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View Full Version : Adira's Chop-shop

Wooster Redwood
04-09-2011, 07:58 AM
Mistress Adira offers competitive prices on all your carcasses!
And if she can't tell you a price for the carcass - She'll butcher it and direct all the proceeds to your tab.

Example prices:
Note: all prices per 10,000 units
Belbus 130 silver
Black Bear 65 silver
Campodon 50 silver
Dire wolf 185 silver
Nitre Flinger 150 silver
Pig 15 silver
Rabbit 300 silver
Sator 160 silver
Springbok 85 silver
Weasel 320 silver
Wisent 80 silver
Wolf 110 silver
Nitre Queen 700 silver