View Full Version : Greetings from Iskar
Iskar Polgar
06-11-2011, 02:17 PM
Hello! I started playing a couple of days ago and was instantly drawn to your Duchy upon reading the Mortal Online clan listings. I'd very much like to join you in your struggles against the rigorous challenges of medieval fantasy life! I have one question to begin with. Where in blazes are you based? I started in Fabernum and have only just started venturing beyond sight of the town walls.
Quinton Emeka
06-11-2011, 04:02 PM
Hello and welcome Iskar, were based out of Moh'ki. Look forward to seeing you soon.
Garadin Alwhindale
06-11-2011, 04:22 PM
Hello Iskar.
Like Quinton said, we're based in Moh'Ki, a land to the south/southeast of Fabernum.
Feel free to ask any question or help :)
And join us on Mumble after you've been registered here.
Candor Cae
06-11-2011, 04:53 PM
Hi Iskar. You are most welcome to join us in Moh-ki my friend! Talk to me when you get there so i can get you some horses and starting money.
Karsa Orlong
06-13-2011, 08:11 AM
Iskar Pust? :) Welcome!
Iskar Polgar
06-13-2011, 01:38 PM
I am settled in Moh'Ki and have been chopping at trees and game in the area. Had just one encounter of interest on the way over. A horseman and wizard approached me soon after I crossed the north eastern bridge of Lake Lucanica. The horseman's name was Rhavin, and they demanded I name my affiliation, to which I replied Wessex. They wished me good journey after that, but not before the wizard saw fit to test some of his spells on me. Made my hair stand up on end, but I did not flinch.
Karsa, I havn't read any Erikson. Do you recommend?
Karsa Orlong
06-13-2011, 06:47 PM
Karsa, I havn't read any Erikson. Do you recommend?
That would depend on your literary taste. Generally, however, the answer is "yes". He's a quality writer and books, although a bit drawn out, are some of the best written in the genre.
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