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Thread: A Proposition From Pirates.

  1. #11
    Swashbuckler Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Aeglos Saeculorum View Post
    I'd rather die than befriend dogs!
    Hmph. Is there no one in this whole forsaken place that has the least bit of an open mind?

  2. #12
    Duplicarius Dillingham Guest


    Our minds are open, you are the one that hasn't seen the error in your ways of associating with those animals.

  3. #13
    Swashbuckler Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Duplicarius Dillingham View Post
    Our minds are open, you are the one that hasn't seen the error in your ways of associating with those animals.
    Associating? Oh pardon me for being BORN! I wasn't even raised by them, fool.

  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Swashbuckler View Post
    Hmph. Is there no one in this whole forsaken place that has the least bit of an open mind?
    An open mind towards creatures of your ilk is heresy.

  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Swashbuckler View Post
    Hmph. Is there no one in this whole forsaken place that has the least bit of an open mind?
    Begone, dog, lest the heirs of the light should be forced to hunt you like houndmasters set to the decimation of their misbehaving pack.
    ora pugna lege relege perpugna et invenies
    ornata purpura regis lucem tibi dat et fides

  6. #16
    Evillor LeGaude Guest


    You offer us your protection? are you insinuating we need to rely on filthy Sea-Dogs?

    I believe you think yourself more useful than you would prove to be. You call us racist, yet you seem to think because of your race, you would know the plans of all the barbaric races. As you said yourself, you have been cast out. You are in no better place to gain knowledge than us. In fact, this arrangement would benefit you far more than us. You have been cast out from your kind, you have few allies in your lands. You have little to offer. We have far more to lose offering a bunch of pirates protection.

    Since you brought up the topic of double-crossing your people. Im sure you would have no problem double-crossing us if it suited your own ends. It was brave to make the demands you have of us, with your small offer in return. You could not offer enough for the use of our lands, as we will have many. You on the other hand, will most likely not. As Kolache said, there is little to stop us sweeping you with our navy. When you actually have something to offer us, come back then. Maybe we will listen. But based on your birthright, you would probably be shot on sight.

  7. #17
    Rili Swiftwind Guest


    Now now people be civil, Everyone knows i need some new pets to play with.

  8. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Swashbuckler View Post
    Hmph. Is there no one in this whole forsaken place that has the least bit of an open mind?
    An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.
    Give me the Order of the Virtuous Hundred. Or failing that give me a thousand other troops.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stigand Brionne View Post
    If you do choose Mahirim, you can be my personal alignment buffer.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stigand Brionne View Post
    Bishops roll diagonal motherfucker!

  9. #19
    Swashbuckler Guest


    What you are all saying is ludicrous! Should I, a man not even raised by Mahirim, be doomed to eternal ridicule and disrespect? Should I, someone who comes seeking and offering aid, be cast aside merely because I am not one of you? I may look like one of your enemies, but the only thing we share is race. How many times must I repeat myself? I was not raised by them and therefore am not an inhumane beast. I treat others with respect, hell I treated you all with respect with my proposal and what do I get? Shunned. I get shunned because I am Mahirim. You didn't even read what I had to say, you just saw the word "Mahirim" and decided I wasn't worth your time. Do you see what you are saying? If I were to take your advice, I'd have not been born. Is it my fault I am this way? Is it my fault I was born by a Mahirim? Answer me. The obvious answer is no, and if what I took what you said literally I should just kill myself. Your walls are beyond the point of closed! In fact, I believe it impossible for you open them! I understand your hate towards my race, but don't hate the race, hate the individuals. If being a pirate has taught me anything, it's that no matter what race anyone is, everyone can become corrupt and anyone can be evil. I believe I have demonstrated a higher understanding and intelligence than your common Mahirim, but you still cast me aside. And for what? Because I was simply unfortunate enough to be born.

    YOU are the animals, you pink-skinned bastards. I expected more of you fiends. You ought to be ashamed of yourselves, how can you even believe your Gods accept you if you can't even accept another man? I, personally, have done nothing to you people that deserves such scrutiny.

    But I am not like you. IF you wish to turn the other cheek and see my way, I will always, ALWAYS be open, because I am a GOOD man.

  10. #20


    The difference between heresy and treachery is ignorance.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kyrendis
    You're all under arrest, possibly forever.

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