View Full Version : Salutations

Gwarred Guild
04-19-2011, 09:39 AM
Can I thank the help I have received from the Duchy of Wessex in Mortal Online. Most notably Joudas, Malathion and especially Gwennie. Brilliant guys and really helped me on my way as a fledgling.

I stumbled into Moh-Ki as a fledling after wandering out of Morin Khur as my starting city. It was dark and I could not see anything, no money, nothing, just rags, I wandered. I found some player houses and was attacked by a band of vicious weasels, I limped my way and found Moh-Ki, with no map, just wandering. I was immediately helped with a horse, potions and the next day Gwennie got me suited up in some light armour, we went off to tame some horses too. Was a most excellent adventure Bill and Ted would be proud of, bar the time machine phone box, sadly.

Anyway, I have applied to join the guild, well I think I did on my registration to the forum, and I would like to see how my trial goes. I am a casual player so I will not be on much. I work from home so I log in and just chop away at wood while I work hehe, but any advice is welcome as now I am blue flagged.

Thank you kindly for the help and I promise not to seduce anyone.

Regards Gareth - Odinrock.

Jacen Olliard
04-19-2011, 01:20 PM
Welcome! I can help you get set up as a trail member on the forums. When you have a chance I would try and hop into our mumble server to say hi the the rest of us in-game. I hope you enjoy the Duchy of Wessex! :)

Gwarred Guild
04-19-2011, 01:36 PM
I could not find the information on the forum to get on mumble. I am not a massive user of forums, they confuse the hell out of me sometimes and my profile doesn't let me search for some reason.
I especially need to find on the forum the WTB/WTS section, if there is one, or is that on the mortal online forums, i don't use that forum, as I need a bow. hehe
I have played mmorpgs but not like this one where there is limited information on how and where.

Jacen Olliard
04-19-2011, 01:44 PM
Here's the mumble info, I'm not on right now but hopefully there's someone on who can authenticate.

Wessex Mumble Server Info:

I've also sent you a forum PM reguarding the naming policy we have in Duchy of Wessex for our forum accounts, just let me know what name you want and I can change it.

A good way to go about purchasing goods I find is to either ask in mumble or look for a crafter in the Mortal Online section of this forum. Linthalor is a good bow crafter and I'm sure we would make you one.

Gwarred Guild
04-19-2011, 02:08 PM
When I get access to that section I will do my friend, it is currently locked. I have in the meantime put out a request on mortal online forum (name of guil1981) to buy a bow. I work from home so in the day i may be online gathering, but that is only why i am working (i'm naughty), i wont be able to get on mumble until tomorrow night sadly.

I will respond to your PM shortly.