on the matter. This however perks the question that who is it that told you Wessex might be responsible, or in any way connected to acts in Meduli / Vadda region?

Kintaros Gerbi
08-05-2011, 12:56 PM
well I remember one name BBQ or somtin like that.. ill add picture of the area..
i just askd some one there he said its ss/dc territory..its yours?

Wooster Redwood
08-05-2011, 01:36 PM
No. Wessex only claims the south-Eastern corner of the map, limiting it's influence over that region.
You are seeking to contact anyone with a tag DC or SS in the IRC of Mortal online.

My apologies, but we can't help you with this matter.

I do however suggest trying The Order of the Silver Skull homepage. (http://silverskullguild.com/forum/index.php)
They should be able to instruct you if they were involved.

Harkonen Thorodan
08-05-2011, 01:38 PM
The BBQ dude are Myrmadon. They are known griefers. They are not associated with us.

Armage Havion
08-09-2011, 09:56 AM
SharaBBQ is Myrm.

very respectfully.