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View Full Version : The WAR is over

Royko Sothenic
06-24-2011, 08:49 PM
2 months and 22 days ago, the temporary alliance came together to commence its war against SUN, taking Kvitstein in a blitzkrieg moment that took both SUN and the rest of the server by surprise. Our alliance's stated aim was:

"to reduce SUN's hold on EU1 and ensure that they cannot in the future dominate the server in the way that they are doing now."

We're happy that (for now, at least) that aim has been achieved:

SUN has been shown that it cannot tell the server "bring it or STFU" and expect others to put up with its arrogance
SUN knows that people are willing to band together to take them down if they act with the disdain they previously displayed
SUN has had some of its most valuable holdings forcibly removed from it
SUN has been forced to sell other valuable holdings
SUN's access to mine holdings has been reduced to a much more balanced 4, from their previously obscene number.

As we promised at the start, the temporary alliance has undertaken this war at very great cost to itself and with no profit, selling SUN's holdings at prices well below market value and retaining no holdings for ourselves (despite all the trolls saying we would do the opposite). We have remained true to our word.

So, we have decided to disband our alliance tonight and to travel our own, separate paths once again.

If SUN decides that it wants to keep fighting us then we will re-ally and de-ally for each siege. If they multi-siege before the new siege patch balances out this shitty conquest system, then our position will be reviewed.

Zyconnic Wolfe
06-24-2011, 10:11 PM
ahh Kvitstein.. The good old time at launch where SotA had their home there.. Miss the times :(

Elagost Thego
06-24-2011, 10:54 PM
Nice. I'm glad the server is in a much better position now :)

Alexander TheDutch
06-25-2011, 08:39 AM
im glad the war is over. hopefully it will fill agon again :D

Jake Dane
06-28-2011, 12:02 PM
No more easy pve'ing from allied holdings :(

Wtb pvp mentor :)

Tarek Bane
06-29-2011, 12:30 PM
Im glad Sun got shown they cant rule the server, im sure we all knew that you would never get rid of Sun but at least they might from now on not horde all the holdings and mines.