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View Full Version : One more Lord's hunting party

Lodmund Brebourne
04-27-2011, 09:07 PM
After the sad event of Wessex within darkfall falling apart and people going to different clan Nangar and me dicided it would be a good idea to get the old wessex clan back togheter for one more trip. A lord's hunting party, but this time not for the clan but rather for ourselfs. It doesn't matter what clan you're in just to get us togheter one more time for old times sake.

If you are interested and want to join tell us in the comments below and we will work out a date later.

Thanks for your time and greeting from Nagar and me :)

Edit:We could also make this a PvP trip if you guy's would like that more.
Edit: A date and place has been set: Upcoming sunday, 1 May 8pm GMT in Aradoth
Edit: We will use the old wessex mumble (NOT the Hyperion one, the other one)

Elagost Thego
04-27-2011, 10:44 PM
I'm up for it. Not logged into Darkfall in some time either. You should come try out Warband with us Lonlan. It would be great having you and Nangar with us there at least :( I probably won't be in Wessex in Darkfall, but this is still a big community. There's plenty more things we can all do as a group :)

Enthilza Veni
04-28-2011, 12:08 PM
I shall be there with you guys. Thanks for setting this up Lonlan.

Lodmund Brebourne
04-28-2011, 02:00 PM
Thank you for coming.

Lodmund Brebourne
04-28-2011, 02:24 PM
I would join you, but i'm enjoying darkfall a bit to much a the moment.
Hope to see you there :)

Sarek Bane
04-28-2011, 03:31 PM
I should be able to make it, guess it will be my last outing with a Wessex tag in DF which is somewhat sad.

Tarscanian Sothenic
04-28-2011, 06:44 PM
you leaving then Sarek?

Enthilza Veni
04-28-2011, 10:08 PM
Well let's face it, the clan is dead at the moment and it's hard for people not to leave so I understand them. Hell there are more posts on those boards about M&B Warband than about Darkfall and we have no real officers online for days...

From a personal point of view I'll stay in Wessex as long as we are engaged in the war, after that I'll see what the clan has become but the future looks quite bleak atm.