Realm of Kirdain

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The Realm of Kirdain is made up of those individuals that seek a mature, family-friendly environment, and a place that offers a sense of belonging. The focus of the Realm is to provide a safe environment in a world of violence and malcontent. We defend our borders with such dedication that can only be compared to a religious zeal. This is our home, our land, our people and being such we will protect what we have worked so hard to achieve. We offer an Organized Military Structure, and also a Structure for those who are not militaristic minded.
Realm of Kirdain was founded on the principles of creating a Unique, Family Oriented society. A Guild that has been around for 3 years within the Darkfall community, and the members came from a Battle Field 2 Tournament which for those of you who do not know is an organized military Tournament. On top of three years of First Person Shooter Experience (In a community of 2000+ Members) Realm of Kirdain also has extensive MMORPG experience which will provide a strong training regimen for their Darkfall experience. Kirdain is able to adapt and adjust to new engines, and new mechanics allot easier then some other guilds out there.
Both Types are welcome!
== Provinces ==
Organization is Key!
The Realm of Kirdain exists as a federation between three fiefs, or provinces, the whole of which comprise Kirdainshire proper. Andor, the head province, is where the Duke of Kirdain resides and holds court.
The Realm of Kirdain is based on the feudal system of government that was common throughout Europe during the Medieval Age. The Lords of Kirdain are the leaders but more commonly called in that age as Rulers. Unlike their European counterparts, the Lords of Kirdain disagree with the belief that their Citizens must serve them. The Realm of Kirdain replaces that belief with one that states that the Noblemen serve the Citizens and the Lords being the Servants of Servants.
=== Andor ===
The Realm of Kirdain offers a rich atmosphere for those that like to Role-Play. The Realm of Kirdain follows the Church of Auros and in the Role-Play atmosphere is bent on driving back the forces of Chaos from the Realm and to safeguard the land from Malaut, the Demon Prince of Greed.
[[Andor]], the oldest province in Kirdain, is the home of the Noble Council. It is also home to the Infantry Legions and Cavalry Units of Kirdains Army. A Goal for Andor is to become the Bustle of Trade, and a safe haven for those lone wolfs out there that are seeking shelter from those who would strike first before asking questions. Andor also houses crafters, and encourages those who wish to focus on such tasks to join its community and help it grow. Andor is the first project of Kirdain and will continue to be the flagship for neutrality and stability within Mercia.
Kirdain is inhabited by the Mirdain, Dwarves, and Humans making up the majority. Kirdain is not a military-stricted nation but one who also enjoys a prosperous economy. We welcome the pure-hearted fighters along with the tinkering crafters into the Realm's borders. The Realm of Kirdain prides itself on our strong armies and naval forces.
=== Belnor ===
== Oath of Fealty ==
[[Belnor]] is a province that will be constructed to support the Naval power of Kirdain. This province has a Unique Certification System, that you must go through to achieve certain status and certain ranks. Many of the tasks of Belnor will be far and ranged, from transporting Andor's Troops and Allies, all the way to Protecting our Coast Lines and attacking enemy coasts, with their long ranged cannons.
'''His Grace, Thor Tyr, the Most Noble Duke of Kirdain to His Majesty, Manus I, King of Hyperion,'''
=== Caendor ===
:I become your man from this day forward, of life and limb, and of earthly worship, and unto you shall be true and faithful, and bear to you faith for the tenements that I claim to hold of you. By the Lord Auros before whom this sanctuary is holy, I will to King Manus be true and faithful, and love all which he loves and shun all which he shuns, according to the laws of Auros and the order of the world. Nor will I ever with will or action, through word or deed, do anything which is unpleasing to him, on condition that he will hold to me as I shall deserve it, and that he will perform everything as it was in our agreement when I submitted myself to him and chose his will.
Caendor has not yet been formed.
:I,Thor Tyr, Duke of Kirdain and the provinces that lie within. Be it known to all, present and future, that I have voluntarily sworn to my lord, Manus, king of Hyperion, to keep the agreements contained in this charter....
== Oath of Fealty ==
:I, Thor Tyr, Duke of Kirdain and the provinces that lie within, do seal this oath in free will of my own to further the prosperity and security of the vassalage bestowed upon my house. The whole of the state personified in myself enters into this oath in mind, spirit and flesh to sacrifice all to serve the greater good in these dark times. In turn the citizens of the Duchy of Kirdain recognize Manus to embody the will of the sum of its parts united in whole, preserved as the Kingdom of Hyperion. To affirm the will of the people of Kirdain, Lord Bishop Valens Bellator stand in witness of this oath and the obligations herein.
:Know that I come to you the Duke of Kirdain, and now declare all my former fealties and obligations defied, and that as I do homage to your Crown, I shall tender that land of Kirdain to you, that you being its king shall grant it back to me in fee even as I become your liege man.
== Vassals ==
:Therefore, let all present and to come know that I the said Duke of Kirdain, acknowledge verily to thee my lord Manus, by the grace of Auros, king of Hyperion, that I hold and ought to hold as a fief from thee the following: Knights of Auros and Fist of Europe, and the shire of Kirdain for each and all of which I make homage and fealty with hands and with mouth to thee my said lord, king Manus, and to thy successors, and from the abundance of which I shall grant to thee every fourth coin. And I swear upon the word of Auros that I will always be a faithful vassal to thee in all things in which a vassal is required to be faithful to his lord, and I will defend thee, my lord, and the subjects of Hyperion present and to come and the castles and manors and all your men and their possessions against all malefactors and invaders, at my request and that of my successors at my own cost; and I will give to thee power over all the castles and manors above described, in peace and in war, whenever they shall be claimed by thee.
*'''[[Fist of Europe]]'''
:I, Thor Tyr, pledge to my King the naval forces under my command in times of war and aggression. In addition to this, the armies of Kirdain shall defend the lands of Hyperion when the total forces of Hyperion are unleashed upon the enemies of the Crown. In continuation of the defense of the lands of Hyperion I, Duke of Kirdain, pledge to send forth a company from each of my provinces to patrol the lands so that no threats are giving enough time to pose a significant problem.
*'''[[Knights of Auros]]'''
:Moreover do I recognize that I, on being created as a peer to the Crown of Hyperion under King Manus, shall, according to the Carta Solis penned by King Manus, be entitled to a seat in the House of Lords of Hyperion, wherefore do I give my oath to protect, uphold, and obey the Carta Solis and the Common Law of Hyperion and all of its tenets, precepts, and rulings, whether they be decreed by His Majesty or by my peer lords, and I also shall require the same of all of my subjects, vassals, and liege men; that they swear to protect the King, the Carta Solis, the Common Law and Hyperion as I have, and that they do so when they shall make their liege homage to me.
:In addition, should I fail in my duties, I will turn over to King Manus and his successors the fortresses of the Knights of Auros, Fist of Europe and give him control of all the men who dwell there and all the knights who hold fiefs of the castles, so that if I break my promise to keep these agreements, all the aforesaid men shall hold directly of my lord, Manus, king of Hyperion; and they shall swear to aid him even against men and against every other man or woman or creature.
[[Image: Sealkirdainrw9.png|thumb|Thor's seal, certifying the fealty charter.]]
:The Doge of Aquileia and Baron of Urth shall be responsible for the tax I owe if I fail to pay to my king Manus, and have inscribed their names below as witnesses, testifying their agreement in this matter.
:I will do liege homage to my lord, Manus, king of Hyperion, and I will keep faith with him against all creatures, living or dead.
:Made in the year 1 of the reign of Manus.
== Vassals ==
Province of Belnor
== External Links ==
Fist of Europe (FoE)
*[ Kirdain website]
Knights of Auros (KoA)
*[ Oath of Fealty]

Current revision

Realm of Kirdain was founded on the principles of creating a Unique, Family Oriented society. A Guild that has been around for 3 years within the Darkfall community, and the members came from a Battle Field 2 Tournament which for those of you who do not know is an organized military Tournament. On top of three years of First Person Shooter Experience (In a community of 2000+ Members) Realm of Kirdain also has extensive MMORPG experience which will provide a strong training regimen for their Darkfall experience. Kirdain is able to adapt and adjust to new engines, and new mechanics allot easier then some other guilds out there.



The Realm of Kirdain exists as a federation between three fiefs, or provinces, the whole of which comprise Kirdainshire proper. Andor, the head province, is where the Duke of Kirdain resides and holds court.


Andor, the oldest province in Kirdain, is the home of the Noble Council. It is also home to the Infantry Legions and Cavalry Units of Kirdains Army. A Goal for Andor is to become the Bustle of Trade, and a safe haven for those lone wolfs out there that are seeking shelter from those who would strike first before asking questions. Andor also houses crafters, and encourages those who wish to focus on such tasks to join its community and help it grow. Andor is the first project of Kirdain and will continue to be the flagship for neutrality and stability within Mercia.


Belnor is a province that will be constructed to support the Naval power of Kirdain. This province has a Unique Certification System, that you must go through to achieve certain status and certain ranks. Many of the tasks of Belnor will be far and ranged, from transporting Andor's Troops and Allies, all the way to Protecting our Coast Lines and attacking enemy coasts, with their long ranged cannons.


Caendor has not yet been formed.

Oath of Fealty



External Links

Personal tools
Kingdom of Hyperion