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Thread: A Proposition From Pirates.

  1. #1
    Swashbuckler Guest

    Default A Proposition From Pirates.

    I, the leader of the Sarthan Pirates, would like to make you a proposition. We are a band of Mahirim pirates who seek to claim the Sarthan sea and dominate anyone who foolishly enters it. Our proposition is this. We swear allegiance to your clan if you agree to be allies in return. The benefits are endless and while we may not be of your race, I think you'll find us very useful. We are not brutish like the others of our race and have severed our ties with the Orks. We are pirates which means we do not see others for their race, but their affiliation. Our alliance would be one based off of protection and resources. If you offer us protection, you have ours. You and your men will be free from our pirates. This means you can harvest resources on our lands, use our water as a trade route, and anything else on our land and we will not harm you. In addition, we will offer you aid in your wars and also offer you inside information on what your Ork and Mahirim enemies plan to do. This will be easy for us being as we are Mahirim ourselves. In return we expect to be able to use your land the same way we let you use ours and your protection as well.

    We can assure you that we'll be a valuable ally.

  2. #2


    I believe my brother said it best, but the Mahirim are not welcome in these lands. I assure you, the enemies of Auros fear many things. They fear discovery, defeat, despair and death. Yet there is one thing they fear above all others. They fear the wrath of the Radiant Lord!
    Give me the Order of the Virtuous Hundred. Or failing that give me a thousand other troops.

    Quote Originally Posted by Stigand Brionne View Post
    If you do choose Mahirim, you can be my personal alignment buffer.
    Quote Originally Posted by Stigand Brionne View Post
    Bishops roll diagonal motherfucker!

  3. #3
    Swashbuckler Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Theodoric View Post
    I believe my brother said it best, but the Mahirim are not welcome in these lands. I assure you, the enemies of Auros fear many things. They fear discovery, defeat, despair and death. Yet there is one thing they fear above all others. They fear the wrath of the Radiant Lord!
    Oh boy, touching. Real touching. If you think we fear any one of you then you are mistaken. We are not your common ignorant Mahirim. If anyone here is ignorant, it is you my friend for judging someone but not on their words, but their race. Once again, my proposal is turned down on my race which is pathetic really considering the benefits.

  4. #4
    Ruyan Livak Guest


    I have no official say in the matter, but having seagoing allies would indeed be useful. I have no quarrel with your race, Mahirim, however, I do not believe his Majesty could be known to associate with pirates. Indeed, I find it distasteful to ally with outlaws when we could simply sweep them aside with our Navy. I am surprised you took the time to speak the language of men, who taught it to you?

    ~*Insert what ever my name is when you read this*
    Last edited by Ruyan Livak; 01-21-2009 at 02:28 AM.

  5. #5
    Swashbuckler Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Kolache View Post
    I have no official say in the matter, but have seagoing allies would indeed be useful. However, I do not believe his Majesty could be known to associate with pirates. Indeed, I find it distasteful to ally with outlaws when we could simply sweep them aside with our Navy. I am surprised you took the time to speak the language of men, who taught it to you?

    ~*Insert what ever my name is when you read this*
    Haha, friend. If it is the image you believe would be tainted, then your priorities are mixed. However, let it be known nearly all the other Mahirim tribes have cast us away and do not accept us anymore. The reason, and the answer to your question is as follows.

    I do not recall much at all being as I was barely a newborn, but my village was overrun by Humans much like yourselves as a result of a counter-attack. My people, from what I have been informed, led countless assaults on the attackers who eventually gathered together a formidable offense. It was more than they had hoped for... they wiped out my village completely. Me and a few others were the only left, but I was the only one too young to flee. This is when a human, yes a human, took me in. I grew to know this man as my father. As he tells me, he was only searching the village for any valuables left behind. He was a pirate himself and brought me up as one of his own. From him I learned to only harm those who have provoked it, who must be killed for the greater good, and who are truly evil. Above all, though, he taught me that all man, whether they be idiotic Orks, smelly Mahirim, or over-proud Humans, they are the same. I gained a few Mahirim allies after my fathers passing, but my reluctancy to fight someone based on their race has caused nearly all of the other Mahirim, save a few, and Orks to throw me aside. This is why I turn to you humans. I thought that maybe you could be a good ally in my fight for what is right, but it looks to me that you are just as ignorant as the Orks that threw me aside. I have met a few Mirdain that shared my point of view and even one lone Alfar, but it appears that you cannot accept this.

    To this day I live my life hijacking the ships of those who oppose me. My crew is just large enough to get the job done, and we have prevented many cargo ships from passing that may have led to unnececessary war.

    If you want, the offer will always be open.

  6. #6


    Here's a Scooby snack. Now do tricks!

  7. #7
    Ruyan Livak Guest


    Ahh, a troubled and interesting past you have...
    But you did not say why we should ally with you when we could simply destroy you with our Navy. I see how you could benefit from this, you would get the protection/endorsement of the Duchy, and in a way the entire Kingdom of Hyperion. But how do we profit from it? One ship will not be a match for us.

    ~*Insert name here*

  8. #8
    Synius Scrymgeour Guest


    Yes, Mahirim what do you have to offer the Duchy? Wessex is the most powerful clan, with a seemingly endless supply of warriors. All of whom will die for our lord King Manus. Do you belive in the teaching of Auros? And if this is a threat you are trying to make, your boats and towns will be burned, your riches taken, and your morale destroyed. If you dare attack this nation you will regret it.

  9. #9
    Swashbuckler Guest


    Quote Originally Posted by Kolache View Post
    Ahh, a troubled and interesting past you have...
    But you did not say why we should ally with you when we could simply destroy you with our Navy. I see how you could benefit from this, you would get the protection/endorsement of the Duchy, and in a way the entire Kingdom of Hyperion. But how do we profit from it? One ship will not be a match for us.

    ~*Insert name here*
    Hahaha, the naivity. One ship? But sir, you cannot be serious now? I can take a rowboat and get ONE ship simply by hijacking it. Anyway, that is of no concern. I do not seek the "endorsement" just merely a means of protection. The Orks, Alfar, and Mahirim are strong forces, and grow stronger by the day. To think you can handle them all by yourself is a misconception. Your numbers and strength is large, that is apparent, but how do you stand against the whole Mahirim and Ork armies combined? If they see one huge, overpowered entity they will go for it with full force, trust me. And with such a racist attitude, you will certaintly get yourself on the wrong side of the cunning Alfar soon enough. Hah, without me, how will you know when they are going to strike? I can speak the language of the Orks and Mahirim, and they'll be too stupid to know who they're spilling their info to. I mean all Mahirim look alike do they not? Even if they know who I am, I can tell them that I am an ally and double cross them. The benefits I gain from you are mutual, friend, for you will find my information drastically helpful. Not only that, but you can benefit from acts which I am willing to do which you are too noble to do yourself. You point at a ship, I take it. Such things as hijacking ships are above such nobility as yours.. but I'm not noble. I practice practical ethics, none your your feudal nonsense, however I do not judge and any practice you find works for you, and I will not question it.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Swashbuckler View Post
    I, the leader of the Sarthan Pirates, would like to make you a proposition. We are a band of Mahirim pirates who seek to claim the Sarthan sea and dominate anyone who foolishly enters it. Our proposition is this. We swear allegiance to your clan if you agree to be allies in return. The benefits are endless and while we may not be of your race, I think you'll find us very useful. We are not brutish like the others of our race and have severed our ties with the Orks. We are pirates which means we do not see others for their race, but their affiliation. Our alliance would be one based off of protection and resources. If you offer us protection, you have ours. You and your men will be free from our pirates. This means you can harvest resources on our lands, use our water as a trade route, and anything else on our land and we will not harm you. In addition, we will offer you aid in your wars and also offer you inside information on what your Ork and Mahirim enemies plan to do. This will be easy for us being as we are Mahirim ourselves. In return we expect to be able to use your land the same way we let you use ours and your protection as well.

    We can assure you that we'll be a valuable ally.
    I'd rather die than befriend dogs!

    "I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. You cannot pass. The dark fire will not avail you, flame of Udun. Go back to the shadow! You cannot pass." -Gandalf

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