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Thread: The Heresy of Lucius?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Default The Heresy of Lucius?

    Thread contains posts moved from ESO thread
    Lord Azzerhoden Razeri, Viscount of Wessex, Bt.

  2. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Azzerhoden Razeri View Post
    Thread contains posts moved from ESO thread
    Thank you, Azzer

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Jan 2014


    I am a little confused now as well, In mine studies to become a Novice I read the Holy words of Soldeuse written by the hand of the Usurper, when he still has been enlightened by Soldeus, and I still believe these are the words of Radiant lord himself.
    But as always Umbra has lurked in the shadow he found the way to Malachi mind and corrupted his spark with sin of lust of power, which have been the Dark ages of the Church of Soldeus. But we should not judge him for that and pray that the Usurper would be again ignited and guided be Soleus to the right path.

    But the person of Lusius is still the incarnation of Soldeus in the scripture. But I will wait for the official explanation so they can guide me to the right path.

    As for the Wessexe present in ESO i think we should not try to take the dogma of ESO for ours. All who are memmbers or wishes to join Wessexe should be taken the Church of Soldeus as their believes.
    I understand that in the faraway lands are different kind of people and believes and they are a might beings of enormous power but they are just lesser gods and about them is Soldeus Ultimate being of Light and in the shadow lures Umbra as the corrupter to which the beings are just servants of their will. So all wessex members shuld guide the prays to Soldeus and just see the ESO good gods (don’t remember the names) as the servants of Soleus and the Deidric as Servants of Umbra.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Looks like the church has to figure out whether Malachi and his words were corrupt already before the usurpation or if the usurpation marks the point at which he falls as an apostle.

  5. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Altus Whyte View Post
    Looks like the church has to figure out whether Malachi and his words were corrupt already before the usurpation or if the usurpation marks the point at which he falls as an apostle.

    It looks like it has reached a point where the Head of the Church, His Majesty, Duke of Wessex, would be required to make the executive decision on that. And as the Reverend Father Varrick has suggested a Fireside chat to clear up any misconceptions and disparities.

  6. #16


    Lucius is as cannon as Soldeus, prior to this we knew him as Auros if I'm not mistaken.

  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Levald Aurelius View Post
    Lucius is as cannon as Soldeus, prior to this we knew him as Auros if I'm not mistaken.
    I very much agree with this, at my current level of understanding.

    But how do we reconcile this point-of-view with:

    Quote Originally Posted by Manus Dei View Post
    "Lucius" is not canon. That's a heresy.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    The independence of the Church of Soldeus is something else that could be discussed and explained. Judging by the Carta Solis it seems to fall somewhere between a sovereign church like the Vatican and a national church like the Church of England. It would seem that the Church of Soldeus is formally independent, but under crown authority.

    First, that we have granted to Auros, and by this present charter have confirmed for us and our heirs in perpetuity, that the Church under Hyperion, so long as its bishops shall follow our Crown to the exclusion of others, including that of the pontiff of Sanguine, shall be free, and shall have its rights undiminished, and its liberties unimpaired. That we wish this so to be observed appears from the fact that of our own free will, before the outbreak of the present dispute between us and king Robert of Mercia, we granted and confirmed by charter the freedom of the Church's ecclesiastic courts - a right reckoned to be of the greatest necessity and importance to the spiritual lords.
    Quote Originally Posted by Levald Aurelius View Post
    Lucius is as cannon as Soldeus, prior to this we knew him as Auros if I'm not mistaken.
    Wasn't Auros the old name of Soldues? I believe that's what I heard when Malachi published his first major writings as bishop.

  9. #19
    Varrick ChaosWielder's Avatar
    Varrick ChaosWielder is offline Former Parson of the Holy Church of Sol Invictus
    Convicted of treason by His Grace, Bernardo Orienne
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    Soldeus is Sol Deus, or "Sun God", also known as Auros. We are part of the Church of Auros, basically a faction with a Nave flavouring. While the main Church of Auros doesn't use the Creation Rites that the Church of Soldeus does, it uses very similar rites as well. Lucious is a Church of Soldeus only thing, that was introduced by The Usurper.

    Sir Altus, may I remind you that by Church Decree that name is not to be spoken. He is to be referred to as "The Usurper". His name and grace has been stripped.

    An issue that always irritated me is that Governor-General's have been given power to limit the church, while by the Carta-Solis our rights are to be undiminished, and liberties unimpaired. The Ecclesiatic Court has full freedom.

    Each Church also is to have a Bishop sit on the Ecclesiastic Court, as well as the House of Lords. I am the highest ranking member of the Church of Soldeus, and thus hold the seats on the Ecclesiastic Court, but not on the House of Lords (At least I haven't been invited directly).
    Last edited by Varrick ChaosWielder; 03-22-2014 at 02:18 AM.
    Yours respectfully in Soldeus,
    His Excellency, The Reverend Father Varrick ChaosWielder, Abbot of the Church of Soldeus
    Head of the Church of Soldeus|The Parson of Nave|Retired Chancellor of Wessex

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2008


    Some background: Auros was around long before the Player-who-will-not-be-named-even-though-I-doubt-very-much-that-you-all-are-gonna-get-through-this-ordeal-in-character, before me, before Darkfall, but created with Darkfall in mind.

    Aventurine reciprocated the Duchy's efforts by writing Auros into the game of Darkfall (OG). This allowed for but also provided some very game-specific features to the Solar Deity of Agon.

    At that time, it wasn't known that DF1 would be somewhat problematic (to this day, there are forums-full of evidence and testimony as to just how troubled that game was during the First Age of Hyperion, and as much more that has disappeared never to be seen again), it wasn't known that Hyperion's initial involvement would be relatively brief though arguably glorious, and we all thought hopefully that DF might be the game we'd still be playing five or six years further down the timeline. As it turns out, it wasn't. Arguably the same guild has stepped back into some form of DF a few times, but it 'wasn't the same river'.

    When we came here, it was with a desire to remain Wessex, even in matters of religion, and yet to see the religion we'd use take root, not merely be grafted on. We were challenged to make a Navian religion out of the irreducible elements of what had been initially designed so specifically for the world of Agon. We looked at the essentials of the faith:
    • a Solar Deity of goodness and light;
    • a distinct preference for one god over others and a belief in "His Supremacy";
    • early European-style trappings, hierarchy, liturgy, etc. with a preference for a resemblance to Roman Catholicism (yet with some features borrowed from the Church of England-- still very 'high church'); we also borrowed a thing or two from Classic Roman religion;
    • an undercurrent of Gnosticism and mystery for general fun and the specific possibility of the revival of the Ordo Solis et Lunae should that ever have been desired;
    • the potential and a rationale for a Church Militant, as military orders had been a part of the Church of Auros;
    • and, of course, a code of conduct for the faithful that would recognisable as conducive to chivalrous behaviour.

    Those things we tried to retain, adjusting very little even for the fact that MO is more like late Antiquity (?) than the Middles Ages. We took out the backstory that was enmeshed in details of Agon not reproducible in Nave, the map among them.

    For purposes of use in Nave, we took out Auros's Horse, Siete Leguas, and His 12 Holy Brides; we kept silent on the subject of Morgaine and made a 'deceased' female demi-deity of the planet (Nave); we described the great enemy of Sol Deus (God of the Sun, God of Light) as Umbra (Darkness), which nearly dovetails into what little could be gleaned by-guess-and-by-God about the Tindremine Empire's pantheon-- replacing the foes of Auros in Agon.

    Those foes had been gods that (according to the lore of Darkfall) might once have been mere mortals. No such process takes place here, yet we wanted to be plausibly good citizens of the Empire-- able to honour the other good gods, and not committing what to proper Tindremines would be blasphemy or sacrilege by denying their existence.

    For the underground or esoteric religion (or philosophy) of the Duchy in Agon, the OSL, we offered the semblance of the Cult of Sol Invictus, drawing on Mithraism and Graeco-Roman pantheons for inspiration. (Note that this was intended to be a foil for the Church of Wessex, not an orthodox part of it but the left-hand path that "everyone whispered about". Like the OSL itself, it never really got used in MO...
    ...or did it? No, really. Not used, so far as I know.)

    And, just as it had in Agon, the Duchy's religion went viral and spread in forms both positive and negative to other guilds and other players, and even to the game's official forums (where you get a trophy for declaring either for Soldeus or for Umbra). [AQ] owes, along with great moral debts they can never repay , its only semblance of a lore-religion partly to the tale of Umbra.

    Anyone who's read this far is encouraged at this point to spot the fanciful untrue detail embedded in the above.

    "What, if I guess what it is, do I win a bun?"
    Casilda Tametomo, Herald of the Aegis Imperium,
    «Si oblitus fuero usque ad finem omnia opera eorum»

    Wer war der Thor, wer Weiser, Bettler oder Kaiser? Ob Arm, ob Reich, im Tode gleich.

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