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Thread: Exciting times for Darkfall

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Quote Originally Posted by Aikar View Post
    I think i explained why im here on previous posts.
    For me to go back and read I have one response... Tl;dr

    " Life is a test many quest the universe, And through my research, I felt the joy and the hurt, The first shall be last and the last shall be first, The basic instructions before leaving earth " - GZA

  2. #12


    Remember how it says Wessex is about practical RP Aikar? Having just H/M/D races isn't exactly practical. Since the top pvpers consist of a lot of Alfars it's just crippling to allow 3 out of 6 races. Best pvper on the dfo wsx roster is currently an alfar for example.

  3. #13
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    ARAC clans was always a big disappointment to me in Darkfall. But its no fault of any players, its the Darkfall team that failed at making races meaningful. Now i don't see any reasons to ban certain races from your clan.

  4. #14


    Yes i know that, basically everyone is arac for size and easymode purposes, and there are no incentives ingame that may make people quit from arac approach and the playerbase we have now is rarely interested in anything else other than ffa pvp 24/7 without much meaning aside of looting infernal.

    However thats what im talking about, you rather say ok lets get those alfar/wolfs that fight well too and then maybe we make up some "lore" to make them fit somehow into a kingdom/duchy government with aurean church. You seriously dont find this contradictory with the gameworld? Many in our alliance do.
    Its if i say ok we are gonna be a nazi nation allowing chinese, blacks and gipsies. It just doesnt make sense when you have to back it up with darkfall lore, or it feels forced because of other reasons not concerning a rp structure/background.

    But the most important thing is that if youre just gonna follow that kind of criteria, what will be left of the original duchy of wessex people and concepts in a while?
    What type of player do you expect from a mahirim that joins a supposedly duchy medeieval rp-structured clan? or an ork? Ok you might get skilled players but you seriously think this people will give a shit about the clan rank structure or work for ideals that you are already putting to a lower step rpwise by allowing other races?
    Dont want to be dramatic here but I think that above getting skilled players there is getting the RIGHT players, those players dont have to be necessarily experienced but feel commited to the original idea this clan represented and see things such as getting all races in as going backwards more than enhancing what made this clan great.

    And no there is no problem in going arac, i mean, i dont like that every clan is arac i find it boring but i see their reasons and those clans usually dont give a shit about rp, but duchy of wessex?

    I just loved this clan so much, thats why I may seem a bit dramatic but really dont like this approach, and im not telling this to bash the leadership or anything, its not my intention, its because i really loved what this clan represented, really admire the leadership and what you guys managed to pull off which was for me the most amazing playerdriven gaming society i ever participated in.
    I would in fact joined wessex if i didnt have the "energy" to pull off equilibrium by myself, which btw was inspired a lot on my love for this clan.

    What i think is that you need a bit more faith in following your ideals and stick to that. Dont be afraid of not having many members, or many good pvpers, because the basis and the real legend this amazing clan created didnt come from skilled players or numbers (as most of forumfall seems to attain your success to because they really dont have much clue other than king manus had twentywhatever holdings at one point), it came from the belief of creating a fully working feudal gaming society, where everything worked as a perfect machinery (as manus himself said) that gave a whole new dimension of fun to those players looking for this type of experience... and i feel being RAC was probably one of the strong pillars to sustain such a unique enviroment that will never be matched.
    Hell it was pulled so far beyond that this community alone could be a game itself. Also to mention your splendid work with photoshop or flash and the politeness and precision on every detail regarding your background or social structure which mimics feudal societies as best as any game can allow and beyond. Thats simply real talent.

  5. #15
    Malachi Drake is offline The Usurper
    Former Bishop of Wessex
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aikar View Post
    I think i explained why im here on previous posts
    But as a sidenote im at work and cannot log into darkfall so that may be an extra reason
    Anyways, im going to bed.
    One would like a job where they may sleep while at work!

    Quote Originally Posted by Keaven Haliday View Post
    For me to go back and read I have one response... Tl;dr
    Next person to tl;dr on these forums can enjoy a temp ban. So disrespectful and immature. Come on Keaven... you won't tempt me to DF with that

  6. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Ninogan Swiftstep View Post
    Remember how it says Wessex is about practical RP Aikar? Having just H/M/D races isn't exactly practical. Since the top pvpers consist of a lot of Alfars it's just crippling to allow 3 out of 6 races. Best pvper on the dfo wsx roster is currently an alfar for example.
    Yes but I think most of us see the practical rp as in not forcing to act in character or rping things that are not realistic with the gameworld. I firmly believe in that too. And thats why i believe going arac is so against the foundations of wessex.

    Wessex roleplay is almost entirely about social structure and background and thats where going arac directly hits against. Its gaming convenience at the expense of losing in background and meaning, while at the same time be more similar to the rest of the clans out there and potentially getting people that is not as commited to what wessex really means as what the roster had at release.
    Last edited by Aikar Walmoor; 12-21-2010 at 08:35 AM.

  7. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by Malachi Drake View Post
    One would like a job where they may sleep while at work!
    Yes im very lucky in that regard i guess, sometimes i even get to sleep a bit!

    Nice to see you.

  8. #18


    To be honest, last I played DF I wasn't even really registering who was what race. The game itself does nothing to make it important, or anything else for that matter, other than PvP. As Kaylem said, you can still incorporate it into RP if you want.

    If the game allowed you to change race a race-specification would be practical but as it stands it isn't. From what I understand some old members might've rerolled into "evil" characters and/or their new friends that are joining Wessex with them are of those races.

    Primarily Kaylem and the rest have gone back to DF because they want to have some fun with friends. Don't under value that last factor; with friends. Bringing in race restrictions would exclude players that were Wessex before or those who would want to join their friends in the same clan. At the launch of DF it worked marginally better as everyone knew of the planned rule, but even then it caused issues. It is the same reason we jettisoned that requirement for MO.

  9. #19
    Manus Dei's Avatar
    Manus Dei is offline His Majesty, King Manus of Hyperion
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rhygar apGwynn View Post
    To be honest, last I played DF I wasn't even really registering who was what race. The game itself does nothing to make it important, or anything else for that matter, other than PvP. As Kaylem said, you can still incorporate it into RP if you want.

    If the game allowed you to change race a race-specification would be practical but as it stands it isn't. From what I understand some old members might've rerolled into "evil" characters and/or their new friends that are joining Wessex with them are of those races.

    Primarily Kaylem and the rest have gone back to DF because they want to have some fun with friends. Don't under value that last factor; with friends. Bringing in race restrictions would exclude players that were Wessex before or those who would want to join their friends in the same clan. At the launch of DF it worked marginally better as everyone knew of the planned rule, but even then it caused issues. It is the same reason we jettisoned that requirement for MO.
    Right, and I will back up Sir Rhygar here to say that while the creation of a functioning in game society/kingdom was always the main goal of Wessex, it was always with the understanding, as long as the game supports it. We have never been one to handicap ourselves against the way the game actually is for the sake of an ideal - rather, our structures and concepts were chosen because in addition to being immersive, they are supposed to work. If Darkfall doesn't give any incentives to not be ARAC, then that is not our fault. It profits us nothing to force a specific race and class on our people because of our notions of "racial war". You will find in games, as well as in real societies, that racism, xenophobia, etc goes out the window when it's in everyone's best interest, hence, the realities of global commerce and ecclectic societies as they exist today.

    Now, on a historical note - Hyperion became ARAC because we conquered vast swaths of territory where certain races dwelled. I was king of the entire region of Morak, so at that point, what ought we to do, not allow orks? Heh, the Greeks always hated the Persians, but when Alexander conquered Persia, what was he supposed to do? Not allow Persians in his domain?

    At any rate, the present venture in Darkfall is not Wessex proper. It's not a duchy - it's a colony. Think the North American British colonies. They were headed by governors, not landed lords, and these did so in the name of the British Crown. And, as is often the case with venture colonies like this, they are rather motley and diverse. Think Barbados, or British Guiana for our current Darkfall enterprise, and Sir Kaylem as governor, holding what he holds as representative of a distant and occasionally concerned seat of power. The character of the colony itself: filled with all the color and variety of a port or a frontier town.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    Good post Your Grace. I hope Aikar is still reading this, as that should explain the Duchy's reasoning to him.

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