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Thread: Family Invitations

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  1. #5
    Varrick ChaosWielder's Avatar
    Varrick ChaosWielder is offline Former Parson of the Holy Church of Sol Invictus
    Convicted of treason by His Grace, Bernardo Orienne
    Esteemed Guest
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    Racial: Human (traces of Half-Orc blood. Orc's will only be accepted with an extremely good back story and reason for it)

    Timezone: Any (North America primarily)

    Roleplay: High (Any Game is Possible. Family started in Mortal Online, but is also in DarkFall and can be in any game)

    PvP: Low (You must at least be able to defend yourself. Of course the better you are, the more usefull it is!)

    Archetype: Inquisitors, Warrior-Priests, Church Warriors, Priests of Soldeus, Religious Serf's (Crafters).

    Themes: The ChaosWielder bloodline are descendants of a bloodthirsty half-orc'ish horde that has seen "the light". They are led by a ruthless Inquisitor of the name of Varrick. His faith is fanatical. So any character's that join the bloodline would have to have a backstory that shows why they as well left the tribe, and joined the Duchy of Wessex. Varrick would permit none that aren't devout to Soldeus to stay alive.

    Unique Renown: The family is known as Inquisitor-type within the Church of Soldeus. They all eventually take their Oath of Faith and progress through the clergy.

    Social Status: Freemen (Must take Oath of Faith as soon as Possible)

    Famiy Rumor's:
    In dark corners of the tavern, there is a story going around by one of the travelling merchants. They say they recognized one of the local populace of Mohki. The story is whispered, as if almost heretical in nature...

    "Many years ago, in the northern reaches of Nave, there was a tribe known as incredible raiders. This tribe interbreeded freely with the Risars of the north, with most members being half-breeds. Over the generations, they amassed vast fortunes of blood money. It was said that they had the favour of Umbra, and that was the key to their power."

    It is at that point that the merchant would look around to make sure there is no unwanted ears, as if even the telling of this story could get him killed.

    "One day, the chieftain had a son. He named him Varrick. This child quickly grew to become one of the tallest warriors of the tribe, and one of the most vicious. When he was a teenager, his father gave him command of a large raiding party. They terrorized the local population and would even raid as far south as Meduli and Mohki. About a decade ago on one of the raids, things went horribly wrong. He was stuck in a burning building. It is said that the screams of pain where heard half-way accross the world. The raiders returned to the village with news that they saw him burn, and his flesh melt away. A great funeral was held for him, and he was seen as a hero of the tribe."

    A great hush follows as people start listening on in even closer.

    "One week after the funeral, Varrick was spotted heading back towards the village. No one would believe it. He eventualy arrived, and he did not have a single wound or scorch mark on him. It was rumoured that he was reborn from the flame. All the people gathered to see the miracle warrior, expecting a rousing story. But Varrick was changed... something else was inside him now. He pointed at the tribe... and said but one word... Corruption."

    The merchant proceeds to describe various carnage. He say's the stories vary from group to group, but all stories agree that the man single handedly killed and captured everyone from the tribe. They say he gathered his family on a great pier, and proceeded to recite cants of Soldeus. Once he was finished, he burned them all to the stake.

    What he did after that is not known, but eventualy he found his way back to Mohki, where he joined the Kingdom of Wessex. Not many people realised his past at the time, as He had a strong sence of righteousness. It became a natural choice for him to join the Church. The rumours say that his gaze can pierce your soul, and judge you for all sins you may have commited and not attoned for.

    Repent now... before his gaze falls upon you.
    Last edited by Varrick ChaosWielder; 05-12-2013 at 07:29 AM.
    Yours respectfully in Soldeus,
    His Excellency, The Reverend Father Varrick ChaosWielder, Abbot of the Church of Soldeus
    Head of the Church of Soldeus|The Parson of Nave|Retired Chancellor of Wessex

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