Cicatrices Bellorum

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(Fealty Agreement)
(Fealty Agreement)
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::''Nihilum bows humbly and places his hands in the hands of Duke Manus Dei, stating calmly and clearly, "I become your liege man from this point forward."''
::''Nihilum bows humbly and places his hands in the hands of Duke Manus Dei, stating calmly and clearly, "I become your liege man from this point forward."''
'''His Majesty, Manus I, to Sir Ril "Nihilum" Slater,'''
'''His Majesty, Manus I, to Sir Ril "Nihilum" Slater,'''

Revision as of 08:48, 28 November 2008

The Cicatrices Bellorum, literally translated ‘Scars of War’, is based on one absolute principle: the world as we see it is shaped and changed through war. This concept, while extreme and mildly distasteful, has proven throughout history to be true. With this understanding, we of the Cicatrices seek to perfect ourselves and the art of war. The organization does not primarily concern itself with right or wrong, nor does it have any significant goals in mind, we merely seek to better ourselves through temperance in combat. This mindset is applied through each individual within the guild; therefore interpretation and execution vary from person to person. Throughout the course of Cicatrices training, members are expected to focus primarily on three major attributes: social presence (leadership qualities), martial prowess (strength) and intellectual advancement (both in the conventional sense and in terms of tactical superiority). With this in mind, it would be a grave disservice to say that we are driven by bloodlust, or to claim that Cicatrices pay no heed to honor or nobility; on the contrary, we merely seek another route by which to attain our ‘understanding’ of the world.


Mission Statement

Cicatrices seek to perform in any given task to the maximum extent of our abilities and to probe routes by which we might improve our performance. Every challenge becomes a test, a method of progression and a measure of one’s own abilities. In this pursuit, we demand precise measurement; deceit and trickery only serve to water down the result, thereby rendering the product worthless. This means that fighting one-sided battles becomes meaningless; the Cicatrices only put value into fair fights or fights in which the odds are stacked against us. There are three major exceptions to this rule, during which Cicatrices Bellorum may opt to use overwhelming force in independent engagements:

  • Griefing: If hostile action is taken against any member of the Cicatrices, the aggressor is understood to accept the repercussions of their decision and the response of the Cicatrices will be ruthless.
  • Clan Wars: The Cicatrices view a war as an all-inclusive engagement; as a result, individual battles through the course of the war are included in the overall ‘fairness’ of the war as a whole, and thus exempt from standard rules of honorable engagement. In this instance, a clan accepting a war with the Cicatrices thereby acknowledges that they believe their clan to be a worthy adversary, and thus lend credibility to the fairness of the war.
  • Sieges: A castle, town, fortress or other embattlement is a bastion of combat, a shrine of battle and a tool of war, therefore it should only be held by those worthy of that responsibility. In a siege, the Cicatrices will use all of the assets at their disposal to test both themselves and the mettle of their opponent. A castle should only be held by those with the determination, strength and honor to deserve it.

Regardless of the situation or circumstances, any member of Cicatrices Bellorum who is challenged to a fair duel is honor-bound to accept, and understands that the duel becomes a test of their own personal achievements as a warrior. Exchange of wealth pending the outcome of a duel of honor is frowned upon, such as taking the losing warrior’s weapon or other equipment, and will only be allowed by either side if the exchange is fair and agreed upon by both parties before the duel begins. If an opposing force is not currently engaged in a war with Cicatrices or its allies, they may invoke the right to one-on-one combat, in which each side will choose their most qualified warrior (or team of warriors, if necessary) to compete against one another. The result of these duels will be agreed upon before the duel commences and after the warriors are chosen, and can range anywhere from simple withdrawal of armed forces to exchanges of wealth, with the losing side fulfilling the agreement.


The Cicatrices Bellorum does actively recruit new members, but we do so very carefully. To join the clan, one must first be capable of understanding and speaking English. In addition, the individual should have an avid interest in Player-versus-Player (PvP) combat and willingness to work as a part of a team. Note that there is no requirement for an individual to be skilled at PvP combat or to have prior PvP experience; interest in PvP is enough, learning and practice will come with time. These qualities alone are generally insufficient to provide recruitment, and other methods may need to be exercised. Occasionally Cicatrices Bellorum will hold private tournaments and invite those who have expressed interest; during these tournaments applicants fight one another as well as current members of the clan, and are assessed appropriately. Martial skill is examined, but more importantly dedication, sportsmanship and stubbornness are very closely examined. Another method is befriending a current member, wherein we can very easily assess the personality and standards of potential recruits. In the end, joining the ranks of the Cicatrices is not an easy task, nor is it an endeavor which should be solely pursued; we pick out and contact those who we feel would fit well within our clan, not those who seek us out and attempt to flare their egoes.

Ranks, Duties and Structure

Cicatrices Bellorum is subdivided internally into various Conteburnia, or squads. These squads are designed to function both independently and as a part of the whole body. In addition, the structure of Cicatrices Bellorum allows for quick internalization and training of new initiates, who quickly proceed into new Conteburnia, allowing Cicatrices Bellorum to expand while retaining a brotherly outlook.

   * Cicatrix: The highest rank achievable within the Cicatrices Bellorum, a Cicatrix, or ‘Scar’, is expected to display an immense amount of personal restraint, leadership, tactical intelligence and martial prowess. Individuals holding this rank must always seek to keep themselves at their maximum efficiency, but are also tasked with helping in the development of other clan-mates and guiding the clan itself. During battle, a Cicatrix functions as a stand-alone officer, dispensing orders and advice as the situation demands. In addition, a Cicatrix can assume leadership of any Conteburnium if they deem it necessary or if proper leadership is absent.
   * Decanus: The Decanus serve as officers within the Cicatrices Bellorum; they lead and direct the efforts of the guild. These individuals serve to organize the guild, particularly in sieges and warfare, and therefore should have superior situational awareness and communication skills. One Decanus is appointed for each Conteburnium and answers only to a Cicatrix. These individuals should display all of the attributes of a fledgling Cicatrix and have the most potential to rise to the rank of Cicatrix.
   * Extollo: The rank of Extollo, or ‘exalted’, is granted to those within the Cicatrices that display superior combat prowess. These individuals have very little authority, but assist their Decanus in issuing and executing orders. Extollo also serve as role models and mentors for their comrades. One Extollo is appointed by each Decanus, but for all intents and purposes assumes the same responsibilities as a Chalybs. Extollo are often chosen to become Decanus upon the creation of a new Conteburnium, but due to the emphasis on combat prowess over leadership ability, not all Extollo are qualified to lead.
   * Chalybs: The rank of Chalybs is the standard rank of all Cicatrices, from which they can flourish and learn their respective arts. A Chalybs, or ‘soldier’, is a full-fledged member of the Cicatrices Bellorum.
   * Vernula: This is the lowest achievable rank, only given to new initiates within the Cicatrices. Members of this rank are expected to learn from their respective Decanus and Extollo, and will quickly proceed to become Chalybs. Vernula are attached to Conteburnia as they enter the clan, and when enough Vernula are deemed combat-ready by their peers, a new Decanus is chosen and a new Conteburnium is created.

It should be noted that these ranks are used strictly internally in Cicatrices Bellarum, and the soldiers in Cicatrices Bellarum will assume standard ranks in the armed forces of the Duchy of Wessex, for ease of communication. This information is merely supplied to give more understanding and depth to the internal workings of the Cicatrices Bellorum.

Alliances and Inter-guild Relations

Per the current alliance with the Duchy of Wessex, Cicatrices Bellorum political matters largely default to national political decisions. The standard right to appoint allies independently is forfeit by choice of the Cicatrices Bellorum.

Fealty Agreement

Charter of Homage and Fealty, on behalf of Sir Ril Slater and Cicatrices Bellorum, to His Majesty, Manus I,

In the name of Auros, I, Ril Slater, known as the Cicatrix Nihilum, in the presence of my companions, swear that I will be faithful to the Duke of Wessex with regard to his life and the members of his body, without deception. Cicatrices Bellorum has accepted the invitation to assist Duke Manus of Wessex in his endeavor to create a unified conglomerate of rulers, and all members in Cicatrices Bellorum are expected to treat him, his followers and his allies not only as close friends, but as if they are the flesh and blood of the Cicatrices. In times of war Cicatrices Bellorum shall recognize as foe all those whom the Duke of Wessex has declared as foe, and can be fully relied upon to supply as many able-bodied troops as possible; those soldiers can further be relied upon to never back away from any engagement, regardless of odds. In matters of alliances, any allies and friends made on behalf of the Duke of Wessex shall also be honored as friends and allies of the Cicatrices Bellorum. In matters of trade, all tradesmen recognized by the Duke of Wessex shall in turn be recognized and protected by the Cicatrices Bellorum. If at any point the safety of any territory within the domain of the Duke of Wessex becomes compromised or is lost in its entirety, Cicatrices Bellorum vows not to rest until the land is reclaimed and returned to the hands of its rightful owner. In exchange for this cooperation, Cicatrices Bellorum asks for only one luxury: to be the first on the field of war and the last off the field of war. This is not simple arrogance or impatience, but has come to represent the embodiment of Cicatrices Bellorum beliefs and standards.
The Duke of Wessex has given into the care of the Cicatrices Bellorum a fief of land, which has been named the "Thanedom of Sancta"; in exchange for this honor the Cicatrices have agreed to protect Sancta to the utmost of their abilities, as well as supply the Duke of Wessex with frequent gatherings of resources. Every member within Cicatrices Bellorum, from leader to peasantry, will work together joyfully and in unison to tend that land as often as is possible, and thusly will provide the Duke of Wessex with all of the resources expected of them. Furthermore, the Cicatrices Bellorum intends to train each of those workers fully as warriors, whether they march to war or remain to defend their homestead.
This agreement has been accepted by the Cicatrices Bellorum as an extended charter with an indefinite time limit, the terms and agreements were negotiated by Nihilum and Severitas, after which the agreement in full was accepted and ratified by Nihilum, Severitas, Exuro and Eradico. The three-fourth quota of Cicatrix votes was fulfilled and the agreement stands. Those holding the title Cicatrix, both former and future, acknowledge the terms written herein and must uphold them to the best of their abilities. If at any time the Duke of Wessex wishes to release Cicatrices Bellorum from their management he need only notify a living and active Cicatrix and outline the terms of dismissal. If at any time the Cicatrices Bellorum wishes to leave the management of the Duke of Wessex it will require no less than four votes from living and active Cicatrices (note that in this context, Cicatrices is used to represent the rank Cicatrix), at which point those Cicatrices will contact an official of the Duke of Wessex to negotiate terms of dismissal. As noted, should the Cicatrices opt to bring this charter to a premature end, the territory of Sancta and all further territories awarded in benefice subsequent to this vow of homage and fealty shall revert to Manus Dei in escheat.
Our resounding vow, which all members of Cicatrices Bellorum are honor-bound to uphold: So long as a Cicatrix remains standing, no battle will be lost.

-Nihilum, Cicatrix of the Cicatrices Bellorum
-Severitas, Cicatrix of the Cicatrices Bellorum
-Exuro, Cicatrix of the Cicatrices Bellorum
-Eradico, Cicatrix of the Cicatrices Bellorum
By the Lord before whom this Cathedral is holy, I will be to Duke Manus Dei faithful and true, and love all that he loves, and shun all that he shuns, according to God's law, and according to the world's principles, and never, by will nor by force, by word nor by work, do ought of what is loathful to him; on condition that he keep me as I am willing to deserve, and all that fulfil that our agreement was, when I to him submitted.
Nihilum bows humbly and places his hands in the hands of Duke Manus Dei, stating calmly and clearly, "I become your liege man from this point forward."

His Majesty, Manus I, to Sir Ril "Nihilum" Slater,

Manus, by the grace of God, king of Hyperion, duke palatine of Wessex, count of Elba. Be it known to all men, present and future, that we have received the distinguished Sir Ril Slater who is known as the Cicatrix Nihilum, as our liege man, against every creature, living or dead, for all the lands which he shall hold from us, which have been termed Sancta and which lie on the coast of Wessex. Sir Ril Slater has sworn to us on a warrior's honor, and by the Lord Auros and his Saint Germaine that he will aid us in good faith, as his liege lord, against every creature, living or dead; and together with him his companion Cicatrices, Exuro, esquire, Eradico, esquire, and Severitas, esquire shall support him. If Sir Nihilum fails in his duty to us, he shall yield back this fief of Sancta which we have given him, but otherwise, he shall use it and expand it, taking benefit in all augmentation of that fief we have granted. We have sworn with our own hand that we will aid Sir Nihilum against every creature, living or dead. Henceforth do we accept the Cicatrices Bellorum as our liege men in full.
Given by our own hand,
Manus Rex
Duke Palatine of Wessex
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