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Thread: The Testament of Sol Deus

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    Default The Testament of Sol Deus

    The Testament of Sol Deus

    Book 1

    In the eternal darkness before our actuality, there existed nothing. Then, in an instant, CREATION. Mystic beings of great power sprang forth to dwell upon the ether, each attuned to a singular focus. Sol Deus, the Sun God, who shown brightly against his fellow beings, was immediately attacked from behind by the now forgotten archon of shadows, who attempted to use the radiance of our Lord God to conceal his cowardly act. Sensing the attack, Sol Deus quickly pivoted and used his spear Leviaculo to impale the shadowy being, and justly bound the power of shadow as his own.

    The other beings, entities of pure chaos, in their own lust for power and fear of Our Lord’s new strength, fought against each other and Himself, unleashing a cosmic battle with beings slaying beings and feasting upon each other’s power. Often a victor would be slain before completing their consumption, and the essence of the slain would thus be lost across the ether.

    Sol Deus, in his divine wisdom, fought only to defend himself and used the chaotic natures of his fellow beings to His advantage. In this manner, most of our God’s foes were slain, and His Might surpassed the mightiest of the other pretender gods. Opposed to our Great Lord remained but fifteen other beings, with the second mightiest being the great beast Tauroct. As all eyed one another Tauroct did charge the archon of rebirth upon his four powerful legs and impaled her with his great horns and lifted her above his head, her essence spilling around Tauroct from her lifeless body. Tauroct's cloven hoofs then turned and came at Our Lord with great speed, but just before Tauroct could drive his gore-stained horns into Our Lord, Sol Deus drew Leviaculo across his under-neck and slew him, and took as his reward all of Tauroct’s powers into Him. It is this final battle that we often celebrate in our imagery and at summer solstice in parable.

    Of the fourteen who remained, twelve did recognize that they were the least, and came to Our Lord with heads bowed low and offers to serve. Sol Deus, in his great sagacity, did accept their allegiance, and assigned to each a period of cosmic cadence. That each would own and regulate their own, but would align with each other so that none would become more powerful than the rest, and that all would serve as counter to one another. To this they all ratified their covenant with Tauroct’s blood.

    The last to remain free willed was Luna, who desired to become more than the proceeding twelve and came to Our Lord as the harlot in an attempt to seduce our Glorius Father. But despite the great need that permeated his Holy Loins, our Lord Sol Deus did not lose himself in the false warmth of her offered softness. Instead he showed his contempt for her false temptation, and spent his seed by his own hand.

    Across the cosmos his seed thus traveled, until the spent part of his being had cooled to become the world we now walk upon. When Sol Deus saw what he had done he was struck with great inspiration, and cast toward the cooled world his spit and his breath, granting our world the air we breathe, and the water we drink. But our Great Lord was not content and, eyeing the subdued Luna who had been watching meekly, he offered her a bargain. For in His Wisdom he knew that the chaos of female idleness could be harnessed for the purpose of good by providing her a task under the direction of His illuminated sovereign guidance.

    With the bargain struck, Luna again offered herself to His Glory, in quavering submission and lost in honest desire. Sol Deus did accept her offering but once only, using only the soldier’s position of coitus, purely out of duty and not pleasure. Upon the completion of their union new life was created, deities of a lesser but chaotic nature. For this reason, Our Lord named her Requesta, for he knew that she should do whatever was asked of her, and that she should follow Him in all ways, being a little sun of silver who reflects His Glory when He shows her His will.
    Last edited by Azzerhoden Razeri; 08-01-2021 at 04:22 PM.
    Lord Azzerhoden Razeri, Viscount of Wessex, Bt.

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