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Thread: Royal Medalling Ceremony-5/30/2011

  1. #1
    Manus Dei's Avatar
    Manus Dei is offline His Majesty, King Manus of Hyperion
    Duke of Wessex
    Count of Elba
    Grand Master of the Solar Legion
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    Mar 2006

    Default Royal Medalling Ceremony-5/30/2011

    When Wessex was first begun 5 1/2 years ago, it was as a mere portion of a larger, already existing clan. That clan, Lumen Solis Victrix, was purposefully split by its leadership into shires which would each grow separate clans for the upcoming game Darkfall online. At that point, to reflect the more humble status of Wessex, "King Manus of the Solar Realms" became merely Duke Wessex, while Surly the Captain of the LSV Militia became Baron Surly Von Fishbarrel of Urth, and Brando de Medici became the Doge of Aquileia.

    On the first Wessex site, the traditional theme song, The Solar Fanfare (Handel's "Arrival of the Queen of Sheba") which had been played on our old Shadowbane site with full orchestra before, now was played with a rustic, idyllic sounding acoustic guitar. The three clans, all with the same exact feudal structure rank for rank, grew separately without their respective memberships being aware of each other, and then when the time was right, all three "Voltroned" together again to reform Lumen Solis Victrix, this time as the much larger and dominant "Kingdom of Hyperion".

    The Hyperion Site c. 2009 (Art done by Covo)

    The First Wessex Site c. 2006 (Art done by myself and design by Surly.)

    The Lumen Solis Victrix Shadowbane Site c. 2003 (All web, flash design and artwork except for the angel done by myself- the vocal on the menu hover was my own college age tenor. This iteration of the clan reached a high point of 432 members.)

    The Lumen Solis Victrix Asheron's Call Site c.1999 (At this point, the royal family was the "MacManus" family. Note the Carta Solis and the first appearance of the same LSV Medals that will now be awarded. This iteration of the clan reached a high point of 150 members.)

    However, it is clear in looking over this history that the spirit of LSV, although specifically heirloomed to the entity Hyperion, has actually continued and thrived within Wessex. While Wessex started purposefully as a duchy intended to be a mere part of a larger kingdom, it is fair to say that Wessex itself now fulfills that role, with chapters in multiple games and an active site and community that houses the actual legacy and lineage of LSV, from the Carta Solis, to the religion of Sol Deus, to the twelve year tradition of LSV Medals which it is now my pleasure to award.

    Hyperion is a kingdom which includes Wessex, and we will keep this name as part of our legacy, for we reached unprecedented heights under this name, and it may occur again anytime Wessex joins with other clans to form a kingdom. However, it is only fair to say that when there is no Hyperion, Wessex is even yet now a kingdom in its own right. We therefore do create a throne of Wessex, and from it, a fount that may issue peerages - baronies, counties, and even duchies, to the noblemen of Wessex, that leaders in games across the internet who now occupy roles that Wessex once did when it was starting up may yet lay claim to those higher titles.

    And now to business at hand - for activity has been great and it has been diverse, with heralds bringing word of actions and heroism in multiple lands which must be taken note of. Let us begin then with -

    Sir Bastor Sharpeye, to whom we award the The Distinguised Star of Valor for his leadership ability and knowledge of warfare that led Wessex and her allies to victory in the Talusian Campaign, in which our forces destroyed two enemy keeps. No other nation has yet to achieve this same victory. We also award The Distinguished Star of Merit, for Bastor has been instrumental in the continuing success of our campaign within Nave due to his tireless dedication, his ruthless cunning and his excellent knowledge of both warfare and politics.

    Berren Thelenas will be awarded with The Distinguished Fighting Cross for his bravery and keen instincts that ensured our victory against Oorak two-horned, one of three unique and epic Risar Commanders that will never step foot on Nave again.

    Carsok Viscious will be presented with The Combat Medal for displaying martial prowess on the field of battle, in particular his many contributions to the victories against the mercenaries known as ‘Rage’.

    Drakony Smithy receives an Achievement Medal for his efforts and contributions towards the Dream of Wentus-Castrum. In a single day he procured five-hundred thousand spider carcasses for the cause.

    To Duncan Blackmoore we award the Medal for Service to the Kingdom for creating a colony of Wessex within Perpetuum and for overseeing its organisation and development.

    Effen Kortaan receives The Combat Medal for displaying combat excellence both during training exercises and upon the field of battle and also the Achievement Medal
    for his dedicated recruitment of new members via the Mortal Online forums which has yielded great results, as well as the Medal for Service to the Kingdom for his continuous development of the armour used by Ducal Garrison and his dedication to insure a steady supply of armour is available.

    Falesh Helithian will be rewarded with an Achievement Medal for going above and beyond the call of duty in service to Wessex in Agon as both a clerk and a soldier.

    Garadin Alwhindale receives The Combat Medal for winning the Kingdom of the Isles' first Jousting Tournament; in which he demonstrated remarkable skill and prowess, as well as The Achievement Medal for his dedicated recruitment of new members in the cities of Nave.

    Sir Flinton McBayne is awarded a Commendation Medal for creating the Mortal Noticeboard which has been of great benefit to Wessex by creating trade opportunities and other avenues of business.

    Harkonen Thorodan will be awarded The Combat Medal for displaying combat excellence both during training exercises and upon the field of battle.

    Jacen Olliard will be given The Achievement Medal for his dedicated recruitment of new members in the city of Fabernum which has bolstered the numbers of Wessex significantly. Also, Jacen Olliard will be granted the Medal for Service to the Kingdom in recognition of his creation and oversight of a butchering event on the 7th May 411 (Lucius Calander) that involved overcoming tremendous logistical challenges and raised a significant sum of coin for the coffers, as well as numerous other economic contributions to the kingdom. Additionally, Jacen's organization and efforts have allowed for members to bond over a common goal.

    Sir John of Livonia is to be awarded The Distinguished Star of Heroism for fielding and leading a sizeable force of well trained and experienced men-at-arms that played a pivotl role in the downfall of of the Risar commander Oorak the Two-Horned.

    To Sister Kaideline Taitharn we grant the Commendation Medal for her continuous loyalty and dedication to Wessex and the mining and butchery services that she provides within Nave as well as supplying vast quantities of raw materials at great personal cost to herself.

    To Levald Aurelius we grant The Achievement Medal for establishing a butchering outpost at Calx Point within Nave that has significantly increased the coin revenue for Wessex, and also the Medal for Service to the Kingdom for creating a colony of Wessex within Xsyon and for overlooking its growth and recruitment.

    Linthalor Keeran will receive The Commendation Medal for selflessly and consistently donating from his personal wealth to the coffers of Wessex. His contributions have made a mark within Nave.

    To His Grace, Lord Malachi Drake, Archbishop of Moh Ki we grant an Achievement Medal for representing the Kingdom of the Isles both politically and diplomatically and spearheading the regrowth of the Kingdom within Nave for a second time after the collapse of the first.

    Malathion Valus receives a Combat Medal, for Malathion’s prowess upon the field of battle has brought about many victories against the mercenaries to the North of Nave and his actions have increased the morale of the garrison. Malathion will also be awarded The Distinguished Star of Merit, as he is an inspiration to his fellow soldier and, even when activity had dropped to its lowest, he trained the garrison and led by example on the battlefield and now stands as an inspiration and an important member of the community. He will also receive The Achievement Medal for providing mounts for use by the garrison and for safeguarding the territory of Wessex within Nave.

    Mela Aurelius is to be awarded a Medal for Service to the Kingdom for creating a colony of Wessex within Xsyon and for overlooking its growth and recruitment. Mela also will receive The Achievement Medal for her continued care taking and improvement of Wessex lands in Xsyon. Often times she is solely responsible for this task and she bears this burden with pride: developing our territory, providing provisions and ensuring that the community is well informed via the Wessex forums.

    Mikhal Altus is to be granted the Medal for Service to the Kingdom for organizing and hosting the Wessex Mumble server; providing a high quality solution that is easy to administrate and is designed to accommodate our structure.

    To Orsini Renatta we award the Combat Medal for excellence in battle in the Talusian campaign.

    Sir Otto Osterwind is to be granted The Distinguished Star of Valor, as Otto has achieved countless victories on the battlefield and has proven himself to not only be a veteran warrior but also a skilled tactician and a fine leader. He tirelessly musters our forces to patrol our borders and defend our people. During the Talusion campaign he led raids that crippled our foe. Sir Otto also receives the LSV Iron Cross for his dedication to training members of the garrison, developing new drill exercises and for putting this all into practice on the battlefield. Lastly, Sir Otto receives the Commendation Medal for his inspirational and thoughtful posts on the Wessex forums that have helped to rally our members and reaffirm our dedication to succeeding within Mortal Online; even when things looked their bleakest.

    Phocian Night will be granted The Achievement Medal, for Phocian has been a reliable and longstanding member of the community who provides in game services (such as butchery and crafting) and also contributes by creating videos to document our achievements. The Medal for Service to the Kingdom will be given to him for his continuous development of the weapons used by Ducal Garrison and his dedication to ensure a steady supply of weapons are available.

    Sir Rhygar apGwynn will receive The Achievement Medal for his dedicated recruitment of new members throughout Nave, many of whom have now become pillars of the society.

    Rhitca Drey will be granted The Commendation Medal, and is to be commended for his dedication to Wessex and his determination to take part in guild events; despite his timezone being prohibitive. His contributions have been noteworthy.

    Mr. Roy Koh, Esquire is to be awarded the Achievement Medal for tireless efforts in service to Wessex in Agon organization and recruitment, in addition to the Distinguished Star of Merit, for Roy Koh was instrumental in the success of the third campaign on Agon due to his tireless enthusiasm, knowledge of the land and the level of preparation and execution of tactics that led to victory in numerous battles and sieges.
    In addition, he is granted Medal for Service to the Kingdom for creating a colony of Wessex within Darkfall and for overlooking its growth and recruitment.

    Sarek Bane is to be granted The Achievement Medal for going above and beyond the call of duty in service to Wessex in Agon, contributing to the creation of Hyperion and the server alliance.

    Silvio Dante is to receive The Achievement Medal, for Silvio has gone to great lengths to provide many hundreds of carcasses from which he donates the proceeds directly to the coffers of Wessex. His camaraderie and spirit has inspired others to such generosity.
    The Medal for Service to the Kingdom will be awarded to him for his constant drive to create extremely helpful and informative programs that have helped Wessex socially and also strategically. He has gone above and beyond the call of duty in creating said programs.

    Tarek Bane is to be granted The Achievement Medal for going above and beyond the call of duty in service to Wessex in Agon, contributing to the creation of Hyperion and the server alliance.

    Sir Tarscanian Sothenic is to receive the Medal for Service to the Kingdom for creating a colony of Wessex within Darkfall and for overlooking its growth and recruitment. The Distinguished Star of Merit goes to Tarscanian for being instrumental in the success of the third campaign on Agon by blending his knowledge of in game politics with his knowledge our feudal system to drive Wessex forward with determination.

    Wooster Redwood, High Reeve of Nave is to receive The Royal Award for Meritorious Achievement for having taken it upon himself to see that all taxes are collected safely and in a timely manner. He currently runs six characters whose sole purpose is to benefit the Duchy and its inhabitants. Wooster has never lifted a sword but is responsible for the smooth running of our war machine by supplying countless thousands of scales and steel ingots for the equipping of our garrison and militia. Wooster is also the chief architect of the glorious keep of Wentus-Castrum and all that surrounds it. Wooster Redwood is one of the pillars of our society in the county of Nave, and deserves the ultimate in recognition. In addition we award a Medal for Service to the Kingdom for inspiring Wessex members towards a common goal, The Dream Fund, and creating events in which to raise money to achieve this goal. The Dream Fund and his post "Dream of Wentus Castrum" was very inspirational. His constant commitment to improving Wessex through the Dream Fund has always been a very noble cause. We also present him with The Commendation Medal for his service as an advisor to Sir Bastor, Bailiff of Nave, with loyalty, dedication and valour. Finally, Wooster receives The LSV Iron Cross for constructing siege equipment in enemy territory and supplying boulders to these during the Talusian Campaign.

    To Zehtuka Fireglore we award the Commendation Medal. Zehtuka donated significant quantities of his personal wealth to the coffers of Wessex at a time when he could easily have used the coin to further his personal agenda. His generosity was vital in establishing the structure of our society upon Nave.

    To His Grace, Maejohl Iudex, Duke of Andruk, we award the Distinguished Star of Merit for his work in diplomatically uniting the Kingdom of Hyperion with the rest of the Darkfall server in Agon in a bid to overthrow the ruling SUN clan, as well as to provide some life and grandeur to the server as well as the return of Hyperion. We also award him the Distinguished Star of Heroism for his role in the reformation of Hyperion in Agon.

    May the Light of the Sun bless and keep the people of Wessex.

    Last edited by Manus Dei; 05-30-2011 at 09:19 PM.

  2. #2
    Jaidyn Sothenic's Avatar
    Jaidyn Sothenic is offline Lord of Brockmoore
    Earl of Launceston

    Warden of Wessex
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    Well done to each one of you, it warms my heart to see such medals awarded to the fine men and women of Wessex.
    I hope to see many more medals such as these rewarded to you all in the future years.

    It is an honour to serve with you all!

    May Soldeus bless you all and the paths you tread within Wessex.

    Sir Kaylem

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009


    Congratulations to all the men and women of Wessex whom have received medals and recognition for their achievements. You have all earned it and I hope that your future continues to be as bright as your past.

    May our Heavenly Father smile upon you all.

  4. #4


    Congratulations to all who were honored. It is a pleasure to serve with all of you whom I do. I look forward towards meeting and working with those who I have not yet met.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2010


    Congratulations to everyone on this list and to those who work hard and are commited to making Wessex a better guild.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2009


    Ayeh. Congratulations to everyone that have been awarded. All of these have deserved what they got coming.
    Except, of course, I must be humble and say I could've settled for less.

    "It is said, that when Wooster's name is mentioned, trees tremble in fear."

  7. #7


    Well done to all and so a new "Dawn" begins for Wessex in MO.

  8. #8


    Congratulations to all, I'm honoured to play and "serve" the Duchy with so many good and brave folks.

  9. #9


    Congratulations to everyone. Your all most deserving.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2009


    Congrats to everyone. Thanks for making Wessex a great Kingdom.

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