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  1. Medalling Ceremony 12/06/05
  2. Medalling Ceremony-1/12/06
  3. Medalling Ceremony-2/20/06
  4. Oath of Office - Robert Setles, Clerk
  5. Medaling Ceremony- 7/16/06
  6. The Wes-Irian Treaty
  7. To the Church that is in Wessex, re: the Vicar of Wessex
  8. Oath of Office - Cynric Oakheart, Clerk
  9. Oath of Office - Tewdric, Herald
  10. Grant of Knighthood - Sir Jord Hunter
  11. Vow of Faith - Erwin de Gothia
  12. Vow of Faith - Sayton de Gothia
  13. Grant of Arms - Reverend Father Sir Aethelric Brandt
  14. Oath of Office - Sempiternam Brionne, Herald
  15. Oath of Service - Spaw Kindred, Esq.
  16. Vow of Faith - Darryl Halivern
  17. Grant of Knighthood: Sir Beric
  18. Oath of Service - Kaylem Sothenic, Esq.
  19. Oath of Office - Chancellor - Rhygar apGwynn
  20. Grant of Baronetcy and Arms - Sir Rhygar ap Gwynn
  21. Oath of Office, Raize Sothenic - Exchequer
  22. Oath of Service - Spaw Kindred, Esq.
  23. The Knighting of Sir Kaylem Sothenic
  24. Oath of Office - Twyster Stronngust, Herald
  25. Grant of Spirituality: The Cathedral of Saint Germaine, Bishop Raven
  26. Oath of Office - Duncan Blackmoore, Reeve
  27. Oath of Service - Cyndane Drake - Steward of Trade
  28. Grant of Arms - Kaylem Sothenic
  29. Official Seals
  30. Grant of Arms - Malachi Drake, Bishop
  31. Grant of Arms - Raize Sothenic
  32. Grant of Arms - The Order of St. Lucian of Riada
  33. Record of Banner - Rathius Saranoth
  34. Oaths of Fealty, Office and Service
  35. Templates for Our Documents
  36. Oath of Office - Clerk
  37. Public Relation and Public Image Policy
  38. Grant of Baronetcy and Arms - Sir Chrono Veincrusher
  39. Oath of Office - Keldain Pyresong, Pursuivant
  40. Ordained: Elagost Thego
  41. Grant of Arms - Chrono Veincrusher
  42. Oath of Office - Ducal Architect
  43. Oath of Fealty - Dergoth Merkel, Thane
  44. Grant of Knighthood and Oath of Fealty - Sir Balthasar
  45. Treaty: Forsaken Disclosure and Agreement of Neutrality
  46. Treaty - The Chaos Alliance
  47. Oath of Service of Esquire to Sir Kaylem Sothenic - Bastor Sharpeye
  48. Vow of Faith, Damien Saaneem
  49. Grant of Knighthood - Sir Bastor Sharpeye, KB
  50. Vow of Faith, Garadin Alwhindale
  51. Vow of Faith, Kyros Reubens
  52. Vow of Faith, Twyster Stronngust
  53. Oath of Service - Lucianic Squire Twyster Stronngust to Sir Balthasar
  54. Oath of Service of Esquire to Sir Bastor Sharpeye - Otto Osterwind
  55. Carta Solis
  56. Vow of Faith, Kaideline Taitharn
  57. Royal Medalling Ceremony 1/1/11
  58. Oath of Office - Levald Aurelius, Herald
  59. Ordained: Kaideline Taitharn
  60. Grant of Knighthood - Sir Otto Osterwind, KB
  61. Oath of Office, Sir Tarscanian - Bailiff of Agon
  62. Oath of Office, Sir Bastor - Bailiff of Nave
  63. Oath of Service of Esquire to Sir Tarscanian Sothenic - Roy Koh
  64. Oath of Service - Pursuivant Sarek Bane
  65. Oath of Office - Stabak Coffyn, Reeve
  66. Vow of Faith, Tarek Bane
  67. Oath of Service - Brother Garadin Alwhindale Esquire to His Grace Malachi Drake
  68. Vow of Faith and Oath of Fealty, Sir Kaylem Sothenic
  69. Oath of Fealty - Sir John Livonia, Thane of Livonia
  70. Oath of Fealty - Sir Bisi Longfellow, Thane of Bag and Sword
  71. Royal Medalling Ceremony-5/30/2011
  72. Grant of Arms for Sir Otto Osterwind
  73. Oath of Fealty - Sir Taniwha Wairarapa, Thane of of Grumpy Old Bastards
  74. Vow of Faith - Varrick ChaosWielder
  75. Grant of Arms for His Grace Malachi Drake
  76. Oath of Office - Miss Casilda Sothenic, Herald
  77. Oath of Office - Armano Linger, Clerk
  78. Oath of Office - Varrick ChaosWielder, Clerk
  79. Oath of Fealty - Sir Lyks, Thane of Vehm
  80. Grant of Knighthood and Oath of Fealty - Dame Eva Zyn
  81. Grant of Baronetcy and Arms - Sir Wooster Redwood
  82. Oath of Fealty - Lord Raize Sothenic, Baron at Court
  83. Oath of Fealty - Lord Rhygar apGwynn, Baron at Court
  84. Ducal Medalling Ceremony - July 28, 2012
  85. Oath of Office - Azzerhoden Raseri, Clerk
  86. Oath of Office - Azzerhoden Raseri, Chamberlain
  87. Grant of Knighthood - Sir Rhodri Taliesin, Knight Bachelor (NOT YET GRANTED)
  88. Grant of Arms for Sir Wooster Redwood, Baronet
  89. Oath of Office - Kora Havion - Governor General of Nave
  90. Oath of Service - Esquire Rhodri Taliesin to Sir Otto Osterwind
  91. Vow of Faith-Mahira Valkran
  92. Oath of Service - Parson of Nave
  93. Vow of Faith - Yclept Nano
  94. Oath of Office - Kreager Stonewall, Pursuivant
  95. Oath of Office - Sir Otto Osterwind, Constable of Nave
  96. Oaths of Office - Caldros Valkran, Clerk
  97. Oath of Office - Azidano Valkran - Reeve
  98. Vow of Faith - Azidano Valkran
  99. Oath of Office - Azidano Valkran, Chamberlain of Nave
  100. Oath of Office - Caldros Valkran, Chancellor of the Colonial Court of Nave
  101. Oath of Office - Sir Otto Osterwind, KB, Governor-General of Nave
  102. Oath of Office - Kreager Stonewall, Herald
  103. Creation of Baronetcy - Sir Azzerhoden Raseri
  104. Creation of Baronetcy- Sir Altus White
  105. Oath of Office - Mister Caldros Valkran, Esquire, Governor-General of Wessex in Nave
  106. Writ of Attainder - Rhodri Taliesin, Esquire.
  107. Oath of Service - Esquire Caldros Valkran to His Majesty, Manus Dei
  108. Clergy Ceremony within the Cathedral
  109. Oath of Office - Apoca Ailen, Pursuivant
  110. The Treaty of Bakti
  111. Excommunication of Malachi Drake
  112. Oath of Office - Rev. Father Varrick ChaosWielder, Chancellor of Wessex
  113. Medalling Ceremony - 6/6/2014 "After Mortal Online, through ESO"
  114. Oath of Office - Apoca Ailen, Herald
  115. Oath of Office - Aneirin Cuthwulf, Clerk
  116. Oath of Service of Esquire to Sir Kaylem Sothenic - Al'Lan Mandragoran
  117. Oath of Service - Esquire Thradok Odai to Sir Kaylem Sothenic
  118. Oath of Service - Esquire Amethys Aurelius to Sir Bastor Sharpeye
  119. Oath of Service - Esquire Luis Knoxville to Sir Kaylem Sothentic
  120. Oath of Office - Chancellor
  121. Oath of Office - Vanzan Vega, Exchequer
  122. Creation of ROYAL PEER - Lord Azzerhoden Razeri, Viscount of Wessex, Baronet
  123. Vow of Faith - Adam Mooskat
  124. Writ for the creation of the Church of Soldea
  125. Vow of Faith - Pious Witney
  126. Oath of Office - Adam Mooskat, Chaplain
  127. Public Notice: Church Name Change
  128. Oath of Fealty - Knight Kentalis Wraithborn
  129. Oath of Service - Esquire Vega Warchild to His Grace the Doge Bernardo dei Medici
  130. Oath of Service to Sir Kentalis Wraithborn
  131. Oath of Service - Esquire Castiel Calmelat to Sir Kaylem Sothentic
  132. Promotion of Zanth Firebrand to the position of Chamberlain
  133. Creation of ROYAL PEER - Lord Peppovich, Marquess of Hospingham, Knight of Sanctus
  134. Award of FIEF - Sir Kaylem Sothenic, Knight of Brockmoore, Knight of Launceston
  135. Oath of Fealty - Sergeant Def Tron
  136. Oath of Service - Esquire Lukas Stormwind to Sir Kaylem Sothentic
  137. Vow of Faith- Tierus Eisenhorn
  138. Vow of Faith - Medic Doctor
  139. Duchy of Wessex - Cabinent Changes
  140. Oath of Service - Esquire Adam Mooskat to Sir Kentalis Wraithborn
  141. Creation of Magnate - Lord Jaidyn, the Right Honorable the Count of Launceston
  142. Royal Medalling Cerimony Transcripts - 1/15/2018, 2/8/2018, 3/9/2018
  143. Creation of Baronetcy – Sir Zanth Firebrand
  144. Creation of Knighthood – Sir Almo Tigh
  145. Creation of Knighthood - Sir Lukas Stormwind
  146. Creation of Knighthood - Sir Thradok Odai
  147. Oath of Office - Quinton Emeka, Clerk
  148. Oath of Service - Esquire Randver Jormunrekson to Lord Azzerhoden Razeri
  149. Dissolution of an Oath
  150. Oath of Service - Esquire Cykore Millbrook to Sir Lukas Stormwind
  151. Creation of Baronetcy – Sir Levald Aurelius
  152. Oath of Service - Gentleman Delvar Vardel to Lord Jaidyn Sothentic
  153. Oath of Office - Quinton Emeka, Treasurer
  154. Oath of Faith - Brother Juko Arcuri, Friar to the Church of Sol Deus
  155. Creation of Knighthood – Sir Randver Jormunrekson
  156. Creation of Knighthood – Sir Amador Karga
  157. Creation of Baronetcy – Sir Cykore Millbrook
  158. Agreement to a Non-Aggression Pact - Northern Bank