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Thread: Call to Assize: Mister Rhodri Taliesin

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Default Call to Assize: Mister Rhodri Taliesin

    Members of Wessex, on this day let it be known that a Court of Assize has been called.

    Accused in this trial stands Mister Rhodri Taliesin, Esquire, for the crime of Murder.

    His accuser is Dreadlust Shadow. Dreadlust will be considered the Plaintiff in this case.

    The defendant who has not given previous notice of absence from the guild has 48 hours to select a representative to respond in his stead or acknowledge he is aware of the crime he stands accused of and that he is prepared to defend himself pro se.

    The defendant may also list witness' that may be called on his behalf. If this period passes without reply, the defendant shall be counted guilty and judged accordingly.

    At this time the plaintiff may only post any witness' that he wishes to be called on his behalf. Any other information or claims must be held until evidence is presented.

    The Carta Solis gives the defendant gentleman the right to a jury of his peers and members of his neighbourhood. The jury has been chosen to meet these criteria to the greatest extent possible. The following persons have been selected to attend as jury, and are to make their presence known to the court:

    -Wooster Redwood, Baronet
    -Otto Osterwind, Constable of Nave
    -Hawks Furysky, Esquire
    -Dismas Eleos, Ventenar

    Each person called to jury duty needs to post within the next 24 hours simply by making acknowledgment in this thread. If any person cannot be available, they must make it known at this time so they can be replaced. Further instructions will be given to the jury once it is assembled.

    All sides are prohibited from discussing the specifics of the case with any members of the jury under any circumstances until the trial has concluded. Jury tampering will be dealt with harshly.

    This trial is open to the view of the public.

    Sub Signum Rex.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2009



  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2011


    I understand the crimes that I am being accused of.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2013



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2010



  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2009



    "It is said, that when Wooster's name is mentioned, trees tremble in fear."

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    The jury has been assembled and the defendant has acknowledged the charge.

    The plaintiff may go ahead and make his case. Describe what happened and the events leading up to it, with as much detail as possible. Post any evidence you might have.

    Do so within 24 hours.
    Last edited by Altus Whyte; 11-16-2013 at 07:54 PM.

  8. #8


    During Friday, ‎October ‎4, ‎2013, ‏‎3:37:01 PM (Oceanic time zone) It started off as a boring day where the server war between 7L alliance and the GUTS alliance was coming to a complete stop due to both sides being bored from sieging assets so i asked 7L if there war was active and they told me that they did not know so i decided to take the tunghsteel-steel set and many other steel pieces i had looted in a battle, from Kranesh to Bakti due to the fact that Wessex is based out of there on my Dreadlust character. After i arrived into Bakti i transferred the armor set to my character named Kumiko due to the fact that i kept all the good armor pieces that i couldn't use on my main due to armor taking up too much bank space. While transferring the armor set i had noticed a old friend of mine from WSX was in Bakti who had left Wessex due to drama within the guild. I went up to him on the current character i was on which was Kumiko and added him onto my friends list to ask him why he had left and to see if he had changed his mind about leaving Wessex and tried to convince him to join Wessex again. After a while of talking to one another somebody yelled out that GUTS was outside the west gates, so i told Castiel to wait then grabbed my minimum dencity flakestone armor and some magic reagents and went outside to fight them. After i went outside of Bakti i spotted two mounted red GUTS members which ones name was Chicollo and the other one i forgot the name of circling around Bakti's west gates attacking people (Chicollo being a hammer user and the other one being a mounted archer). Due to GUTS being outside a few people engaged them including Rhodri and I near the hillside west of the town. Rhodri went all out and was fighting them 1 vs 2 and eventually got dismounted. During that time i could not heal anyone due a slight bug where your magic wont work on anyone. After a few minutes of skirmishing Rhodris mount eventually died and got knocked off of it and decided to walk towards the guardzone outside of Bakti in order to call the guards on the people outside as demonstrated in a different PvP video showing Rhodris habit when a fight is being lost ( http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KO8SC6lkCGk 3:40 onwards ). After Rhodri had called the guards on the enemy Chicollo got stuck on a bush due to a glitch and died to the guards. While his other friend was trying to get away he also got stuck on the same position and died. Due to no body being around i ran up to the lootbags and looted most of the loot off of the enemies bodies. The loot i got off the enemies included 3 messing and 1 steel mauls, 1 steel 2h star mace, a bow and almost 2 armor sets which included a molrium set and a steel/flakestone set. Due to me picking up so much loot i was weighed down tremendously and my speed was cut off more than half. Due to the fear of being attacked I decided to go the the outside, west fence of Bakti to log out while trying to contact Castiel to help me transfer the loot to my bank because he was afk i decided to log out once i arrived at the fence but canceled the logout when i saw a naked Rhodri arrive outside of the town gates along sides the south west fence and look down on the floor at his blue lootbag. Due to me seeing him dead and his lootbag being there i decided to follow the west fence northwards while using the auto run and to get this loot into my bank. After i arrived into town through the west gate Castiel had replied to the message i sent a while ago and asked if i needed help getting all of the loot into town and i replied "no I'm in town" then typed "I'm tiptoeing" reffering to how my character was moving. Before i could press enter to send the message to Castiel, Rhodri came out of no were naked with a one handed steel greatblade and started to attack me causing him to turn blue and ended up killing me. After he had killed me the guards then killed him due to him attacking someone in town. After taking screenshots( http://i.imgur.com/cWfLTAO.png Friday, ‎October ‎4, ‎2013, ‏‎4:02:55 PM)and ranting about Rhodri to Castiel, i quickly ran to the priest and resurrected making my way to my lootbag swiftly so it wont be looted by any griefers. When i arrived at my lootbag two lines of weapons + armor was missing. Even tho this was the case i looted all of my original gear and some of the gear that was left and banked most and afterwards gave the rest of the armor to naked players around Bakti. Before i gave the armors away i decided to rant about Rhodri in town about him killing me and why would he kill me and then after the 2 minute gray timer was up Rhodri had ressurected at the priest and said "I see your working with the Gutternsipes ey" (or something close to that) and i ranted more until another Wessex member that i forgot the name of came up to me and said "It sounds like butt hurt to me". I replied back to him forgetting what i actually said then Kreager (A person that i had not spoken to since January) requested to be my friend and started to ask me question such as what guilds are you with, are you guilded etc. I replied as straightforward as possible and removed him off of my friends list then gave the armor away to naked aroundBakti since i could not use it due to me being a free to play.

    Corrections by the plaintiff:
    Before i could press enter to send the message to Castiel, Rhodri came out of no were naked with a one handed steel greatblade and started to attack me causing him to turn grey and ended up killing me. After he had killed me the guards then killed him due to him attacking someone in town.
    I replied back to him forgetting what i actually said then Kreager (A person that i had not spoken to since April) requested to be my friend and started to ask me question such as what guilds are you with, are you guilded etc.
    Last edited by Altus Whyte; 11-17-2013 at 10:08 AM.

    "Where there is light, there is shadow, but the shadow cannot shine. Thus it lives, fights, and dies in the darkness, so the light can continue to shine. That is the fate of a shadow."

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2009


    The defendant can now go ahead and present his version of events.

    Do so within 24 hours.
    Last edited by Altus Whyte; 01-17-2014 at 11:09 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2011


    First of I'd like to thank the Jury and the Sheriff for their time and participation here.

    On the day in question I remember see a /yell around town that the Guttersnipes had arrived in Bak'ti. After trying to assemble a counter force in town and finding none to join the fight. I decided to take a stand against the red raiders myself. I was in Teamspeak with Kreager Stonewall at the time, who was not logged into game, enjoying general banter. After a few minutes of the fight going back and forth with some performance issues on my own end (such as freezing in place at inopportune moments). I ended up being an easy target for the raiders.

    As I was attempting to make my way towards the safety of the town riding down hill, I noticed a grouping of players blue flagged and grey flagged, one of those players being "Kumiko", who was throwing healing spells onto the Guttersnipe raiders blue-flagged players. Kumiko was wrapped in scale made Khurite Splinted armor. A character that until then I had never seen in or around Bak'ti. At this point I had been dismounted and cornered against the fence, surrounding Bak'ti, where I was struck with a few flamestrike spells and killed.

    Before I fell I had called the guards a few times, in hopes that if I were to die that my enemies might be taken with me. I ran to the priest, resurrected and made my way back towards the gate and towards my corpse to see what had occurred while I was dead, it appeared the enemy was dead, and that their bodies were looted, my own corpse looted empty (probably by the reds) upon passing, I noticed Kumiko who was now wearing pieces of steel armor where there was none before.

    Believing this person to have assisted in my demise and having looted his friends equipment as well as my own to preserve it for their own nefarious endeavors, I grabbed a blade and slew this person, upon inspection of the fallen Kumiko, my suspicions were confirmed when I found pieces of my armor with my armor markings. I always make my steel pieces marked as "Cavalier" & "Knight" As well as my personal sword. Within moments after having my suspicions confirmed I grabbed what was mine and then fell when the guards sought retribution upon my mechanically criminal status.
    Last edited by Rhodri Taliesin; 11-19-2013 at 08:09 AM. Reason: Adding minor detail of raiders being Red Flagged.

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