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View Full Version : Someone with rank needs to get on

Aildon Thewind
05-23-2011, 05:05 PM
To do at least few things for guys who still active in wessex and try to keep up with alliance goings, which are:

- De-ally Walhalla
- ally Los Cuervos (Not Your Toy new tag)
- wardec SUN

As for myself, I'm changing tags to Agenda. Think, at this point, reasons for leaving are obvious and i dont have to explain them. I want to thank everybody in Wessex, who made my stay a blast, especially during our Long March kingdom days. Tars, Roy and everybody else who held together proudly in defence of our city.
Really unfortunately that since we left Long March all went downhill.

Maybe i'm not the most talkative guy, but thats probably because i try to make best out of a saying "if *you think* you have something to say - remain silent". And often, after reflecting a situation in afew moments you realise how unimportant or silly your wind-up comment was. Or its just the urge of keepeing the channel clear for combat communications. But i already said important info, so the rest of the text is optional to read, since i dont like those "farewell" threads, something of attention-whoring is there. So i wanna talk about the others - people who helped me having fun and expirience something new.

Guild of Duchy of Wessex - that first "get in line" on the garrison meeting really cracked my mind open, i realised that a clan might not be just a bunch of people with green names, but it can add a new level of gaming expirience. The whole idea has great potential and we started to see it coming: A,B,C defence plans, militia training, clan competitions, events with other clans... sad that we havent seen all of it in further developement, although these topics were covered in other threads.

Tarscanian - nice and reasonable managing of clan affairs and RP extraordinary. Great personality, always was a pleasure to listen and talk to.

Roy - effective group organising as well as evil twitch and trading skills.

Kaylem - a true kingdom builder!

Raven - mastermind of a "game within game"

Falesh - great player, great videos, great web sites, always can reasonably explain unreasonable things +)

Kell Shar - brutal-orkish destroyer playstyle as well as un-comprehendable vent accent :-)

Sarek - nice and polite recruiting also the ability to tell an essence of every bunch of ppl who come into our city in a few words ;)

Erwin&Sayton - impossible to tell who is who on vent and are nice destroyer-soldier player types.

Tarek - another solid iron brick in the kingdom's walls!

Elagost - i hear being Roy's perosnal troll is hell of a job!

Cenris - mad twitch and movement, man, just MAD!

Brandon - savior of sticky-backed souls ;)

Maximus - always has a smart comment about everything, arent ye?

Enthilza - hardworking crafty dorf straight from Babylon 5!

Hytek - keen and exploritary mahirim, not your every day tribelands type!

Lonlan - from newblands straight into the fray!

Nangar - a short, sturdy and helpful person, what else can you ask for?

Dont poke me too hard ones i forgot to mention, i take hits in the head on my boxing practise you know ;)

So best of luck in all your paths and see you on the battlefield!

Falesh Helithian
05-23-2011, 06:06 PM
Thanks for the heads up, I have made the changes.

I wish you well and understand why you are leaving, after all I'm also inactive but I do plan to return to DF in Wessex when the time is right and the others also want to come back. I had fun playing with you and hope to see you again either as friend of foe! :D

Tarscanian Sothenic
05-23-2011, 06:40 PM
Ye good luck Aildon,
Thanks for all your comments, Hopefully when the time is right and the doors stand agape once more for us Wessexians in DF you will join us once again upon our ever onward adventure.

Will certainly miss playing with you and I hope this is not the final good bye.

Sir Tarscanian Sothenic

Sayton Reinhardt
05-23-2011, 11:00 PM
I hope you'll have fun in Agenda. You have my admiration for sticking with the Wessex tags for this long. You can always join us in cRPG if you want a break from DF.

Jake Dane
05-24-2011, 08:39 AM
Have fun in Agenda mate! I'll see you in CA and on the battlefield :)

Btw, if we're not throwing any sieges towards SUN then what's the point of having them war dec'ed?

Sarek Bane
05-24-2011, 11:08 AM
Were all still floating around and will be back, hoping you join us again. Was a pleasure fighting with you!

Kell Shar
05-25-2011, 07:11 AM
Good luck aildon m8, i shall meet you again some time with my brutal accent and un-comprehendable orc :)

Alexander TheDutch
05-26-2011, 12:21 PM
whas fun playing with you.and thanks for saying that im such a smart guy :p.

Enthilza Veni
05-26-2011, 04:38 PM
:( I leave for a few days and when I come back one of the few remaining members of the clan says goodbye. It's a sad news but I understand how you feel Aildon.

Thanks for your kind words and God speed with Agenda. I hope we'll meet again and fight side by side many times again.

Cenris Hildur
05-30-2011, 01:00 PM
Good luck Aildon, I will miss you :(