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View Full Version : Buying Wheat

Gwarred Guild
06-15-2011, 07:20 AM
I assume there is wheat to be found to make bread. I also assume you can make flour. I could be wrong. But I wish to make bread, and hopefully pastries.

If anyone can find wheat, rye, or any sort of grass like that which can be used for bread please let me know. will buy 2 10k stacks of the stuff for 2 gold each.

Onions, potatoes, any vegetable that could be used in a stew I will buy.

Will also buy Wisent Carcuss for 80 silver a stack.

Send me a PM if you have anything you think I might be interested in. Looking at making breads, pies, and beef dishes such as stews...or reply to this thread.

Wooster Redwood
06-15-2011, 09:07 AM
I found Corn. And as far as I know, that can be used to make cornbread. Could try it ona grinder, myes?

Gwarred Guild
06-16-2011, 05:54 PM
Not a bad idea, using it on a grinder. Will have a play. corn is near the keep I believe. Will log in soona nd have a looksy around. Thanks.

Gragash Vulgor
06-17-2011, 12:21 AM
Using Corn in a Grinder or Press will make Flour, putting fruit on it will give juice, it always have the same quality no matter your skill, the two skills related are Ore Extraction Appliances and Milling, both are primaries and only increase the yield (its very very low without these)

Jacen Olliard
06-23-2011, 02:22 PM
Using corn on the herbologium also yields corn oils

Daliyah Legolia
06-23-2011, 05:09 PM
I am currently reading all of the machine lores to max at the moment so that I can extract more materials from the goods. If anyone wants to hang on to their raw materials I will gladly put them through the press, grinder, or herbologium for greater yields. As Gragash stated, the yield is horrid with low machine lores.