Greetings brothers and sisters!
I am Magos formally of the guild Elysium now Redemption.
I am here today to call on your noble clan for aid in a time of war. We are under attack in the west by an evil dictator by the name of Kuthara who rides under the banner of Koto.
Once a man I fought with side by side for many battles, has turned on the members of his old clan and declaired war. This is an evil person that has his sights set on dictatorship and suppressing the free peoples of the west.
I have personally fought with your clan in the past. I know my former clan Elysium and yours have had political differences in the past but I believe we still share the core values with which we fight for in this great land of Nave.
So I ask you for aid to help us stand up and fight evil arising in the west hiding under the banner of Koto!