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View Full Version : PvB scoring system

Ether Rael
04-23-2011, 02:30 AM
Lux guys seem to think we should be aware of this / the details - anyone have anything to copy and paste please?

Jake Dane
04-23-2011, 08:01 AM
We have agreed to create a PvP Ladder for members of Hyperion to use for their enjoyment. The rules will be roughly as follows, I will update any last minute changes when the time comes:

Initially we will have the 10 best Lux & the 10 best Wessex as well as some from Bag & Sword fight it out. These will then be ranked on the ladder depending on how well they did. For 2 weeks after that the people not included in the initial fighting can challenge anyone on the ladder multiple times. After that the ladder is locked at which point you can only challenge people up to 5 ranks above you.

Fights are a best of 3 with no restrictions unless you both decide to use some. If the challenger wins they are then placed above their opponent in the ladder. So if Gorr Torr was rank 46 and Roy Koh was rank 42 and Gorr Torr beat Roy Koh he would then be placed at 42 and Roy Koh would go down to 43.

Because of the no restrictions rule people will be using good gear. I am making a bag for this with Infernal, Hellraiser, etc. Don't worry if you can't afford this, just use what you can and have fun. You can still beat out geared opponents and there will also be plenty of others without the top end gear. Besides, the emphasis is on having fun not epeening! :p

The site showing the ladder rankings is found here (http://www.dfvendors.com/ladder/). To log in use the password "fortheking". The current rankings are there only to illustrate what it will look like, it will be reset once we officially start.


Royko Sothenic
04-23-2011, 09:03 AM
All members please read!


To give ourselves a boost in the war and demoralize SUN even further, we present the ASSET DESTRUCTION COMPETITION!

You can gather points by doing varies sorts of asset destruction or tapping a SUN mine. At the end of each week (sunday afternoon) the week's winners will be announced and rewarded!

To claim your points you need to screenshot you doing the activity and send that screenshot to me in a PM here on the forums! Mind that you are free to take down a portal exit with 5 people, but in such a case we expect a bit more damage done! Also feel free to post screenshots of your results in this thread, so we can all have a laugh about it http://alliance.freeforums.org/images/smilies/icon_e_smile.gif

Resources: Clan will provide ship, black powder and repair shards to groups of 15+.

Activities and points:

1 Point - Destroy a portal exit or tap at least 1 rare ore or 100 normal ore from the mine

1 Point - Join a asset destruction group

2 Points - Lock down a SUN mine at server-up and empty the mine completely

2 Points - Organize for you and some more people to do asset destruction

3 Points - Organize for 15+ people to do large scale asset destruction (a ship could be used). Attendants are awarded 2 points but damage done must be severe!

Hyperion member A and B go to Oethrain in the evening and tap the mine, happily, they receive rare ores from it too! Hyperion member A screenshots his and Hyperion Member B's presence at the mine and the rare ore in the inventory and sends it to me.
Result: 1 Point for both!

8 Hyperion members head over to Talpec (see OP), quickly destroy the portal exit and destroy the bank!
Result: 3 Points for the organizer and 1 Point for the attendants! (Note: Organizer does not have to lead the group)

Do not bother saving up your screenshots and sending them the last week to make sure you win - such cheating will not be tolerated. Send screenshots only for the week they will count in.

Please ask any questions here and GOOD LUCK!


First place (most points) - 2,000 gold per point
Second place - 1,000 gold per point
Minimum amount of points needed to be able to claim a prize: 5

Deadline for each week's screenshots is Monday morning 9:00 GMT, 10: GMT+1 (so you can work on this project all sunday http://alliance.freeforums.org/images/smilies/icon_e_wink.gif ). Monday later that day winners of the week will be announced and prizes handed out!


Week 1 (Deadline: Monday 25 april)
First place:
Second place:

Week 2 (Deadline: Monday 2 may)
First place:
Second place:

Week 3 (Deadline: Monday 9 may)
First place:
Second place:

Week 4 (Deadline: Monday 16 may)
First place:
Second place:

Alexander TheDutch
04-23-2011, 09:45 AM
damn that sounds like allot of fun :D

Ether Rael
04-23-2011, 11:46 AM
Thanks Roy - was that posted elsewhere?