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Anyone may become a Paladino - you do not need to join the Order d'Argento, though you will be sure to find yourself amongst your peers if you should.

In-game, you may be able to achieve the Presitge class of Paladin, but that won't be enough for your to be formally recognized by the Republic.

"Paladino" is not a social rank, and it's not a military rank. It may be considered a title, though it is more of a way of life. It may only be bestowed upon you by another Paladino, and only after you have proved yourself worthy of it.

Paladins in general have a cause which they champion. The Paladinos are Holy Champions of Light. They spread the Teachings and Light of Auros, but they are more then the Knights of the Order d'Argento...they are more then the Clergy.

All Paladinos follow some Code which goes further then simply adhering to a Rule. It is that which guides them down the path of righteousness. It is the shining light when all others are dim. A Paladino would gladly face imprisonment and death before being forced to break any of its aspects.

Here is an example of my personal code: Service - to Auros and all which He stands for. A Paladino must serve a cause or patron, and Auros is mine, I gladly offer my life in service of Him. I will continue to spread His light and Teachings until my body is no more, and my life-spark is sent back to Him. All Paladinos should make Service to Auros a part of their code.

Courtesy - this involves more than following rules of etiquette. A Paladino acts politely to everyone, maintains self-control, considers the feelings of others and takes care not to offend them, speak with kindness, behave with dignity at all times and respect friends and foes alike.

However, they must not keep silent when the truth must be spoken, simply to avoid offending someone. A Paladino will do their best to be polite when addressing anyone but they have to be true to their word and not fall into the "False talk" trap of etiquette.

Integrity - A Paladino can always be counted on to tell the truth, as they know it. They may choose to remain silent or withhold information but will never intentionally misguide anyone, even their enemies. Even when alone, a Paladino's actions are morally sound.

Valor - Both on and off the field - A Paladino demonstrates unparalleled courage at all times. They will face the greatest dangers to fulfill a promise or a duty. A Paladino will never yield or flee in battle unless they are greatly outnumbered or receives a direct order from a peer. Even if given a direct order, a Paladino will never retreat if the life of another is at stake or other aspects of their Code will be compromised because of their retreat.

Humility - A Paladino remains humble in spirit and action. They will never preach their status or their achievements with arrogance. They never speak highly of themselves. A warm smile, and a thank you is more then a Paladino requires for fufilling their duty. A Paladino's only reward is the happiness of the people, and the victory of Light over Darkness.

Self-Sacrifice - A Paladino will never seek excess wealth for themselves, but will donate their wealth in order to better the world. A Paladino will give food to the hungry even if means starvation. They will always be the first to volunteer to cover the army's retreat, even if it means death for themself. They will never hesitate to sacrifice their life to save another.

Mercy - A Paladino will never willingly harm a good creature, nor will they cause undo pain or suffering to anyone, even an enemy. Acts of tourture will never be committed by a Paladino, nor will they allow them to be committed in their presence or with their knowledge.

The final two are staples of any good code, and should be incorporated in any Paladin's Code:

Honor - is a founding principle upon which the other aspects of the code revolve around. A Paladino always engages in honorable combat, though they will defend themselves if attacked by a foe less then their equal. A Paladin dies before compromising their principles, betraying their patron, renouncing their faith or abandoning their duty.

Faith - the most important aspect of any code, Faith is that which binds all of the other aspects. It's the ultimate state of the Paladino's mind. Faith in one's abilities, Faith in one's cause, Faith in one's code, and Faith in one's self...Faith is what makes a Paladino ahere to their code when everyone else questions it. It's what makes them continue to fight when everyone else has faltered. It's why they gladly gives their life for their cause.

You may tailor the Code to fit your own style, though it should be based on the principles of "universal good."

Infractions against the Code: No man or woman is perfect, should a Paladino break part of his code, he must make up for it in some way, or forfeit his title.

It may be as simple as being discourteous. In order to make up for this a Paladino may simply excuse his behavior, and apologize.

It could be as serious as committing a dishonorable act...such as theft. In more serious cases, a Paladino must seek out another in order to be given a task to order to make up for this infraction. An example would be: returning the object and offering to pay, or work until the injured party is satisfied as compensation.

Crimes such as murder are cause for immediate explusion - there is no making up for it. Even though killing a benighted creature is not "murder" by the Church's definition - killing one in its sleep, or the use of poison to kill someone is highly dishonorable.

As all Paladino's are equal in the affairs which pertain to them, any Paladino may assign a task for a fallen Paladino to accomplish, in order for them to regain their status. Upon the completion of the task, that Paladino must judge whether or not the fallen one is worthy of reinstituion, if they must complete another task, or if their status should be revoked.

Paladins and the Law: The law is a tricky matter when it comes to a Paladino, so when faced with a decision between doing what is right, and doing what is lawful always remember: A Paladino's Code is their law.

The Law itself is, generally, neither inherently good or evil. It is the interpretation which can fall under these definitions. Examples of laws which can, and should be, ignored are laws which allow slavery, prevent you from giving to beggars (in order to disuade them from infesting a city), prevent you from feeding the hungry (punishment for some crimes), or caring for the sick and injured (quarantine).

This isn't to say a Paladino is above the law, a Paladino will face imprisonment if that is to be their punishment for doing what is right.

Anyone wishing to begin the arduous task of becoming a Paladino may PM me for assistance, or they may begin on their own...generally with a RP post.


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