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View Full Version : Members meeting

Falesh Helithian
04-12-2011, 09:27 PM
I think it would be good to have this soon, maybe tomorrow now that we have had a fair amount of /signs. We could do a good writeup to post on the forums after for those that can't make it too.

Tarscanian Sothenic
04-12-2011, 09:57 PM
Ok Sure, Falesh can you post a official announcment for this on the forums? about 8.30 would be good 4 me.
Im shit deep in RDP connection atm so dont really have time.



Falesh Helithian
04-12-2011, 10:04 PM
Sure thing.

Royko Sothenic
04-13-2011, 09:48 AM
Sorry i missed this last night, I wont be able to make it for 8:30 tonight, but if someone could record the channel that could be good.