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  1. #1
    Malachi Drake is offline The Usurper
    Former Bishop of Wessex
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default INDEX, APPENDIX and FAQ


    Church of Soldeus; Dogma and Lore:
    Creation and Longing:
    Our Saviour:
    The Voice of Soldeus:
    Sin and Virtue:
    The Works of Mercy:
    The Obligations:
    Spiritual Life:
    Salvation and the Church:

    Church of Soldeus; Structure and Organisation:
    Church Structure:
    The Hierarchy:
    Clergy Titles:
    Spiritual Orders:

    The Cult of Sol Invictus:
    The Cosmogenesis:
    The Blasphemy:


    Church Dogma: Dogma is the established belief or doctrine held by the Church that is authoritative and not to be disputed.

    Church Lore: All the facts and traditions about the religion at the heart of the Church of Soldeus.

    Church of Soldeus: Members of the Church of Soldeus worship Soldeus. This term refers to both the religion that its members follow and to the ecclesiastical body that its members form. It is the official religion of the Kingdom of Hyperion (and thus the Duchy of Wessex) and all members of the clergy are a part of the Church of Soldeus.

    Cult of Sol Invictus: An older religion whose teachings have been declare heretical by the Church. Several prominent and key members of the Hyperion Kingdom still follow this religion.

    Eccumenical Council: The Eccumenical Council is a conference of the bishops of the whole of the Church of Soldeus; convened to discuss and settle matters of Church doctrine and practice.

    Nave: A goddess, who was killed by Umbra in a jealous rage and it is her body that forms the world we inhabit.

    Soldeus: The name given to our deity, the Sun God, who is worshiped by both the Church of Soldeus and the Cult of Sol Invictus. He is the King of the gods and has Dominion over both Nave and Heaven.

    Sol Invictus: Translated as the “Unconquerable Sun”; refering to Soldeus.

    Lucius: The name of our Saviour, of Soldeus Incarnate.

    Umbra: The dark and twisted lesser brother of Soldeus who always seeks to corrupt the work of Soldeus and take dominion over Nave.

    Last edited by Malachi Drake; 02-26-2010 at 11:01 AM.

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