View Full Version : Don't know if it matters to anyone but
Enthilza Veni
06-07-2011, 06:57 PM
the last two former Wessex holdings (Aradoth & Isturak) have been sold by Lux to Z5. Don't know why, don't know how, but it just happened.
I can't say I understand what's going on but I thought I would report it for the few of us who still play.
Royko Sothenic
06-08-2011, 08:14 AM
Aradoth wasnt ours it was a loan, so its not sold just been given back, Isturak and Ul turrah have both been sold and Lux will be holding the money for when or if WSX make a return.
Lux have also sold or in the process of selling all their holdings, they will lose them to sun anyway (when the temp alliance disbands) so they sold up to claim some of the selfsiege gold back, they are living in chaos citys (which is alot of fun) to try and gain the interest back into darkfall.
Hope this helps
Jake Dane
06-08-2011, 10:16 AM
Thx for the info Roy.
Falesh Helithian
06-08-2011, 11:23 AM
Sounds good. Chaos cities can be so much fun to live out of! :D
Enthilza Veni
06-08-2011, 04:14 PM
Thanks a lot for those explanations Roy, things are now much clearer.
They are clearer but I'm not really sure I like that, it means that the only real winner of this war, as anticipated by some in Forumfall quite early, will be Z5. WSX is dead, LA will lose all its holdings, clans have lost enormous amounts of cash and Sun has "lost" its holdings to some clans that are clearly linked with it or that will be unable to hold them if they decide to retake them (how can Furia hope to retain Talpec if LA believes it would lose Andruk if Sun attacks).
So basically, I'm just wondering why this entire war was finally launched or why we end up failing so hard.
Anyway, I'm sure I don't understand the big picture or don't have all the info, but I just needed to vent that frustration out.
Falesh Helithian
06-08-2011, 04:46 PM
So basically, I'm just wondering why this entire war was finally launched or why we end up failing so hard.
It was launched to blitz Sun out of their holdings which would demoralize them and make them lose members and also make them realize they could be taken down if the server wanted thus restricting their behavior. It turned out like it did because it ended up being a long war rather then a blitz due to the current siege system.
I doubt any leaders involved would have chosen to fight the war at the time we did if they had known how effectively self sieging would stop it. I personally didn't argue against it because I also did not foresee this situation.
Royko Sothenic
06-09-2011, 07:53 AM
I said Lux would lose all their holdings, maybe only because they have droped from 60 active to 10 but i also forgot one thing actually, I think the temp alliance will have a defence pact for upto 3 months after the war ends, it was discussed before we started the war that it was not for one mans glory it was simply to hack away some of SUNS power, members and holdings, which i think has been very succesfull considering the selfsiege problems, who would have though that all these different clans with different ambitions and epeens could come together and stick around as one big group with little to no problems at all.
SUN assumed that this temp alliance would fail from internal problems and they were wrong, that was SUNS only way of winning this war.
Sun have lost holdings, they are down to 3 mines now with 0 seletine mines, and they will continue to lose afew more before the temp alliance disbands, wethers thats from sieges or selling them on, who cares?? job done?? if SUN rise to be as powerfull as before then im sure the server will unite once more.
Sun have lost ALOT of members, even some of their best players, Fusion, Kebab, Ninogan and more.
Sun have lost power because they have lost 2 wonders, they have lost many battlebags and many mines and from my calculations they have lost over 2 million gold just from self sieges.
Oh and by the way Furia are 60 strong they can handle themselfs quite well.
WSX was dieing before the war, was hoping the war would pick people up but sadly it went and finished off what little we had left.
Enthilza Veni
06-09-2011, 08:30 PM
Thanks once again for the info Roy. I agree that the mere fact of the alliance not being torn apart internally during all the self siege was indeed quite surprising. It clearly shows how motivated the clans were.
Maybe I just don't realise how weaken Sun has been, I'm just afraid that they're playing with us and will be back when we disband (although the 3 months pact is a very good thing). I guess I'm being too pessimistic.
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