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View Full Version : A new scout arrives...

Daedek Sabotier
05-06-2011, 08:35 PM
Recently released from her life as a serveant at Tindrem, a Veela, Fellecia Angela has arrived at Moh-Ki in search of work. She posseses abilities to tame wild animals, fight with swords and bows on foot aswell as shoot arrows from horseback. Her abilities as a scout in the jungle before being taken captive were good, but now has to re-learn everything.

Gragash Vulgor
05-06-2011, 11:39 PM
Be welcome to Moh-ki and to the Wessex friend.

Jacen Olliard
05-07-2011, 01:40 AM
Welcome to Wessex my friend. I see Rhygar has already contacted you, if you need any more help let me know. :)