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Thread: List of Spells/Skills to get to be viable:

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default List of Spells/Skills to get to be viable:

    Straight from our man at Zagenda, we got a list of requirements that will make you viable:

    Ironskin +50
    Haste melee 50+
    Range haste 50+
    Arrow ward 50+
    Volcano 75+
    Toxic Rain 75+
    2x R90 of your choice 75+ (r90-1 + r90-2)
    Magmastorm 75+
    Needles 75+
    Wall of force 75+
    Blind 75+
    Heal other 75+
    (updated)Sacrifice 75+
    (updated)The combination to be used here upon called AOE burst;Wall of force --> Volcano --> r90-1 --> needles --> Magmastorm --> r90-2


    Forgive me if its abit unclear, its a direct copy/cut.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008


    Good post - To be worked on;
    Ranged Haste, Arrow Ward, Volcano, Toxic Rain, Another R90. Magmastorm, Needles, WoF, Blind, Heal other, Sacrifice... probably worth getting witches brew first too :P

  3. #3


    I'm far from viable.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2008


    I dont have Volcano 75+
    Toxic Rain 75+
    2x R90 of your choice 75+ (r90-1 + r90-2)
    Magmastorm 75+
    Needles 75+
    Wall of force 75+

    These are not viable at all to be honest, all depends what style you want to play, i only use afew spells, mixed with archery/melee
    I use 2x r50's, 1x r90, eyerot, 2x rays, vampric touch and afew others like stamina leech.

  5. Default

    That's a good list to have as a long term goal if you want to be a mage/hybrid. However as Roy said you do not need all that to be viable, hell in Raged we hardly had anyone with anything like those skills and yet we did very well.

    If you do want to build your character up with those spells then it's probably a good idea to do it while farming mobs. That way you will get the gold you need and it won't feel like as much of a grind since you would be killing mobs for gold anyway.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Its whats being used in group fights to be able to take on highly skilled opponents. I agree its not needed to be viable in direct pvp but against Z5 for example its very usefull. A long term goal as said, yeah.

  7. Default

    It's definitely useful, I'm going to be skilling 2 R100s, Toxic Rain and Magma Storm when I get back on.

    I'm just very aware that people can look at something like this and think "if I go back to DF I'll have to grind for ages just to be useful" and then be put off returning whereas the reality is that you will be useful with only some minimal skilling up.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2011


    In sieges Acid rain is very helpfull and we all should focus on it tbh.

    Rlly important is >sacrifice< and melee haste and everybody should have it to be viable in pvp and even pve.

    With Acid rain we can quickly pull out dmg on buildings in sieges etc. or to defend our own citys. Command is here rlly important to focus on a certain position but in large group fights its a huge advantage.

    For me the most important spells are: sacrifice,eyerot,confusion,witchesbrew,Stormblast,Wall of Force,

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