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Kahkar Artal
07-13-2011, 03:31 PM
My name is Kahkar Artal. Thank you for letting me get a trial membership in the Duchy of Wessex. I look forward to my time in the guild and hope I will get accepted as a full member.

I have to say that I'm not very good at this game and I will probably need a lot of help from you guys.

Karsa Orlong
07-13-2011, 03:34 PM
Welcome! Once you are on Mumble, feel free to ask away, I am sure there will always be people willing/capable of giving you the right answers or helping you in other ways.

Jacen Olliard
07-13-2011, 03:53 PM
Welcome to Wessex, let me know if you have any questions about guild structure, or anything both in and out of game involving Wessex. I look forward to seeing you in game and talking with you in mumble!

Quinton Emeka
07-14-2011, 03:52 AM
Welcome to the Duchy of Wessex!!!!