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(New page: A group of Vikings who come rest here in their time off. They are led by Sir Einar Tyrssen. These vikings are battle-hardened warriors who can more than hold their own in a fight. == Membe...)
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A group of Vikings who come rest here in their time off. They are led by Sir Einar Tyrssen. These vikings are battle-hardened warriors who can more than hold their own in a fight.




Arms of Sir Einar Tyrssen, Thane of Sleggjaholl
Arms of Sir Einar Tyrssen, Thane of Sleggjaholl
  • Sir Einar Tyrssen, Thane of Sleggjaholl


  • Birger Anundsson, Skald to Sir Einar Tyrssen
  • Brokk Volund, Hársmidhr
  • Byrnjolf Vargsson
  • Gunnarr Varghos, Flokksstjori
  • HyuGarona, Hárkaupmadhr
  • Oddvar, Huskarl
  • Voris Wulfgar, Svarthondvinrinn



  • -Fionn-
  • Aeonicentity
  • Asmund Ragnvald
  • Coran
  • Dinny
  • Eirik Harkonen
  • Eitri Volund
  • Evnomos
  • Henning
  • Hrothgar Lokissen
  • Joms Reisende
  • Matheus Markússon
  • Shisanu
  • Sven Magne
  • Timberwolf
  • Vilhjamur Helstag
  • West Archer
  • Wildbeard

Fealty Agreement

Sir Einar Tyrssen, Thane of Sleggjaholl, to His Majesty, Manus I,

Einar steps forward, withdrawing a scroll on which important words are written. His friend and loyal bodyguard, Voris Wulfgar, reads from it. Though he wishes to explain it himself, Einar lets Voris read on.

I, Einar Tyrssen of Hordaland, son of Tyr Jarlsson, hereby pledge the land of Sleggjaholl and my own fealty to his Grace, Duke Manus of Wessex. Let it to be known to all present and future that Sleggjaholl pledges it's able-bodied in the defence and service of Wessex and her allies. In either a time of peace or war, Sleggjaholl shall remain faithful and vigilant in her service. I will protect Duke Manus with my life, provided the All-Father sees fit to grace me with the strength and fortitude to do so. Should I be deemed fit, I will protect him against every creature, present or not present, and will love all that he loves and shun all that he shuns. Let no ill-willed creature suffer life as long as there be breath in my chest, spirit in my heart or strength within my arm.

Though Sleggjaholl swears to Wessex, she shall retain the Norse right to a free government. The allthing shall hold sway over our choices on matters of state, even if they conflict with a wish of his Grace, Duke Manus or myself. May it be known that if I am disposed of as the representative of Sleggjaholl and all those who dwell within, my successor shall abide by this treaty as well. As the nature of Norse people tends to be that of war-seekers, Sleggjaholl must trust his Grace on matters of war, except in the defense of Sleggjaholl. This holds true except in the case of the Ork, of which Sleggjaholl retains the natural right to raid and pillage the green-skinned peoples until they are no more. Let there be restraint, however, as any warring with savages may damage innocent friends of Sleggjaholl. And upon any war, Sleggjaholl shall march in aid of her allies, with as many villages and towns that are able and willing.

In matters of diplomacy, all actions of alliance and friendship shall remain unmolested by this treaty. Any alliance of Wessex shall include Sleggjaholl and her people, forever forbidding any hostility among new friends. As is expected with the nine virtues, any friend of his Grace is a friend of Sleggjaholl and myself. Trade relations are entirely independent of the say or action of any government within an alliance with Wessex, and beyond the say of myself or his Grace. Forever let it be known that the people of Sleggjaholl decide on this matter. The graces of Njord are wished upon these agreements, and let the fury of the gods rain down on whoever tarnishes the sacred word of trust. The matters of war, however, would ultimately conflict with the friendship of trade. We dare not submit friendship to any mongrel who wars with Wessex or her allies. If at any point I cannot lead my own men, let an officer take my place and fight in my stead.

By the watchful eye of the gods let this treaty, this oath, be forever unbroken. If Sleggjaholl shows gross disregard in these agreed-upon words, let the land become under the watchful eye of his Grace, Duke Manus. If his Grace ignores the words written here, today, then let Sleggjaholl declare any submission void, and remain neutral with Wessex for a period of five months. The matter shall then be decided in an allthing on the fate of Sleggjaholl. I call upon Brando de'Medici, Doge of Aquileia, Von Fishbarrel, Baron of Urth and Chrono, Herald of the Duke of Wessex as witness to this.

The paper, having been signed before he came, is offered to the Duke of Wessex. Einar takes a knee, bowing before him and offering his hands as a show of friendship and trust. He merely says,I become your liege man."
His Grace's Seal, certifying the Fealty Charter
His Grace's Seal, certifying the Fealty Charter

His Majesty, Manus I, to Sir Einar Tyrssen, Thane of Sleggjaholl

Manus, by the grace of God, king of Hyperion, duke of Wessex. Be it known to all men, present and future, that we have received our own Einar, thane of Sleggjaholl, as our liege man, against every creature, living or dead. Likewise do we receive and grant to him the lands of Sleggjaholl in fee. Thane Einar has sworn to us by the gods and ways he holds most holy that he will aid us in good faith, as his liege lord, against every creature, living or dead; at his command the following persons have sworn to us that they approve of this and will support and aid him in keeping this oath: Brando of Aquileia, Surly of Urth.

If Thane Einar fails in his duty to us and does not make amends, he will surrender Sleggjaholl and all of its holdings to us forthwith.

We have sworn with our own hand that we will aid thane Einar against every creature, living or dead. If we fail in our duty to Thane Einar, and do not make amends, then the terms Sir Einar stated shall be put forth, that the people of Sleggjaholl shall remain neutral and decide their fate in an Allthing. Likewise do we allow his incursions against the ork and the freedom of trade he requests, except insofar as it pertains to lands at war with us or any of our holdings, including Hyperion.

Done in Cathedral of Apollon, by our own witness

Manus Rex
Duke of Wessex
Count of Elba

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Kingdom of Hyperion