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Thread: Oath of Office - Azidano Valkran - Reeve

  1. #1

    Default Oath of Office - Azidano Valkran - Reeve

    In the Name of Soldeus,
    Most Profitable,
    Most Radiant,

    I, Azidano Valkran, swear that I will administer revenue without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as Reeve under the Duke and laws of the Duchy of Wessex.

    I shall well and truly collect and receive the common goods and revenues and make lawful and true expenditures from the same, as appropriate and when I am duly requested or ordered by the Duke or other His Majesty deems to have authority over myself. And I shall give a good and true reckoning of the same, before the Duke, others His Majesty deems to have authority over me, and the rest of our benevolent community, when I am required to or reasonably forewarned to by the Duke's officers.

    It is agreed, with the assent of the community, that those who shall assess the tax shall swear to assess it well and faithfully, sparing no one through love or friendship, nor taxing any one excessively through hate or malice, but assessing each person's tax through consideration of his goods and chattels, his estate, and goods that he uses in mercantile activities. And I shall honestly perform all duties that are associated with the office of Reeve within the franchise of this realm.

    I undertake the personal responsibility to ensure the health of the Ducal Treasury, to ensure that its funds are spent for the good of the Duchy and not for personal gain.

    By the Radiant Light, may Soldeus's Will be done.

    - Azidano Valkran, Reeve

  2. #2


    By my hand and the Wyvern Seal of Wessex, the College of Arms finds this Oath to be given in good order, and it is hereby recorded.

    May the Radiant Lord shine brightly upon the His Grace the Duke, upon Azidano Valkran, and upon all these desmesnes and the good people therein.

    Levald Aurelius
    Herald Emcee

    of the College of Arms
    of the Duchy of Wessex

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