View Full Version : Kiratru's restaurant
Kiratru Faellyan
06-30-2011, 10:07 PM
I am offering greatest quality food of all Nave! Come and check out my menu!
Mostly you can find me wandering around Moh-Ki.
Yes, it's a moving-restaurant! The more oxygen and sun my food takes, the better it is!
UPDATE 2011-07-02
Due to low prices of food I was selling and low profit, I decided to completely remake my food store.
Since now all food prepared by me is free for guild members.
However, I accept any kind of donations to keep this business.
Jackal Wychwood
06-30-2011, 10:10 PM
If you have time add health/stam/mana values to your food offers :)
Kiratru Faellyan
06-30-2011, 10:11 PM
Ye, I will do it... today morning ^^
Giumar Sturmzinne
07-01-2011, 10:24 AM
actually your side orders are more important than your main meals :D (the bread is good for fighters and your salad for mages)
I still have enough from your stuff though I will buy some more the next time I see you. :)
Jackal Wychwood
07-01-2011, 01:07 PM
Hope I am not spamming here too much but you should maybe ask around or experiment bit more because you can get much better stam food and also wheres the prepared wisent meat for health? I am buying that again.
Also there's no point in selling worse food than what you have in offers unless its cheaper. That way you can keep it more tidy and put actual pictures instead of links to many different foods where only one is interesting. :P
Example whats point of wasting wisent on Ambrosial roasted wisent when pig prepared the same way gives you the same stats.
Kiratru Faellyan
07-01-2011, 01:47 PM
Example whats point of wasting wisent on Ambrosial roasted wisent when pig prepared the same way gives you the same stats.
It's pretty boring to eat the same stuff all over again :)
But you 're right and one day I should check which one is better roasted, which one is better smoked, etc.
Kiratru Faellyan
07-02-2011, 01:26 PM
Gwarred Guild
07-02-2011, 01:28 PM
Pig prepared the same way does give you the same stat as wisent, but add a little dill, just a tiny amount and both stamina and health go up a little.
Kiratru Faellyan
07-02-2011, 01:34 PM
And where do I find dill? :)
Gwarred Guild
07-02-2011, 02:30 PM
At the grocer. If not then I believe they grow near meduli but you'll have to do a bit of wandering.
Giumar Sturmzinne
07-02-2011, 03:37 PM
I mention my suggestion here in public again: raise your prices instead of giving everything away for free. Everyone knows that you loose interest on things really quick if you make it for free so you probably will not be interested to make further researches on foods. But that is actually what we need so raise your prices and provide us with the best food you can get and everyone will be happy. ;) Your prices were incredible low anyway, I think no one will complain if you sell your stuff for the double price and you should get profit then. :)
Gwarred Guild
07-02-2011, 03:46 PM
Guimar I do not cook for profit my friend. I am prepared to invest my money into the guild in the way of free meals, especially for the garrison. I've never been much of a crafter nor a businessman so please embrace the socialist policy I am adopting.
Of course outside the guild I will charge and if I find that demand starts to get high within the guild I will hav to ask for donations when you want food. If however the other cooks want to charge the guild then I will have to resort to providing free food to the garrison so as not to impede on their trade...however I am working towards a house with a vendor so the food can be sold there to anyone who wants to buy, but that may take time.
Gwarred Guild
07-02-2011, 03:55 PM
Kiratu if you want to discuss prices we can set up the same rules, prices etc so as not to disrupt your restaurant. I want to help the guild but not at the expense of nerfing someone's trade and primary means to make money. PM me my friend. However I am in the militia so I will be wanting to provide free food to it, yourself or any other cook of course also welcome to do so. We need our fighters fit and healthy and with immediate access to food from the militia storage which I will bring up on Tuesdays militia meeting.
Kiratru Faellyan
07-02-2011, 04:19 PM
It doesnt really matter for me, if I sell this food or give it away ;)
Giumar Sturmzinne
07-02-2011, 04:54 PM
I was just suggesting, so if you Kiratru donīt care about giving food for free then everything is fine^^ Itīs just that we canīt expect that from anyone so I was worrying about loosing a good cook because the time spent to cook is not worth much. :)
Kiratru Faellyan
07-02-2011, 04:58 PM
I treat cooking as second profession now and trying to spent last points for butchery :)
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