View Full Version : Donkeys and horses
Gwarred Guild
06-14-2011, 09:35 AM
Can I please put a request in for a donkey, preferably two, with saddles, and 2 horses...type of idea with this new expansion. If anyone can tell me if a strong horse with bags can carry a fair few wisen carcus please, will allow me to drop 30 cc I use for donkeys...I definitely need a donkey for combat, to ride out on with mounted archery.
looking to buy on thursday or friday. Thanks.
Giumar Sturmzinne
06-14-2011, 12:17 PM
You need a donkey for combat? :D
I still have some old bull horse receipts in my bank an I guess they will remain good horses. But the receipts are of course useless until they fix the problems... So lets see on thursday/friday if the have fixed it by then.
Gwarred Guild
06-15-2011, 06:10 AM
What I need is a tamer. I believe pet receipts are bugged so I am going ot need a tamer to provide me wih either a donkey or a horse for me to haul carcuss. I have not been in the game much at all, been too busy with work and RL, so I have not been able to test out horses for carrying wisent carcuss, so if anyone could PLEASE, update this thread with some information.
I don't want to be in a position of standing around in moh-ki next week twiddling my thumbs because people only communicate on mumble now.
I really could use a tamer, someone who has spent a day or two at least taming the wildlife and has used mounts and/or donkeys to haul cargo and advise me, on costs etc, best options, are donkeys now obsolete.
And I believe the militia will provide horses for combat.
Sir Levald Aurelius
06-15-2011, 12:15 PM
CC is not needed for horses or donkeys anymore, tried and tested it myself.
Gwarred Guild
06-16-2011, 05:55 PM
Great. So when they fix the bugs with the pets and mounts i'll be good to go. Still need a tamer who can provide horses and donkeys though.
Daliyah Legolia
06-16-2011, 06:58 PM
Korah and I are tamers Gwarred, I would be happy to fetch a horse for you. I'm sure Korah would have no problem doing the same. It appears that the standard horse with bags equipped can carry 5, 10k stacks of carcass, as well as you carrying your max inventory weight. I have not heard if the donkeys out by meduli are allowing more stacks to be carried. But a horse would suit your needs fine for the meantime I'm sure. Hopefully they fix the bugs by then and we can go back to taming!
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